How's the view???........

old levi's

blank space
Oddly enough, I only know the names of maybe half of the dogs. I deliver to a lot of these stops during the day when the customer isnt home, so in many cases I havent had the chance to ask the customer what their dogs names are. "Buddy" is pretty much my default name for any dog.
Yeah, Buddy is a good default. Got one route dog I called Killer for months. Then I found out his name is Block. Very funny because his head is the size of a concrete block.


Two of the farmers on my route told me that they have found dead coyotes in their pasture that were stomped and/or bitten to death by a llama. Llamas are big (200+ lbs) and mean. They absolutely hate coyotes and will chase and attack them on sight. Female llamas in particular develop a maternal protective instinct towards the sheep and goats in "their" herd. To me, llamas are just funny, goofy looking animals that are interesting to watch.
I don't doubt that for a second. It would be difficult for a 60 lb coyote to get the upper hand with a 200 lb llama. Coyotes generally hunt only in pairs, even then they would probably have a difficult time killing a llama.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: Hows the view?

Noah / Sober He is great. Is this all by a phone or a camera?

I recently got an iphone4. It has an amazing camera. The resolution is so good that for a while I wasnt able to post any more pics on BrownCafe because the pics had too many MB's to upload. I figured out how to get around that by using PhotoBucket.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: Hows the view?

Keep the pictures coming; it's a zoo out there!

I posted this one a couple of years ago; you can tell by the picture quality that it is from an older cellphone.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: Hows the view?

In case anyone wonders why I take so many pics...its a way for my wife and I to stay connected. She has a cubicle in an office with no window, so I am pretty much her "window to the world" during the workday. I take pics of dogs or flowers or pretty sunsets and send them to her email and they pop right up on her screen. She might be having a terrible day at work, and then I send her a picture of a deer or a goofy looking dog or something and it cheers her up.

And for you management bean counters out there who might think I am stealing time...I deduct any time I spend using my phone from my lunch or break.


Man of Great Wisdom
Re: Hows the view?

In case anyone wonders why I take so many pics...its a way for my wife and I to stay connected. She has a cubicle in an office with no window, so I am pretty much her "window to the world" during the workday. I take pics of dogs or flowers or pretty sunsets and send them to her email and they pop right up on her screen. She might be having a terrible day at work, and then I send her a picture of a deer or a goofy looking dog or something and it cheers her up.

And for you management bean counters out there who might think I am stealing time...I deduct any time I spend using my phone from my lunch or break.

My wife also spends 8+ in a cubicle all day. If she recieves or sends an email that is not work related she could be fired.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: Hows the view?

My wife also spends 8+ in a cubicle all day. If she recieves or sends an email that is not work related she could be fired.

My wife is the Human Resources and Finance Manager for her company. The person who would be responsible for firing her. The only one above her is the owner of the company, and as long as she has his books and financial reports done on time every week he could care less what emails she gets on her computer.

Being married to a management person does give me some perspective. I come home and vent to her about the issues I might be having with management people, and then she will vent about the issues she is having with hourly people, and then when we are done venting we look at each other and smile and laugh.


bella amicizia
Re: Hows the view?

My wife is the Human Resources and Finance Manager for her company. The person who would be responsible for firing her. The only one above her is the owner of the company, and as long as she has his books and financial reports done on time every week he could care less what emails she gets on her computer.

Being married to a management person does give me some perspective. I come home and vent to her about the issues I might be having with management people, and then she will vent about the issues she is having with hourly people, and then when we are done venting we look at each other and smile and laugh.
Sounds like heaven.