How's the view???........


Can I interest anyone in some, south Florida real estate?


Retired 23 years
P10's in town with warm tires also needed a little lovin' frequently. When they would stop, the heat from the tires melted the snow. This created ice and the back end would swing into the curb(dangerously close to mailboxes often). Just a little bump or tug was all they needed, but if they kept trying to get out they could dig quite a hole to get out of.

To this day I could still take you to the little town I delivered to and show you a telephone pole with a slice mark in it about 10 feet up (the height of the top rib on the truck). It was made by my P800 12 years ago as I slid into it while attempting to get going on a snow covered street. No damage to the package car (at least any that could be noticed without standing on a 10 ft. ladder)


15 more years of this!
1) Lobster Hotels
2)Can't wait till spring!
3)Part of Kittery's "Working Waterfront"
The little red hut is where 1 of the locals worked before he paid the ultimate price last year when his boat sank. (Didn't want to be a downer, but it is reality)
4&5) Ice in front of our building that we have to gain enough speed to make it over.
6)Olde Time truck


Well-Known Member
Do you ever get sick of Lobster? I can't imagine having that as such an available option to eat; a lot of; often; fresh

Sorry, I just had a Wil E Coyote salivation experience:happy2:

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
MAYBE AFTER MUD SEASON. The 4 seasons out here - Almost Winter, Winter, Mud and the last is Road Construction, when they just redistribute the dirt.