Herman Cain


golden ticket member
And even if the republican party wins the next election, holy crap - you think congress is dysfunctional now, then just wait when the Tea-party side can't agree with the Romney side or vice versa. How are bills ever to get passed then ?

The republican party is divided, and there is no doubt about that.
But, then again, maybe many Tea-party seats will be replaced, too ?
You talk like the Romney side and the Tea Party side are opposites!! Not the case. Whoever becomes the GOP candidate will be embraced by the Tea Party. It's all ONE PARTY !!!!!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The republican party is as bad as the democrat party. If you are in congress, and have been for your life, do you want your free flow of oodles of cash taken away. Of course you dont. It needs to be a house for the people, not a house for hoarding, and spending of the money of the people you were suppose to represent.


Für Meno :)
The republican party is as bad as the democrat party. If you are in congress, and have been for your life, do you want your free flow of oodles of cash taken away. Of course you dont. It needs to be a house for the people, not a house for hoarding, and spending of the money of the people you were suppose to represent.

That's what's wrong with American politics, politicians are allowed to take "bribes" (money from big corperations), unlike other democratic countries.
If they do, it's a scandal in other countries.

Here, maybe 1 day you'll follow our lead : Elections Canada Online | New Rules for Federal Political Donations

And too bad tooner, you , yourself, can't donate more then $1100.

And yes, I agree, it's something that the dems or the reps in the US would never agree upon to put into law. They want $$$$$$ !!!
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As the argument goes, the founders of this country told Britain to buzz off, basically, and said we are not recognizing you as our rulers anymore.

If a group of people were to do that today in the U.S., did not recognize the laws, politicians, the taxation and everything else that comes with mainstream society, they would be infiltrated by the gov't and put in prison.

You are missing the intent of my post - it is that UPSlifer was basically stating that unless you have a better idea for a presidential candidate and generally something constructed upon the present system of government and economy, then you do not have room to be critical of that very system. And that line "not voting is a cop out" is absurdity and a cop-out in itself, at best.

I understand your position, what I do not understand is why simply not voting does anything constructive. Typing your malcontent with the present system does very little constructive unless you vote to get people in that will make a difference in that system.
I disagree with saying not voting is a cop out is in of it's self a cop out. To me, complaining about the government and not voting is a little like having a huge weight on your shoulder but not doing anything to make the weight less because you can't shed the whole load at once. This system wasn't created over night, other than an out right violent revolution I doubt it can be changed over night. Everyone in politics has an agenda including the Rs, Ds ,Ls and the Ps. Some of those are close to being the same and some not so close, but there are still agendas.
I'm not happy with the current government right now either, I don't think many people are. To get to where you seem to want us to be it was take a total new system, a revamping would not do. So the question is, what would you like to see put in place?


Für Meno :)
If you don't like what you see, you don't vote !
I've done it before and why not ?

If I would have made a vote, that would mean 1 candidate gets my ok.
Well, no, - that's not my goal.
The successful winning candidate just sees numbers and thinks of supporters. In reality I would have only chosen 1 less evil from another.
So, I do agree with wkmac and sleeve, not to vote, until they actually have a reason to vote for, or atleast a candidate that they can actually stand behind.
If you don't like what you see, you don't vote !
I've done it before and why not ?

If I would have made a vote, that would mean 1 candidate gets my ok.
Well, no, - that's not my goal.
The successful winning candidate just sees numbers and thinks of supporters. In reality I would have only chosen 1 less evil from another.
So, I do agree with wkmac and sleeve, not to vote, until they actually have a reason to vote for, or atleast a candidate that they can actually stand behind.
Oh what a shocker a canadian agrees with sleeve and mac. Wow, I am so surprised.