How's the view???........


Box Monkey
LOL, nice! Your angle looks a little lower. Were you on the gondola?

No, the ship is just that big that it looks like I am lower. ;)

I don't actually recall where that was taken. We may have been on our way up to this one restaurant to take pics. We grabbed a cab and asked to be taken to the best point to take pics that we didn't have to pay for. That whole week was a blur. I was more worried that week with trying to spend some 'quality' time with my wife with no kids around.

Here is a pic from up at the restaurant with us clowning around. My wife was off shopping with one of the other girls. We went with two other couples.



Well-Known Member
102_0770.jpgThis is why I take vacation in the spring. Biggest bird I have taken. 11 inch beard, 1 1/2 inch spurs. Guessing about 22lbs, but didn't weigh him, so can't be certain. I was hunting with my hubby and brother-in-law and we all ended up getting birds. It was a great hunt.


Well-Known Member
Just goes to show ya that anyone can aim a shotgun in the general direction of one of God's creatures and kill it.
You must have been proud.

To paraphase a quote from a movie:
"the thrill is not to kill but to let live".

But then you probably wouldn't know about that, would ya?


Staff member
Just goes to show ya that anyone can aim a shotgun in the general direction of one of God's creatures and kill it.
You must have been proud.

To paraphase a quote from a movie:
"the thrill is not to kill but to let live".

But then you probably wouldn't know about that, would ya?

As long as it ended up food on the table, what's the problem?


Well-Known Member
define UNFAIR.

This word is bandied about, by the teamsters, without definition.
We all have a choice to work for UPS, or not.
Granted, the "new" SPC metric is stupidity at it's finest.

Your post contradicts itself. I agree with you that the word "unfair" may be a bit much but what other word that starts with U would be a better fit?


Well-Known Member
Trick, there is no reason to be judgemental. Yes, I hunt, as does most of my family. I don't go out there blasting away to shoot at whatever walks in front of me as hunters are protrayed in movies like Bambi. We also eat what we kill. Fried turkey breast is one of my favorite meals. It was a very tasty dinner, and the parts we didn't eat were a very tasty dinner for some coyote, possum, or raccoon that night as well. The money we spend for tags go to conserve our natural areas and educational programs.

If you choose not to hunt or eat meat, more power to you. I won't judge, but that doesn't give you the right to insult those who do.