Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Well-Known Member
That's all you think blacks vote for anyway. Same with Obama. I not even trying to change anyone's mind. I'm just stating the obvious. Keep attacking her this way and it will only strengthen her. So please keep it going.
By the way, that's not who I think blacks vote for anyway. The fearless leader of our nation said 'you ain't black if you don't vote for me' (translation: Democrat). How the black American voters put up with that disrespect I'll never know.


Well-Known Member
Keep attacking Harris, you c u. C ks. Keep calling her a slut , keep posting misinformation about her record. You're only galvanizing the entire black electorate to vote for her. Please keep it going...🤣
Don't worry, no need to mischaracterize her record. Her record speaks for itself.


By the way, that's not who I think blacks vote for anyway. The fearless leader of our nation said 'you ain't black if you don't vote for me' (translation: Democrat). How the black American voters put up with that disrespect I'll never know.


Staff member
Polls I have seen say more black men are leaning toward the GOP. I don't see black women doing that. This election will be about the economy and who gets the most for their party to the polls. High grocery bills, fuel prices, taxes, crime, and inflation in general is hurting everybody.
I think those polls were before Biden dropped out. I think that will shift back.

The big package

Well-Known Member
Keep attacking Harris, you c u. C ks. Keep calling her a slut , keep posting misinformation about her record. You're only galvanizing the entire black electorate to vote for her. Please keep it going...🤣
Don't mind if I do ! Banging a old married man twice her age for job advancement would qualify her for being a skank not to mention a home wrecker !


Well-Known Member
Keep attacking Harris, you c u. C ks. Keep calling her a slut , keep posting misinformation about her record. You're only galvanizing the entire black electorate to vote for her. Please keep it going...🤣
Why is she considered black when she at 1st didn’t identify as that. What changed?


Legio patria nostra
So, after almost 100 posts, she has:
1. Graduated College
2. Graduated Law School
3. Passed the California Bar

I think the context is “great things she’s done while being VP”.

Looks like ZERO so far.