How's the view???........


Box Monkey
Only some drivers. KNOW EVERYTHING!!!!!!!I know nothing!!!

That's me!!! :yesssmileyf:

People always seem to ask me for directions like this (and I love the set up to the joke);

Them: "Excuse me, what's the fastest way to get to __________?"
Me: I would drive.

Usually it's followed with either a chuckle or look of disgust (50/50) and then asked, "Well in what direction would I drive to _______?" And then I grant them their request. :obeyhypnosmiley:


Well-Known Member
Guy pulls up while I"m in a parking lot the other day.

"Yeah, hey, I'm lookin fer 873."

"Um... 873 what? Is that a store, and address??? There's no 873 around here."

"873. I'm looking fer 873, is that 'round here somwhar?"

"OK, there's two parts to this road. A North and South. You're currently on the North end. Are you looking for 873 south?"

"J+J guns, is that here?"

"No. That's not what I asked, but I know where it is. You want the south end, *points south down the road* Just head that way and you'll see it on the left."

"So do I go down this road? or where do I go?"

"You know what, maybe you shouldn't own a gun." and started up the truck and pulled away.


Back to the thread, lol. Here's my whole Crew, as of this past Friday. Time is FLYING!!!



Well-Known Member
$15 is too much to charge for giving directions. I charge five at least, ten if you want accurate directions.:wink2:

I used to have a lady mail carrier with an attitude that worked on part of my delivery route. Twice I asked her if she recognized the names on a couple of my packages that had bad house numbers on them. She gave me wrong answers both times, I don't know if it was out of spite or she just didn't know. I never asked her again.
I have gone in my local Post Office with work clothes on to obtain stamps or mail something and
a few give me a rough time.

I smile and I am nice, and do not feed the anomosity.

My local letter carriers give me funny looks sometimes when I happen to be home
when they deliver the rare UPS letters to my home.

I really think a lot of them see us as the enemy that has caused their demise (USPS in the red). :dissapointed:
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Well-Known Member
I have gone in my local Post Office with work clothes on to obtain stamps or mail something and a few give
give me a rough time.

I smile and I am nice, and do not feed the anomosity.

My local letter carriers give me funny looks sometimes when I happen to be home
when they deliver the rare UPS letters to my home.

I really think a lot of them see us as the enemy that has caused their demise (USPS in the red). :dissapointed:

This past winter our snow plow guy hit our bulk mailbox, breaking the cement support. The Post Office deemed it unsafe for delivery (it was) and held our mail for pickup. I would go there, usually in uniform, and received the same reception.

The Post Office does not see us as the reason for their demise. The Post Office does not like us because of SurePost. They are letter carriers, not pacakage handlers. Their system is not designed for the volume that we divert to the them and they resent us for it.


That’s Craptacular
This past winter our snow plow guy hit our bulk mailbox, breaking the cement support. The Post Office deemed it unsafe for delivery (it was) and held our mail for pickup. I would go there, usually in uniform, and received the same reception.

The Post Office does not see us as the reason for their demise. The Post Office does not like us because of SurePost. They are letter carriers, not pacakage handlers. Their system is not designed for the volume that we divert to the them and they resent us for it.
Speaking of surepost, does anyone know if there's a actual weight limit on surepost packages? Most are light but every so often, I'll get a 40 or 50 lber. Just curious.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of surepost, does anyone know if there's a actual weight limit on surepost packages? Most are light but every so often, I'll get a 40 or 50 lber. Just curious.

The TA has language specifically addressing this issue. You can find a copy on this forum, at or at

SurePost was not designed for 40-50 lb packages.


That’s Craptacular
The TA has language specifically addressing this issue. You can find a copy on this forum, at or at

SurePost was not designed for 40-50 lb packages.
Thank you. I assumed as much, in fact I remember asking my sup about it the last time I loaded a heavy surepost. I got the standard answer to many of my questions; blank, vacant stare, then walks away.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I have gone in my local Post Office with work clothes on to obtain stamps or mail something and
a few give me a rough time.

I smile and I am nice, and do not feed the anomosity.

My local letter carriers give me funny looks sometimes when I happen to be home
when they deliver the rare UPS letters to my home.

I really think a lot of them see us as the enemy that has caused their demise (USPS in the red). :dissapointed:

They don't like us too much either. I kill them with kindness. :)