how was your day?


Senior Member
Weird, another good Peak day. Clear blue skies and 70 degrees today.
Stopped on the top of a hill after my last delivery at 8:45, to answer natures call, and the Milky Way was clear to see from horizon to horizon. I just stared in awe as I tried to remember and identify all the constellations.
I really have sympathy for what all of you in the cold weather regions have to endure.

old brown shoe

30 year driver
230 miles 80 stops went from dry to mud to slush to ice. From 900 feet above sea level to 4000. Most on gravel roads when you can see them. Whats really bad is when it is snow and ice even at the lowest areas. That makes for a long white knuckle day.


Well-Known Member
Every day this week, feeder sups call us each morning to see if the Feeder Guy would like the day off ... This is the dimension of imagination. It's an area we call the Twilight Zone. No Joke. Weather averaging in the 50's, 60's.

God bless all of you out there in dangerous conditions!!

Dirty Savage

Paranoid Android
Clocked in at 6, clocked out at 6:40. Code 5. After I got my air meet today I realized that I would definitely have missed packages today, so I messaged the centre asking for help. I kept getting smart-assed responses like "are you sure you're gonna have missed packages? No really, are you sure?" LIke I was making it all up just to be lazy or something. Buddy met me and told me that he could only take 10 stops because he had to go help someone else. Then I found out there was a driver sitting at the centre at that moment doing nothing because there weren't any trucks for him. I had a tantrum.

101 deliveries, 10 pickups. No missed and no late air.

Dirty Savage

Paranoid Android
Clocked in at 6. Left the building at 10. First stop completed at 10:25. Had 6 late express but my savers were all on time. Got annihilated on my air meet and requested help. Again, got smart assed responses to my request, to which I replied that maybe management would prefer I filed a grievance over excessive overtime. Was met half an hour later by a coworker. Gave him an entire shelf of stuff. Got a few oncalls that said "1 RS" but when I got there there were 10 over 70lb packages! Nice dispatch.

12 hrs, 20 minutes. Code 5. 62 hours for the week and I literally staggered out the door. Got home at 7 pm, opened a beer and was unconscious by 8:30 pm.

11 more days . . . just 11 more days.


Well-Known Member
Clocked in at 6. Left the building at 10. First stop completed at 10:25. Had 6 late express but my savers were all on time. Got annihilated on my air meet and requested help. Again, got smart assed responses to my request, to which I replied that maybe management would prefer I filed a grievance over excessive overtime. Was met half an hour later by a coworker. Gave him an entire shelf of stuff. Got a few oncalls that said "1 RS" but when I got there there were 10 over 70lb packages! Nice dispatch.

12 hrs, 20 minutes. Code 5. 62 hours for the week and I literally staggered out the door. Got home at 7 pm, opened a beer and was unconscious by 8:30 pm.

11 more days . . . just 11 more days.

Last night I died also- I got home at 7 ate with the family and then took a shower. I sat down on the couch and woke up at 5 this morning. My wife absolutely LOVES when I do that! LOL God love her- she can tell just by looking that it had been a hell of a week!


Code 5 is long and dead.

Legally UPS can not deduct your lunch if you do not enter it into the diad.
VT, here,and in a lot of other places Code 5 is alive and well.In fact
that lawsuit was in California,and if I`m not mistaken,that leaves 49 other states,Canada,and for that matter,everyone else that don't live in your world.


I've been going back and catching up on a lot of posts.
VT brown,you are wrong about a lot of things.

Dirty Savage

Paranoid Android
Started at 6:30 this morning. Left the building at 9:30 with 115 stops. At 11:00 or so I was unloading a bulk stop when I discovered an express package (for another business) and a couple of miscellaneous other standard letters mixed in. :censored2::censored2::censored2:? Don't know who the hell threw that in there.

At 2 I was met by another driver. Gave him 20 residential stops.

Sometime later in the afternoon we were told that, in no uncertain terms are we to have missed packages today. Ok, whatever.

Just as I got back to the building at 6:25 I got a text message from my coworker informing me that we are starting at 6 a.m. tomorrow. Oh, happy, happy day!

97 deliveries, 10 pick-ups. 12 hours, 40 minutes. Code 5. No missed but one late air.

Good times.


Well-Known Member
804...please keep giving me negative reputation

You go ahead and search for every post of mine and do it. My god...what am I going to do when it's all gone?

Talk about childish behavior glad YOU follow what you preach.