How is over under timed?

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
I still input as much information as possible into the diad. It just helps to pass time, and perhaps memorize some names, businesses and apartment numbers in doing so. Not too worried about whether or not any one column grants time as long as I am maximizing the information I can record. DT load and Unload (when picking up and unloading packages outside of pickups EG air runs) is a big one still.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Does leave building time, return, breaks, etc have any effect on it?

Just curious.


Well-Known Member
He left last year I heard he took a position in lower 48. I think his youngest is out of house now she was in high school when I worked at hub few years back, I umpired some of her softball games. When he left he was Top Dog in state over package and air operations.

Some people hated him, I got along with him fine. One day the district told him to do a ride along with “whoever is most over allowed last week”. I was the senior cover driver i.e. they would put me on routes others had trouble with. Turned out I had run five routes in five days previous week... all routes I had done before but probably like once or twice a year or more ago. Bingo I was “most over allowed” lol. Whatever! Told Scott, “Great, I’ll enjoy the company.”

Scott obviously put the fix in, I got a sweet resi route that was loaded immaculately, nearly stop for stop. Think preload Supe was helping out. Did 150ish stops in eight hours. Most Scott said about my performance all day was that I should speed up to speed limit on highway.... I always started day in different car a little slow kinda feeling out the car. Bottom line was one of my easiest days.
My supervisor told me last week that we get 19 seconds in back of truck for each package. So if you have 2 packages for a stop, you get 38 seconds and so on
You have a bricked out car…automatically a variance for selection….my truck in pkg was bulked out almost every day… I begged them to go out with me and they refused…they knew that I had the proof that the loads were crap and they would have to take off some resi areas off of me so the 1.5 over was worth it to them..whatever


Well-Known Member
Not that it matters, but...the know it alls will tell you it is all figured in. And while it is correct, that the union does not recognize the numbers, in my local they absolutely did nothing to stop the constant harrassment over them. I never enjoyed it like some do.
I knew it was bogus early on when a sup rode with me and he put a code into the ojs spot in the diad with his Initials….to be able to run scratch for the day. They are pretty much the biggest lie that the company spews…when they would ignore drivers working unsafe and speeding, accidents and injuries to get better productivity out of someone is when the whole system is rotted as hell..and most management who have been here for any amount of time would absolutely agree..

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Best answer to the original post I feel would have been:
"The company production numbers mean nothing, as production is not a part of the contract!"
Then refer op to "fair days work for fair days pay" as all that matters.


Well-Known Member
You have a bricked out car…automatically a variance for selection….my truck in pkg was bulked out almost every day… I begged them to go out with me and they refused…they knew that I had the proof that the loads were crap and they would have to take off some resi areas off of me so the 1.5 over was worth it to them..whatever
Flip side was couple of high volume routes one a warehouse and heaven commercial run, the other an air base run, Both loaded by long time, full time inside employee who was an artist. Knew the order of bulk stops and could load the car corked but it would peel like an onion,

But god help you if he was on vaca and you had to cover one of those routes!


Part on order, ok to drive
that would also be considered M.A.R...aka. Minimum Acceptable the idea is to beat your best performance very time....This applies to every job done by hourly people at ups.....The idea is to constantly improve....This applies to management in the sense that if you are say a pt supervisor and your predecessor ran the area with 8 people you will be expected to run it with 7 then 6.....its a circle chase with no end...darwinism in action...

I get slower every time I work on something. Now management is happy if they just get the tractor back at all.


Part on order, ok to drive
Sounds like all the mechanics here. cross my fingers even time I write something up
There is only so much stupidity and inefficiency you can work around until you stop caring. I have seen it happen to everyone they hired after me over the years. They come in superheros and within months comes the anger about being blocked in the shop by ops or not having enough bays to work in or the stupid chasing telematics instead of fixing trucks or the million other BS things put in the way of actually doing your job.

I remember at one time I cared.. UPS fixed that. If they cared to fix the inefficient way things working inside the hub then they would fix it. Until then I am perfectly happy doing stupid stuff to fill time because I cant get in or out of the piss poor excuse for a shop that is in the middle of the hub.

The best time at UPS is when you finally accept the stupid and stop trying to fight it.
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Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
There is only so much stupidity and inefficiency you can work around until you stop caring. I have seen it happen to everyone they hired after me over the years. They come in superheros and within months comes the anger about being blocked in the shop by ops or not having enough bays to work in or the stupid chasing telematics instead of fixing trucks or the million other BS things put in the way of actually doing your job.

I remember at one time I cared.. UPS fixed that. If they cared to fix the inefficient way things working inside the hub then they would fix it. Until then I am perfectly happy doing stupid stuff to fill time because I cant get in or out of the piss poor excuse for a shop that is in the middle of the hub.

The best time at UPS is when you finally accept the stupid and stop trying to fight it.
Pretty sure that’s how most hourly employees are after working here a few years.. I don’t give 2 :censored2:s anymore


Well-Known Member
Dont concern yourself with over under. It’s make believe tooth fairy crap. The only drivers that should ever spend one second thinking about over under are off the streets trying to get a permanent job, and PTers trying to qualify. And even then it’s completely out of your hands so there’s no point in stressing it. When I was brand new I once asked my on car why am I over everyday on the route I was covering. Regular driver was out on disability and they parked me on it. Terrible route. His response was don’t worry about over under. Superman couldn’t scratch that route. Time studies on routes were done 20-30 years ago. They are completely irrelevant today. Every single factor of doing the job has changed and none of those changes have been factored in.


Well-Known Member
Best answer to the original post I feel would have been:
"The company production numbers mean nothing, as production is not a part of the contract!"
Then refer op to "fair days work for fair days pay" as all that matters.
I’ve heard sups say “you make 40 bucks an hour now…we want a 40 dollar per hour fair days work from you…”…. or the “you make more than the competition, you need to perform better every time than the competition”… lol ok pops