How's the view???........


Staff member
Did you guys know we can now access the internet on our IVIS?

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Retired 23 years
It's like every time I run it, something else breaks. It literally leaves a trail of rust everywhere I plow.

Every time I slamed the door on my old Bronco there was another pile of body laying on the ground. One year my oil filter even rusted through-----now that's what you call RUST.--------------I just remembered that when I was first married my wife was driving her old Chevy about 50 mph when the frame gave away from rust. Part of the frame that had the emergency brake attached to it fell down causing the rear brake on one wheel to lock up which in turn caused the car to do a 180 in the middle of the road. Needless to say the wife went out and bought her first new car.


overnine thats awesome...going over and above, moderating on company time,the telematics know you visited the BC,,and the antiques roadshow online...Im tempted to delete that pic for your own benefit.


golden ticket member
Those roads look like Idaho roads........Craters of the Moon, just outside Idaho Falls, Idaho. Very bleak & cold also!........below zero with 30 mph winds