Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Well-Known Member
Ask any banker or real estate developer how loans to buy real are conducted. The developer values his property higher, the banks lower, and a compromise is reached. Not one bank that did business with Trump said he defrauded them. All said they'd gladly do business with him again. So much so that the AG felt compelled to say that there doesn't have to be a victim. And when businessmen expressed concern that the state may be coming after them next New York governor Kathy Hochul assured them that this was only about Trump. She and others are worried that their actions may further erode their tax base with businesses pulling up stakes out of concern of being prosecuted. So the governor as much as admitted they targeted Trump. And likely to be thrown out on appeal.
Will not stick. They need him. He does in the open what has been done since Americas founding.


Legio patria nostra
bro there is no planet in this universe where Trump wouldn't absolutely tear Kamala apart on stage

i'm not even voting for him, i don't even like him but at least i can be objective enough to recognize his RIZZ completely overpowers hers
Any normal person should acknowledge that she has ZERO international experience or credibility.
Their seething hatred for Trump and their embarrassment over their own incompetence and inability to put up a worthy contender causes them to hate themselves even more. So they pretend Harris was actually wanted by anyone… LOL
Sad & Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Any normal person should acknowledge that she has ZERO international experience or credibility.
Their seething hatred for Trump and their embarrassment over their own incompetence and inability to put up a worthy contender causes them to hate themselves even more. So they pretend Harris was actually wanted by anyone… LOL
Sad & Pathetic.
Lol This is not the first without experience. Remember you can research history online and learn a lot.


Legio patria nostra
Lol This is not the first without experience. Remember you can research history online and learn a lot.
Don’t need to. Your typical BS notwithstanding, I’m not looking to stretch into justification for your “selection”.
She doesn’t have what is needed.
Biden has things so :censored2:ed up, she’ll only get our Allies attacked and us into a major conflict.
Wake up chum


Well-Known Member
Don’t need to. Your typical BS notwithstanding, I’m not looking to stretch into justification for your “selection”.
She doesn’t have what is needed.
Biden has things so :censored2:ed up, she’ll only get our Allies attacked and us into a major conflict.
Wake up chum
My selection? Your twisted. If that was my selection I would say so and blast anything contrary. Last time I checked felon was not a UPS hiring credential. But times have changed.


Legio patria nostra
My selection? Your twisted. If that was my selection I would say so and blast anything contrary. Last time I checked felon was not a UPS hiring credential. But times have changed.
You post so much gibberish, no one can tell WTF you’re talking about

You need to check again on that “hiring credential”. There are several that I know of