How's the view???........


Active Member


so where's the damage?


Prblm found,part on order
1&2) My little 5lb. friend
3) This bridge connects Maine w/ N.H.
They want to close it for repairs, but it would
cut off traffic and revenue into the area.
4-6) 4 Tugs moving this cargo ship onto the
dock. It's a work of art watching the tug pilots
shift these massive ships into position.

Now thats a nice Lobstah! Have it with only Buttah:happy2:

I've tried all the Sammies. I really like the Bahstin Lagah and the Wintah Lagah. The others,,,not so much.

Sams, Yuk! Only one I like is Octobah fest.



" Honey, Honey, calm down! I said I'll get to it in the morning, Sheesh:happy-very:


15 more years of this!
Now thats a nice Lobstah! Have it with only Buttah:happy2:

Sams, Yuk! Only one I like is Octobah fest.
MFB, When do you sleep!? 2:28 AM!
I used to think that about Shipyard! I'd go to parties were there was free Shipyard and I brought my own flava, I just couldn't get it down. I have since grown to like it, which is good since it was born right down the street from me, and they have a brewpub in the Port (that's Kennebunk, not the Old)


Prblm found,part on order
MFB, When do you sleep!? 2:28 AM!
I used to think that about Shipyard! I'd go to parties were there was free Shipyard and I brought my own flava, I just couldn't get it down. I have since grown to like it, which is good since it was born right down the street from me, and they have a brewpub in the Port (that's Kennebunk, not the Old)

I never sleep actually, I am a machine for Brown and am programed to be a contributor to society. LOL I go to bed in the late morning sometimes.:happy2:


hummingbirds 007.jpg

Getting good pics of these little guys is a PITA! Of the 4 I just took only this one turned out. I still haven't seen my favorite one yet. I don't see them around here very often.

hummingbirds 007.jpg


golden ticket member
Our humming birds dive-bomb us to hover at our shoulders and say hi......and we don't have the feeders anymore....they just come for the color of the flowers. They are fun to watch!


I have found that the broad tails are the most inquisitive. They will hover a foot from my face, just checking me out. They are not afraid of the cats, either. I have one feeder near one of my mulberrys and the cats will get up in the bowl of the tree to watch the birds or chase the lizards. They hummingbirds will dive bomb them and chitter at them. The Black-chinned and the Ruby throats are a little more shy. They are fun to watch. Chasing each other off the feeders. They certainly are vocal.