How's the view???........

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Lifer, what was that animal? Wild pig or boar?

This is probably more than you want to know but....

I bought a book on them because they are probably the most interesting thing we have visiting us on a regular basis. This is the first question everyone asks. As stated they are neither pig or boar.

They are new world peccaries and are classified within the same order of mammals as deer, antelope and (believe it or not) hippos! They migrated from South America.

Pigs evolved in the Old World - pecarries in the New World.

Pronounced - Have-ah-LEE-nah -

Predators no - Omnivore yes - They are fun to watch graze - they have short fuses and will eat just about anything. But they don't go after lizards or other rodents. But if one was dead, they would probably eat it. They seem to prefer vegetation, fruits, nuts and vegetables.

They also give out a natural musky odor which is pretty strong but you get used to it pretty fast.

Some of the info above came from the book "Javelinas" by Lauray Yule part of the "Look West" series.


Nine Lives
This is probably more than you want to know but....

I bought a book on them because they are probably the most interesting thing we have visiting us on a regular basis. This is the first question everyone asks. As stated they are neither pig or boar.

They are new world peccaries and are classified within the same order of mammals as deer, antelope and (believe it or not) hippos! They migrated from South America.

Pigs evolved in the Old World - pecarries in the New World.

Pronounced - Have-ah-LEE-nah -

Predators no - Omnivore yes - They are fun to watch graze - they have short fuses and will eat just about anything. But they don't go after lizards or other rodents. But if one was dead, they would probably eat it. They seem to prefer vegetation, fruits, nuts and vegetables.

They also give out a natural musky odor which is pretty strong but you get used to it pretty fast.

Some of the info above came from the book "Javelinas" by Lauray Yule part of the "Look West" series.

Saw them last year on a trip to Tucson, AZ.

They are very skittish, nervous little boogars.
Never knew they existed before then.
Got to see roadrunners too.


This is probably more than you want to know but....

I bought a book on them because they are probably the most interesting thing we have visiting us on a regular basis. This is the first question everyone asks. As stated they are neither pig or boar.

They are new world peccaries and are classified within the same order of mammals as deer, antelope and (believe it or not) hippos! They migrated from South America.

Pigs evolved in the Old World - pecarries in the New World.

Pronounced - Have-ah-LEE-nah -

Predators no - Omnivore yes - They are fun to watch graze - they have short fuses and will eat just about anything. But they don't go after lizards or other rodents. But if one was dead, they would probably eat it. They seem to prefer vegetation, fruits, nuts and vegetables.

They also give out a natural musky odor which is pretty strong but you get used to it pretty fast.

Some of the info above came from the book "Javelinas" by Lauray Yule part of the "Look West" series.
No predators because no sane animal would dare to go after them. They are meaner than the day is long when they are cornered. My 2 Rotts that I had went after one once. My male got a puncture would in his hind leg. He didn't stay gone long. His sister however was a different story. I had to take her to the vet(hrs later). She had drain tubes all over her. I can't imagine how much damage the javie suffered but I am sure it did.


Here's a land turtle and a water turtle. The land turtle was out for a bite,
but don't ask me what the water turtle was doing in the middle of the road.
After I gave it a prop, I cropped the face so you could check out the literal grill.
Don't want to put your finger near this thing's mouth. BTW,
this thing has a neck like a snake, which it can extend up to 12 inches, Yikes!




iowa boy

Well-Known Member
feeder drivers?

Oops, forgot about those guys, but was thinking more along the lines of some of the management people we all have to deal with. (How many times has a management person been seen out after dark, and if they are out, don't we all wonder why or what is wrong with them?)


That's a healthy looking dog, POIM, here's mine, needless to say, no snow here, though we did go to the beach today. The first picture includes a Boston Terrier, we met at the beach.

regarding the picture on the right. The dog on the right side is the ringleader and head troublemaker, take him down a peg and the rest will fall into line. Ha ha. How's skinny boy doing? still losing weight?

Steve, I saw the news report on you riding your bike, on your blog. Did ups reward you well for that commercial? Obviously, they authorized the coverage. Don't you hate how your voice sounds when you listen to it ?

I made the cbs national news in 1993 or 94 when I pulled into a fuel station with my small truck at 57th and 11th aves in manhattan. It was right down the block from where cbs does its national broadcast (6:30 pm news). They interviewed me for about a minute and I got home at night in time to see it. I was disappointed. Didn't like the way my voice sounded and they left my insightful analysis on gas prices on the cutting room floor and turned me into a 5 second soundbite with the video footage of my talking head. They printed my name at the bottom of the screen for a moment and over the years, people who I knew from high school that i would bump into me would ask "Where you on television being interviewed about the price of gas?"


regarding the picture on the right. The dog on the right side is the ringleader and head troublemaker, take him down a peg and the rest will fall into line. Ha ha. How's skinny boy doing? still losing weight?

Steve, I saw the news report on you riding your bike, on your blog. Did ups reward you well for that commercial? Obviously, they authorized the coverage. Don't you hate how your voice sounds when you listen to it ?

I made the cbs national news in 1993 or 94 when I pulled into a fuel station with my small truck at 57th and 11th aves in manhattan. It was right down the block from where cbs does its national broadcast (6:30 pm news). They interviewed me for about a minute and I got home at night in time to see it. I was disappointed. Didn't like the way my voice sounded and they left my insightful analysis on gas prices on the cutting room floor and turned me into a 5 second soundbite with the video footage of my talking head. They printed my name at the bottom of the screen for a moment and over the years, people who I knew from high school that i would bump into me would ask "Where you on television being interviewed about the price of gas?"

I couldn't believe how much time they gave me in the news broadcast. My manager was pissed that they didn't give him more coverage, Ha Ha.


Well-Known Member
Where's the badmouthing? You don't know my management team. You have never been to my center. They are never there after 4; they are only there at night if something bad happened. Do you know something I don't about my management team? And I know even you could tell I was joking about melting and Oprah. What gives with you lately Tie? You seem to come out looking for a fight now. You are right about one thing though, I do feel better about myself after reading one of your bad-mouthed management rants and grateful that there are no supervisors around me that act anything like you at all. That's a win/win.


Back on track! The thread, that is. Things seen on my route.

"Sleeping Squrrel", A Cardinal, munching on a mole cricket and one of my customer's dogs.

