how was your day?

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
I used to find that drinking alot helped. If you could go through the next day in half a fog it was bearable:tongue_sm

Thanks Rod I will start on that this weekend when I have the time to sit down. Has anyone ever slept in their UPS truck due to working so late? One of these nights I'm going to do just that.


Just wondering if anyone else feels like they are BURNED OUT ? We are already running at max stops and everyone is worn down.
Have any tips on how to get out of this funk? Real ideas please and only a few jokes if you don't mind. thx
One way to not feel so burned out is to go right to bed after work.It makes for having no life at all but you wont be so tired. SCREW THAT! Think of it this way,if I stay up drinking till 2AM and get up and go to work,they are only getting about 50% of me,but I`m still getting full pay!By the time 5:30 rolls around,I still have 15 stops and 3 letter boxes to do,I`m down to about 15% and I`m now getting time and a half ! Really though,this job is not for the elderly,but I think if I was a crossing guard I would get very fat.So I`ll live with being burned out for both the exercise and the paycheck.


Well-Known Member
lets see : Fed the horses at 7:00 the dogs at 7:20......Left the house at 7:45.... Arived at ups 8.05 got dressed bs;ed with the drivers .....started loading at 8:45 to help rap up the sort( feeded was late} left bldg at 9:30... delivered to 10:30 , returned to bldg to get air (plane was late)
did 98 stops , 180 miles . took 1/2 lunch, punched out at 10 hrs
that will result in 1.5 over tomarrow :thumbup1:

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I had a decent day. 130 stops, 98 miles, only 10 "not found" packages, only 7 missloads (I delivered them), only 5 packages in the load but not in EDD, and traffic was unusually lighter today.


Retired 23 years
Thanks Rod I will start on that this weekend when I have the time to sit down. Has anyone ever slept in their UPS truck due to working so late? One of these nights I'm going to do just that.
I used to have to stop every day and wake a friend of mine up. He skipped eating lunch and chose to sleep instead. He would park on the side of the road and lay down on a shelf. I also had a friend that pulled into a farmyard with a pkg needing a signature. This was back when you needed a signature for everything except release # pkgs. He decided to wait the extra ten minutes before the kids came home on the schoolbus to get their sig. Long story short- kids stayed in town for sports and he fell asleep. Woke up 3 hours later when the family drove up in the car. I personally never slept on the job- even though management would disagree. We did have a guy that would shut the bars down about 3 nights a week and would sleep in the locker room rather than risk driving home. The bar was about 2 blocks from the center. Being a small center we all had our own key to get in so there has been all kinds of hanky panky in that building after hours.:)


Well-Known Member
Easy money today. 104 stops, 260 pieces, light pickups. I just wish they could be consistent. Yesterday I had 140 stops (business split to boot!) w/320 pieces. Make up your mind! My min/max in 113-130.


had a great day. got up about 8am read the paper until 8:30 then i ate. got dress , saw my grandaughter off to school and ran a few errands. had lunch with a pop from a blue can (labatts) did a little yard work. had another pop. then it was time for dinner. what a great day. it sure is nice to be retired:thumbup1:

The best part of your day is that you got to spend a little time with your granddaughter.
Cherish it.


Well-Known Member

no i do not think we are rubbing it in. things are so bad here the only way i know it is sunday is when the paper guy throws the big paper on my doorstep.


Well-Known Member
I only had six boxes (28 footers).
Had three going out and three coming back.
Had trouble deciding which FM station to listen to.
Had to turn the A/C down a couple of times.

It was tough...........


Well-Known Member
I know this may seem like a kinda gay title for a thread but it may help to kill some of the pain.
I find if you are in the same area for a long time,you can get a bit too efficient.

Talk about being in the same area for a long time, I was in my favorite bathroom stall today, tapping my toes to the Chile Peppers on my I-Pod, bent over to pick up a piece of TP on the floor and spread legs so my pants wouldn't slide, and low and behold "JohnnyLaw" The Bathroom Detective flip his badge from under the partition. I told him "this may seem kind of gay" but I'm a big wide guy and I'm not from Idaho. On that note he let me go.:sweatdrop


Try it with the highlighted field being either "room" or "floor". Ay other field and it just beeps at ya.
Thanks were right,I tried it today and it lets you complete the stop as a "dup" without it showing up as a new stop.I`ll make sure I use it from now on,I may be more overallowed,but if thats what I`m supposed to do I will.I dont care how much I run over anyways.


Well-Known Member
Thanks were right,I tried it today and it lets you complete the stop as a "dup" without it showing up as a new stop.I`ll make sure I use it from now on,I may be more overallowed,but if thats what I`m supposed to do I will.I dont care how much I run over anyways.

You're padding your package count.

All you need to do is deliver the package then void the original stop.

Dup stop is for delivering a new package to a place you've already delivered to. For example, if you had a stop where you couldn't find all the packages, but you find them later in the day, you would use the dup stop button on your second delivery.


You're padding your package count.

All you need to do is deliver the package then void the original stop.

Dup stop is for delivering a new package to a place you've already delivered to. For example, if you had a stop where you couldn't find all the packages, but you find them later in the day, you would use the dup stop button on your second delivery.

I disagree.How am I padding my pkg count if hit the dup key on the 2nd attempt?Furthermore,what if they asked me what I was doing during the time I was making the 1st delivery attempt?It will just be dead time if I delete it.
I do think you are right that the dup key is for what I call "gobacks"
One of the biggest pissoffs a ups driver has to deal with.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should have said "Technically you are padding your package count". I don't think anyone would fire you for it.

The dup key doesn't give you credit for the stop, but it does for the packages.

BTW, IMO if you go back to a delivery, it is dead time. I don't reattempt deliveries. If I am directed to, I will dup the stop and then void the original. That way I don't get any credit except for the package.

Dirty Savage

Paranoid Android
5 a.m. alarm goes off. Snooze button feels my wrath.
6:45 a.m. show up for work, find out the plane carrying our air hit a bird enroute and has been delayed three hours.
9:10 a.m. hit the road.
10 a.m. the rain starts. Hard.
10:15 a.m. I am now soaked. The temperature is 12 degrees, and I'm in shorts.
11:55 a.m. lunch time!
2 p.m. I am officially out of smokes.
4 p.m. so cold my nipples have actually cut through my shirt.
5:30 p.m. truck is parked.
5:45 p.m. punch out.

10 hours, 83 del. 6 p/u's.