Along the U.S. Canadian border the markers designate where you can drink. Canada side - NO-----------U.S. side- YES. Canada ( at least Ontario) has some very tough boating/drinking laws. Stay out of Canada if you are sipping on a beer.You hoser eh!
YouTube - Strange Brew - Original Trailer
Where ever did you find that?!?!?!!?
Anyone remember this picture of my broken F250 frame?
Well, I really can't afford a new(er) plow truck this year, so I kinda patched it yesterday:
1/4" steel plate with five 3/8" bolts. Hopefully will get me through this Winter!
Now to rebuild the plow pump and motor....
The eyes have it.
Oh Give Me a Home Where the Buffalo Roam.......
Honey, why can't I hang it in the bedroom over our headboard?
He's newly single, Lifer. The next Mrs. Big B will have to accept it or move on.I got to hand it to you! If that was hanging in my garage, I would probably be hanging right next to it. Either that or I would be single!