Commercial Inside Release
Well-Known Member
I've been called a ton of things, a lot of them deserved. But, I've never been so insulted, as to be called Canadian!
Show me how to do better, was my response. CricketsWhat’s interesting is all the stuff that is NOT figured in,
Basically you get a short amount of AM time, a short amount of PM time and your paid breaks as a start of “allowed time”. Then each stop in a particular area gets a standard allowance of time with a small additional allowance for mutil packages and another small allowance for over 70. Not every irregular counts.. i.e. set of four truck tires weighing 68lbs are same as four letter envelopes.
Then you get an allowance for getting to/from area and this number can be way off, and never in you ur favor. Then they add an average amount of time (optimistic based on ideal conditions) for every mile you drive on area. The total of these allowances is added up and compared with your actual paid day and the difference is “over allowed”. There’s a report for your route called the “Planned Day Report” made obnoxiously difficult to read as they express all the time allowances in “hours” so the resi stop allowance will be something like “0.0083 hours” instead of 30 secs. A few addons at the end.. I.e. other work codes like training or approved meeting are backed out. If you pull a P-60 you get a little time for each couple and uncouple.
What are not in there....
Time spent walking the stop off, time to fill out info notes, time to search in your car, time to open and close gates, time to put on, remove, adjust, fix tire chains, time to answer messages from center, basically anything you have to do every day that’s not in my first two paragraphs above... you get zero allowance for. I’m sure there’s more I’m not thinking of now. I have a stop that has to be in 4x4 during winter but they don’t assign me one so it’s 15 minute round trip walk assuming the package is able to be carried because a handcart is futile. I get about 30 secs allowance, Last winter I kept track of walking time a couple days.. well over an hour with no allowance. (If I can’t walk it off I get s 4x4 at end of night when driver done with it and go back, creating even more “over allowed” since the plan didn’t call for double trip.)
Had argument one night with ORS about being told to sheet packages as “weather delay” when it was clearly not a severe weather day, everything plowed, just a normal December day, He stated that “of course” it’s weather,,,he could show me figures that prove we can’t go as fast in December as June.
Seriously? If you have those figures why not use them?
I frankly have not paid much attention to my own numbers for some time, They are laughable, the formula is not based in reality. If ever questioned I will tell em “better do a ride along with me and show me what I’m doing wrong, I’d love to finish earlier!” This never happens.
May I have a demonstration?Show me how to do better, was my response. Crickets
LIndeed it does
Not that it matters, but...the know it alls will tell you it is all figured in. And while it is correct, that the union does not recognize the numbers, in my local they absolutely did nothing to stop the constant harrassment over them. I never enjoyed it like some do.What’s interesting is all the stuff that is NOT figured in,
Basically you get a short amount of AM time, a short amount of PM time and your paid breaks as a start of “allowed time”. Then each stop in a particular area gets a standard allowance of time with a small additional allowance for mutil packages and another small allowance for over 70. Not every irregular counts.. i.e. set of four truck tires weighing 68lbs are same as four letter envelopes.
Then you get an allowance for getting to/from area and this number can be way off, and never in you ur favor. Then they add an average amount of time (optimistic based on ideal conditions) for every mile you drive on area. The total of these allowances is added up and compared with your actual paid day and the difference is “over allowed”. There’s a report for your route called the “Planned Day Report” made obnoxiously difficult to read as they express all the time allowances in “hours” so the resi stop allowance will be something like “0.0083 hours” instead of 30 secs. A few addons at the end.. I.e. other work codes like training or approved meeting are backed out. If you pull a P-60 you get a little time for each couple and uncouple.
What are not in there....
Time spent walking the stop off, time to fill out info notes, time to search in your car, time to open and close gates, time to put on, remove, adjust, fix tire chains, time to answer messages from center, basically anything you have to do every day that’s not in my first two paragraphs above... you get zero allowance for. I’m sure there’s more I’m not thinking of now. I have a stop that has to be in 4x4 during winter but they don’t assign me one so it’s 15 minute round trip walk assuming the package is able to be carried because a handcart is futile. I get about 30 secs allowance, Last winter I kept track of walking time a couple days.. well over an hour with no allowance. (If I can’t walk it off I get s 4x4 at end of night when driver done with it and go back, creating even more “over allowed” since the plan didn’t call for double trip.)
