Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Well-Known Member
Your BS is unimportant. The footage showed what happened. We all saw what happened.
You saw selectively edited footage. YOU bought the BS the Commission was putting out because that's what you want to believe. Were there mistakes made by people in that crowd? Of course. But your feigned outrage is no different than the outrage I used to hear liberals say about Nixon and Watergate. For decades it was a political tool used to browbeat Republicans. While always sweeping under the rug any crimes liberals committed. Now you've got a presidential nominee who participated to some extent in the 2020 riots by supporting them and assisting a bail fund that put people back on the street to commit more crime. Bet you'll downplay that. Bet you'll downplay all her socialist positions she has taken which are on video. Bet you'll downplay the many incredibly stupid things she has said on video. Bet you'll claim racism if any of it is brought up. You've already cast everything in terms of race in this thread. How about arguing policy? What are her positions in terms of how will she handle inflation? Border security? Foreign policy? You won't because her positions don't hold up under scrutiny. It's more of the same which got us to where we are now. How racist of me to say that.
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Well-Known Member
You saw selectively edited footage. YOU bought the BS the Commission was putting out because that's what you want to believe. Were there mistakes made by people in that crowd? Of course. But your feigned outrage is no different than the outrage I used to hear liberals say about Nixon and Watergate. For decades it was a political tool used to browbeat Republicans. While always sweeping under the rug any crimes liberals committed. Now you've got a presidential nominee who participated to some extent in the 2020 riots by supporting them and assisting a bail fund that put people back on the street to commit more crime. Bet you'll downplay that. Bet you'll downplay all her socialist positions she has taken which are on video. Bet you'll downplay the many incredibly stupid things she has said on video. Bet you'll claim racism if any of it is brought up. You've already cast everything in terms of race in this thread. How about arguing policy? What are her positions in terms of how will she handle inflation? Border security? Foreign policy? You won't because her positions don't hold up under scrutiny. It's more of the.same which got.us to where we are now. How racist of me to say that.
Well, currently he’s rolled up in a ball in the corner of his room, rocking back-and-forth, mumbling. He will have to get back to you once the medicine kicks in.


Inordinately Right
Well, currently he’s rolled up in a ball in the corner of his room, rocking back-and-forth, mumbling. He will have to get back to you once the medicine kicks in.


Staff member
Gee. First the Trump campaign was going to struggle against a mostly dead icon and now they’re about to be steamrolled and bitch slapped by an unaccomplished DEI hire.

You guys really know how to pick strong, energetic, charismatic winners as candidates!


Well-Known Member
Gee. First the Trump campaign was going to struggle against a mostly dead icon and now they’re about to be steamrolled and bitch slapped by an unaccomplished DEI hire.

You guys really know how to pick strong, energetic, charismatic winners as candidates!
I thought DEI was a good thing? Why are we implementing it if it’s a label people want to run from?


Well-Known Member
That sounds like people on the left voting for Jill Green because of violence in Palestine
“It's important to keep in mind that if you're someone interested in maintaining Social Security as a functioning program, the real threat isn't from proposed changes but from doing nothing. The trustees that oversee Social Security estimate that benefits will be cut by 23 percent starting in 2033, with further cuts needed in future years, unless policymakers make changes to the program's fundamental math.”



Staff member
I thought DEI was a good thing? Why are we implementing it if it’s a label people want to run from?
Who’s running from it? Maybe some republican strategists but that’s the kind of attack that only helps the Harris campaign. Between that and republicans bitching about Kamala’s laugh her campaign has been laughing all the way to the bank. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
Who’s running from it? Maybe some republican strategists but that’s the kind of attack that only helps the Harris campaign. Between that and republicans bitching about Kamala’s laugh her campaign has been laughing all the way to the bank. Carry on.
You’re the one saying it’s an attack, but at the same time saying it’s perfectly fine you don’t make any sense. She should just come out and say I’m a proud DEI hire.


Inordinately Right
Gee. First the Trump campaign was going to struggle against a mostly dead icon and now they’re about to be steamrolled and bitch slapped by an unaccomplished DEI hire.

You guys really know how to pick strong, energetic, charismatic winners as candidates!
It must suck knowing the first black president was a homo and the first black female presidential candidate is a complete idiot.


Staff member
“It's important to keep in mind that if you're someone interested in maintaining Social Security as a functioning program, the real threat isn't from proposed changes but from doing nothing. The trustees that oversee Social Security estimate that benefits will be cut by 23 percent starting in 2033, with further cuts needed in future years, unless policymakers make changes to the program's fundamental math.”

The GOP solution is to privatize it. That’s good for only the filthy rich and Wall Streer.


Staff member
You’re the one saying it’s an attack, but at the same time saying it’s perfectly fine you don’t make any sense. She should just come out and say I’m a proud DEI hire.
You believe republicans are saying it as a compliment? She’s doing just fine by ignoring it.