Herman Cain


golden ticket member
One of the ladies says she doesn't want to come out about it......so what's with the ruckus??? A lot of nothing, I think!


Well-Known Member
One of the ladies says she doesn't want to come out about it......so what's with the ruckus??? A lot of nothing, I think!
exactly,,,, this whole mess has everything with going after Cain to slow him down. Period. This is not something these women have come up with to all of a sudden raise awareness of anything. All in the game of politics.


Für Meno :)
One of the ladies says she doesn't want to come out about it......so what's with the ruckus??? A lot of nothing, I think!

No, she happens to be a liberal, and wants to wait until and if Cain is the nominee and then take him down ! Hahhahhaaa !


Well-Known Member
No, she happens to be a liberal, and wants to wait until and if Cain is the nominee and then take him down ! Hahhahhaaa !
If that were the case then I was wonder if she were lying to begin with. It wouldnt be about doing the right thing... would be more about the politics. But alas.... a lot of if and buts and still no proof


Nine Lives

Separated at birth:
Gollum and Carville.jpg

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Cain probably just kept asking for sex, that's all.
But, as we all know, you can't do that in the work place. But, he did.

Really???? You have proof...if so please let everyone know. Did you talk to one of the accusers or were you there when this all went down? This is amazing that you know he did it. I think many news organizations would love to interview you.


Strength through joy
Amazing Rev Jackson is being sued for sexual harassment by another male ( named Bennett) and no one is carrying the story.
Yet another Bennett who can not recall a simple document he signed is 12 years ago ( which he neglected to keep ) and who had a press interview with days upon days to prepare has proven himself to be a fool. He denies many things in the signed document , but he is clear that H.C. was guilty without a doubt. The NRA has released his client from the silence clause and he still is screaming for justice, even after his client told him to shut up.
I think I know where the media leak began.
I hope the leftist MSM hounds Bennett's client until she finally speaks, because by their own actions it opens up a can of worms the even the great messiah will become a victim of.
That was sexual consent, if anything, maybe Monika should have been charged for seducing herself and sexual harrassment.
She did brag about the mint in her mouth.....

Followed by a sting of lies and loony liberal twisting of words from Billy boy, under oath to the US congress plus attempts to get Monica to also lie under oath.

Look up the meaning of work place of sexual harassment.


I am going to keep asking you for a direct answer on who YOU are leaning toward to fix the mess this country is in. Every post is critical of government, the candidates and the system, but I have not read anything from you that shows
who you would like to see in the White House and why they might have a positive impact on this country?
How about it? Are you going to ignore this post also?
why is it everyone contributing here must "believe in america" and the system as-is, as a prerequisite? does that make you or anyone else a better person?


as i was saying over a month ago, despite the naysayer knuckle-draggers that were drooling over the lavishly dumbed down and ready-to-eat 999...

this looks promising...thank Koch for this economic plan. ;D



Well-Known Member
The more the media tries to "report" on Cain, it's coming off as a witch hunt. No proof, just accusations. The time that the "settlement" occured, there were alot of payouts from companies to just make it go away, no matter if the accusations were true or not.

Lets stop trying to dig up dirt and listen to the current issues.
The more the media tries to "report" on Cain, it's coming off as a witch hunt. No proof, just accusations. The time that the "settlement" occured, there were alot of payouts from companies to just make it go away, no matter if the accusations were true or not.

Lets stop trying to dig up dirt and listen to the current issues.
I agree, but that has become the way of politics. Attack attack attack. The so obvious hypocrisy of dirt finding has side tracked important issues way too much.


golden ticket member
Sleeve...one side has Koch, one side has Soros...................they all get money from rich people. The rich ones cancel each other out.


Staff member
Do you really think Cain wants to talk about the issues? He's never been more popular than when playing the victim of the attacks. And what happens when the "Koch brother from another mother" starts talking issues? "Uzbekibekibekistanstanstan" just sounds like he can't be bothered with those little countries or has no idea of the nuclear and technological capabilities of that third world nation called China. Think he wants the lid blown off his 999 plan? Not if Sleeve's chart is accurate.

And the Obama Administration? I would say that if the Cain Train is still on track three months from today, they won't be able to contain their glee. Seeing the hard-hitting ad they already have against Romney and the obvious material they have on Cain, running against an obstructionist party that puts forth a not-ready-for-prime-time candidate smooths out their return to the White House.