How's the view???........


Well-Known Member
Copy of P1010880.jpg Just another day on area......
Copy of P1010880.jpg


Staff member
This is where I do my long runs, the lake trail is about 4.5 miles around. I've been running here regularly for over 10 years and I still think it's beautiful as it ever was, especially in the morning. About damn time I took some pictures...



This is where I do my long runs, the lake trail is about 4.5 miles around. I've been running here regularly for over 10 years and I still think it's beautiful as it ever was, especially in the morning. About damn time I took some pictures...




Run heck. Walk and bring a fishing pole.


Retired 23 years
I remember them well. I was at Fort Bliss 3rd Armored Cav. I started as 63A10 Automotive Mechanic.
No openings in I-3-3. They told me you can go 11B, 11C, 11D or 11E I opted for tanker 11E.

So next thing I know I was driving a tank. We had M114s and M113 also in the unit.

Finally an opening in the motor pool came, and I got back to 63 series.
Then I fixed the 113s, 114s, and the small bit of wheeled
vechicles we had, to include the Gamma Goat, and the good old jeeps and duce and a halfs.

The 50 cal was and is a nice weapon. It does not play.

M114s had the 20MM. That was a real nice weapon also.

I enjoyed Tank Gunnery. When we all go out the range and practice.

"Although this clip shows troops riding inside it nobody ever did"

That is a fact. The track beat the tar out of you inside it when it was going, and the noise was very loud.

The reason nobody rode inside them during the Vietnam war was because you had a much better chance of survival sitting on top vs. riding inside if you ran over a mine. That and it was too frigging hot inside. After awhile all of them in my unit were sent back to have a 1 inch thick piece of steel bolted under the drivers compartment for extra protection for the driver because hitting a mine while driving one turned you into something resembling a piece of toast popping out of a toaster.


Yep, this is a road.
This pic was taken at 8pm today/ tonight.
Cool thing is that when I delivered the package they gave me two dozen organic eggs laid just yesterday.

brown bomber

brown bomber
steve...did the eggs make it your homestead unbroken ???

just wondering....I used to decline offers from customers, if the fresh merchandise was going to bake in the back of the Pkg. car

if I knew that I was picking up farm fresh items on route...I would bring a few freezer packs out to my area, and store them in a customers freezer on area, then coordinate the pick up of fresh product along with getting back the freezer packs, wrap it all up w/ newspaper and stuff it in a few plastic bags...this system works well....unless you're picking up 4 dozen ears of corn