
Pees in the brown Koolaid
PFT is already digging in to spend the next couple years fixing all the maps that should have been getting fixed by the PDS since ORION was deployed
The problem isn’t maps.
The problem is unforseen variables, load issues, traffic, school buses, breakdowns, late air with meet points, pickup containment issues requiring help from other cars, irregs, location of bathrooms on rural routes, and misloads.
And thats just from January thru October. What happens during peak when we have to coordinate meet points with helpers, and when bags of stops that wouldn’t contain are brought out and dropped to us?
The bottom line is that the packages aren’t getting delivered on a map. They are getting delivered in the real world.


Bad Moon Risen'
I love Orion...I have more miles and less stops all without any change in my route area. What's not to love?
My center had RDO removed from our DIADs two weeks ago. I only had one NDA today so I decided to run ORION 100%.
Started out delivering 5 stops in the town I'm satellited in.
Then headed north and delivered about 25 in the next town north on my route.
Next the trace had me head farther north and deliver about 20 stops.
The trace then had me go back south 25 miles and finish the stops in the town I first started in.
Got back on the highway and drove back north the 25 miles to finish the rest of my stops in the town farthest from my satellite area. Did my pick ups and headed back south the 25 miles to my TP60 to drop the pieces off.

Worked 9 3/4 hours on a day that would only have taken a little over 8 if I ran the route based on my area knowledge. Could have saved at least 50 miles.
Thanks ORION!


Well-Known Member
I don’t believe UPS will EVER recoupe the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on ORION, with the amount of upkeep and geek time it will spend on it. Typical UPS. Spend 600 million to save 50 million in fuel per year! I look forward to being forced to run it. I already beat it by 10-12 miles per day, running RDO and run scratch or close to. The last time I tried ORION, they had to send me help to finish my businesses and was over by almost 2 hours. That was the end of that. Since I suck at math it’s 100% for me, except to not miss air commits. Like I have time to figure out trace breaks and percentages!

If this system is so smart and I have +/- 15 minutes for my scheduled pickups with a afternoon scheduled pick up times, why are they my 1st two ORION stops every morning? Oh, that’s right the CUSTOMER or SERVICE is no longer in the equation!


Lunch is the best part of the day
It's currently 2 degrees outside. That diesel truck you just saved 5 miles by using orion is now idling in the yard for 4 hours. Waiting for the reload to finish and the jockeys to put it on a mobile doghouse.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
UPS: We no longer trust your judgement as a driver so we will threaten you with discipline for failing to use our new system at 90%.

Also UPS: Our new system doesn’t work, so we need you to come in to the office and share your area knowledge with us in order to help us figure out how to fix it.

Driver: Kiss my ass.


IE boogeyman
The problem isn’t maps.
The problem is unforseen variables, load issues, traffic, school buses, breakdowns, late air with meet points, pickup containment issues requiring help from other cars, irregs, location of bathrooms on rural routes, and misloads.
And thats just from January thru October. What happens during peak when we have to coordinate meet points with helpers, and when bags of stops that wouldn’t contain are brought out and dropped to us?
The bottom line is that the packages aren’t getting delivered on a map. They are getting delivered in the real world.
would it blow your mind if i told you almost every one of those things can be planned into ORION?


IE boogeyman
If this system is so smart and I have +/- 15 minutes for my scheduled pickups with a afternoon scheduled pick up times, why are they my 1st two ORION stops every morning? Oh, that’s right the CUSTOMER or SERVICE is no longer in the equation!
because your AM parameters or the RDO underneath is completely :censored2:ed up


Been around the block a few times
I will just have to go “old school” and manually sort and line my stops up using memory and area knowledge in order to get the work done.

That is the way I do it anyway. Orion is a bust and useless.
On certain days it will have me delivering residential until about 4 and then start my business deliveries right before pickup time.
That was not how I was raised back in the day.
Residential is secondary to any business.


Been around the block a few times

  1. If that is taken away and replaced with a constantly-fluctuating and functionally useless ORION “solution” then it looks like I will just have to go “old school” and manually sort and line my stops up using memory and area knowledge in order to get the work done.
    honestly that will take you longer than just running the solution
Wrong on that one. I either meet or beat the mileage and beat the time by at least an hour and a half


Been around the block a few times
would it blow your mind if i told you almost every one of those things can be planned into ORION?

You know, you keep coming on here to justify Orion and its function. I applaud your dedication to the beast that is Orion. However, the one ultimate question that remains is.....Why, if all these variables could be included in the Orion solution, was it not done right before implementation?
What could have been a thing that is helpful or beneficial has made a mockery of the UPS driver position and made us look like fools.


IE boogeyman
Wrong on that one. I either meet or beat the mileage and beat the time by at least an hour and a half
parameters or the map info are :censored2:ed up

Why, if all these variables could be included in the Orion solution, was it not done right before implementation?
because we’re retarded?

the real answer is our base maps are so :censored2:ed up but nobody wants to admit that it would take 3-5 years of detailed work being done in each district by PFT

nobody wants to sit down and actually fix the system when they can just blame drivers


Yes, I know I'm working late.
parameters or the map info are :censored2:ed up

because we’re retarded?

the real answer is our base maps are so :censored2:ed up but nobody wants to admit that it would take 3-5 years of detailed work being done in each district by PFT

nobody wants to sit down and actually fix the system when they can just blame drivers
Looks like the only ones at UPS that have to do their jobs right is the driver.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
parameters or the map info are :censored2:ed up

because we’re retarded?

the real answer is our base maps are so :censored2:ed up but nobody wants to admit that it would take 3-5 years of detailed work being done in each district by PFT

nobody wants to sit down and actually fix the system when they can just blame drivers
We dont correct stupid mistakes at UPS, we double down on them.
Assigning blame is far more important than actually solving the problem.
Which is why it is perfectly acceptable to spend $500 saving a dime, as long as you can make the dime show up on your report and the $500 show up on someone else’s.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
parameters or the map info are :censored2:ed up

because we’re retarded?

the real answer is our base maps are so :censored2:ed up but nobody wants to admit that it would take 3-5 years of detailed work being done in each district by PFT

nobody wants to sit down and actually fix the system when they can just blame drivers
What is PFT?


Well-Known Member
parameters or the map info are :censored2:ed up

because we’re retarded?

the real answer is our base maps are so :censored2:ed up but nobody wants to admit that it would take 3-5 years of detailed work being done in each district by PFT

nobody wants to sit down and actually fix the system when they can just blame drivers

yeah that bugs me all the time, management should be hammered for lazy :censored2: like this
You are a management Unicorn(too good to be true). Do you voice your opinion's on the conference calls like you do here? I would hope you do for the sake of all of us and the company.


IE boogeyman
What is PFT?
Package Flow Technology; the IE for dispatching basically

You are a management Unicorn(too good to be true). Do you voice your opinion's on the conference calls like you do here? I would hope you do for the sake of all of us and the company.
i used to, it got me into a lot of :censored2: for a bit

now i try to sneak and nag my opinions onto others, it’s been far better for everyone tbh

the trick is to basically whisper the truth in the ears of an ops manager or two and let them fight your battle for you; nobody cares what anyone below DM thinks

el blanco

this will be interesting when it occurs...

management will have to produce or fold