How's the view???........


Well-Known Member

Pretty damn nice.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to reality.
If you would venture out of the BOG occasionally you might see what the real world is like.
I can not say I envy Upstate, or others that are not exposed, nor familar with this part of life
in the "real world"

Should I be honest and say the US Army in 1975ish, after Nam when I went in, had many
soldiers that used.

It was all over the barracks. So sad.

Not the majority, but very many.

The greatest milestone was the urinalysis in the early 80s.

Yet in inner cities, this is still common.

Such a death vise to those caught up in it, to this day.:sad-little:

Sorry Cement... a minor How's the view derail. I always liked this thread and visit often.



Least Best Moderator
Staff member
​the trick to getting people to stop asking is to give out bad directions.

$15 is too much to charge for giving directions. I charge five at least, ten if you want accurate directions.:wink2:

I used to have a lady mail carrier with an attitude that worked on part of my delivery route. Twice I asked her if she recognized the names on a couple of my packages that had bad house numbers on them. She gave me wrong answers both times, I don't know if it was out of spite or she just didn't know. I never asked her again.