Had argument one night with ORS about being told to sheet packages as “weather delay” when it was clearly not a severe weather day, everything plowed, just a normal December day, He stated that “of course” it’s weather,,,he could show me figures that prove we can’t go as fast in December as June.
Seriously? If you have those figures why not use them?
I frankly have not paid much attention to my own numbers for some time, They are laughable, the formula is not based in reality. If ever questioned I will tell em “better do a ride along with me and show me what I’m doing wrong, I’d love to finish earlier!” This never happens.
They can say “it’s all figured in” all they want. The “planned day report” shows every second of allowance. If it’s not on there, you are getting zero seconds allowed. Tooner, you always cared about doing a good job. So do I. I just gave up on being concerned with their numbers once I knew how much they are rigged against me. To me, “a good job” has nothing to do with “running scratch”. I’ve not been talked to about over allowed for a long time but if they want to talk I’ll simply insist on a ride along or STFU. They have never been able to show me anything that magically gets my route done an hour quicker.Not that it matters, but...the know it alls will tell you it is all figured in. And while it is correct, that the union does not recognize the numbers, in my local they absolutely did nothing to stop the constant harrassment over them. I never enjoyed it like some do.
I always believed I did a good job everyday. When I first started I thought the numbers were doable. Once I was straighten out, I never, ever looked, cared or asked. No one bothered me. “Their” numbers not mine.They can say “it’s all figured in” all they want. The “planned day report” shows every second of allowance. If it’s not on there, you are getting zero seconds allowed. Tooner, you always cared about doing a good job. So do I. I just gave up on being concerned with their numbers once I knew how much they are rigged against me. To me, “a good job” has nothing to do with “running scratch”. I’ve not been talked to about over allowed for a long time but if they want to talk I’ll simply insist on a ride along or STFU. They have never been able to show me anything that magically gets my route done an hour quicker.
I did what were called elemental time studies back in the 1980s. They were extremely accurate, but also very expensive to do. One day on the road with the driver and then half a day to do the manual calculations. Reviewed the time study with the driver and center management. We could tell them where each driver was under or over allowed (e.g. selection, inside and outside walks, etc.).Does leave building time, return, breaks, etc have any effect on it?
Just curious.
I have heard from center managers mouths that the allowances are totally jacked…enough said.Does leave building time, return, breaks, etc have any effect on it?
Just curious.
Bottom line, if you are a conscientious, experienced worker, consistent and thorough, and still can’t make “Their”numbers, then it can’t be done. Unless you run or cut corners, and that wasn’t gonna happen.Another over allowed don’t get extra credit for climbing steps even if you add the “floor” number. And no, it doesn’t add time allowance if you open stop next to the car and then close stop at the DR location, it’s still just the standard allowance for the stop plus tiny additional time for multiple packages,
They will always blow over this stuff and say we should make it up on other all averages out. But the allowances are all set to the most ideal, mythical best scenario where you can always park feet from the door, the packages are always right where you can easily select them in seconds, the weather is always sunny..... there’s another report that shows over allowed stop by stop.. very rarely your under allowed for a particular stop I.e. two suites next door to each other so the second one takes almost no time at all. But it’s a few seconds under while many other stops for various reasons will be minutes over allowed. You never get that time back.
The only number on the daily over allowed report rooted in truth is the number under “paid day”. That’s the amount of time that route actually took to run, that day with that particular load and dispatch. The rest is mathematical fantasy.
The sad thing about it is I’ve seen a few drivers over the years try to game the system and do things like add a bunch of over 70’s, have a spouse go out on rural routes to help with delivery, drivers full on sprinting… etc etc. Some of these folks got hung up on all of this and got fired.. even when the company told them to knock it off multiple times. Not worth it..I did what were called elemental time studies back in the 1980s. They were extremely accurate, but also very expensive to do. One day on the road with the driver and then half a day to do the manual calculations. Reviewed the time study with the driver and center management. We could tell them where each driver was under or over allowed (e.g. selection, inside and outside walks, etc.).
Now time studies are done based on GPS and common allowances for building types. In my opinion, not accurate at all. I retired in 2018 and nobody much cared for over/under because they knew it was kind of a joke. Do people really care now? Are you being beat on for performance?