Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Well-Known Member
this may turn out to be the country and trumps worst nightmare. those of you who follow college basketball may have heard of the four corners run by dean smith and the tarheels. dems appear to be trying to run the four corners stall game. keep kamala away from the press , don't expose her too much. Hope the excitement of a young candidate is enough to get people who don't study issues and vote on the superficial.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
this may turn out to be the country and trumps worst nightmare. those of you who follow college basketball may have heard of the four corners run by dean smith and the tarheels. dems appear to be trying to run the four corners stall game. keep kamala away from the press , don't expose her too much. Hope the excitement of a young candidate is enough to get people who don't study issues and vote on the superficial.
Prosecutor vs a convicted felon. You choose.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
this may turn out to be the country and trumps worst nightmare. those of you who follow college basketball may have heard of the four corners run by dean smith and the tarheels. dems appear to be trying to run the four corners stall game. keep kamala away from the press , don't expose her too much. Hope the excitement of a young candidate is enough to get people who don't study issues and vote on the superficial.

All of the Trumpee talk about how Kamala is dumb, how she's a hoe, how she's not black etc is playing into that strategy perfectly. If the media can be perpetually outraged about things Trump is saying they don't have to talk about the things voters actually care about that Joe and Kamala have been a failure on.


Well-Known Member
All of the Trumpee talk about how Kamala is dumb, how she's a hoe, how she's not black etc is playing into that strategy perfectly. If the media can be perpetually outraged about things Trump is saying they don't have to talk about the things voters actually care about that Joe and Kamala have been a failure on.
Those considering voting for Trump probably don’t need the Talking Heads to talk about it. They’re living it. She was 1/2 of the ticket just completed the four years that people who feel their suffering lived through.


Inordinately Right
If the media can be perpetually outraged about things Trump is saying they don't have to talk about the things voters actually care about that Joe and Kamala have been a failure on.
They won't talk about that either way.

Two weeks into her campaign and she's been asked zero questions. They're going to run cover for her right up until the election. Voting starts in like a month.


Well-Known Member
All of the Trumpee talk about how Kamala is dumb, how she's a hoe, how she's not black etc is playing into that strategy perfectly. If the media can be perpetually outraged about things Trump is saying they don't have to talk about the things voters actually care about that Joe and Kamala have been a failure on.
Her team or new team is trying to control access to her and minimize her gaffs while they rebuild her image and moderate her positions. . She still has to go to the convention and impress though thats still a controllable event she can practice for.
Trumps got to decide if the honeymoon is going to last and then draw her out to get her exposed. There's only four months to do so. All the scuttle on her is that she does not prepare well and her "alliance with north korea" comment shows that. If she actually knuckles down and does her homework and can regurgitate some moderate sounding talking points she could do well. Based on her history i would say thats a tough chore for her.


Well-Known Member
Her team or new team is trying to control access to her and minimize her gaffs while they rebuild her image and moderate her positions. . She still has to go to the convention and impress though thats still a controllable event she can practice for.
Trumps got to decide if the honeymoon is going to last and then draw her out to get her exposed. There's only four months to do so. All the scuttle on her is that she does not prepare well and her "alliance with north korea" comment shows that. If she actually knuckles down and does her homework and can regurgitate some moderate sounding talking points she could do well. Based on her history i would say thats a tough chore for her.
The Republicans need to advertise her past statements like crazy. Put her in the position of lying about what can easily be fact checked. The things she's advocated for played to her liberal base in California but she probably never thought she'd be in a position to have a shot at the presidency. A more astute politician would've been more careful.


nowhere special
Her team or new team is trying to control access to her and minimize her gaffs while they rebuild her image and moderate her positions. . She still has to go to the convention and impress though thats still a controllable event she can practice for.
Trumps got to decide if the honeymoon is going to last and then draw her out to get her exposed. There's only four months to do so. All the scuttle on her is that she does not prepare well and her "alliance with north korea" comment shows that. If she actually knuckles down and does her homework and can regurgitate some moderate sounding talking points she could do well. Based on her history i would say thats a tough chore for her.
Basement 2.0 campaign. Avoid answering any questions while the media does her campaigning for her.



Well-Known Member
this may turn out to be the country and trumps worst nightmare. those of you who follow college basketball may have heard of the four corners run by dean smith and the tarheels. dems appear to be trying to run the four corners stall game. keep kamala away from the press , don't expose her too much. Hope the excitement of a young candidate is enough to get people who don't study issues and vote on the superficial.
Well it doesn’t look like she is ducking. Is she calling him out?