Maybe now is the right time to organize


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be in a situation shortly where I can save some serious money. And I'd be better off paying someone to assist me overseas than ever being in a nursing home in the States. How about stop trying to create a paradise and instead focus on opportunities through hard work to advance one's future?
Van, you have a wife, why would you have to pay someone to assist you?
I assume the situation, shortly, to save serious money revolves around divorce?


Well-Known Member
Van, you have a wife, why would you have to pay someone to assist you?
I assume the situation, shortly, to save serious money revolves around divorce?
No, she's as old as I am. Day may come where we need assistance and could afford that overseas. Much better than being warehoused in a senior home. More likely scenario is I die before she does and she moves in with her daughter.


Well-Known Member
No, she's as old as I am. Day may come where we need assistance and could afford that overseas. Much better than being warehoused in a senior home. More likely scenario is I die before she does and she moves in with her daughter.
You just keep living. You're a youngin,
Why would anyone marry a gal, (at the age you married,) the same age as yourself? Knowing her forty or so years previously aside.
Just playing.

You should have met one in Mexico, screw knowing her when you were in school.

Actually I guess I wasn't playing, that sounds like a legitimate question.


Well-Known Member
You just keep living. You're a youngin,
Why would anyone marry a gal, (at the age you married,) the same age as yourself? Knowing her forty or so years previously aside.
Just playing.

You should have met one in Mexico, screw knowing her when you were in school.

Actually I guess I wasn't playing, that sounds like a legitimate question.
Why does anyone do anything? Why do people never listen beforehand? Way above my pay grade.


Well-Known Member
Why does anyone do anything? Why do people never listen beforehand? Way above my pay grade.
Above my pay grade as well.
Pertaining to what I asked, a good response, if any, would have been, "I love her, I didn't want to live without her."

Just my thought

I've done the same in spades my friend, just never remarried.
Of anything left in my life, that would be what I want the most.
I get tired of cutting the grass and taking out the trash, there's a
lot of work being a woman, I 'm tired of being one. :lol::thumbup1::lol::rolleyes:

@Operational needs just tagged you to hopefully give you a chuckle

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Above my pay grade as well.
Pertaining to what I asked, a good response, if any, would have been, "I love her, I didn't want to live without her."

Just my thought

I've done the same in spades my friend, just never remarried.
Of anything left in my life, that would be what I want the most.
I get tired of cutting the grass and taking out the trash, there's a
lot of work being a woman, I 'm tired of being one. :lol::thumbup1::lol::rolleyes:

@Operational needs just tagged you to hopefully give you a chuckle
Ewww. I don’t cut grass. I pay someone. Lol.


Well-Known Member
The cash I’d save, but the headaches I’d get. Lol.
You're a smart lady.
for memories, a smart girl, I love remembering when I was a boy.
10 years has passed by so quickly. :lol:
You may not give a :censored2:, but while I was typing this response this came through my headphones, good tune, I love Pink........ my favorite band. Hope you enjoy, should you choose to listen,
I love Floyd.


Well-Known Member
And you can't seem to get that when you have your Medicare-for-all that's being pushed you will break the bank and lead to open revolt as that and other proposals will have everyone working for the government to pay for it all. Only there isn't enough money to pay for it all. Always telling when envy of the rich is pushed as a way to justify profligate spending. And don't kid yourself, Trump had to compromise with Democrats to get the military spending he wanted. Necessary because Obama had the military at pre-WWII levels. Couldn't get enough Republican votes to get it done so had to turn to Democrats who were happy to go along as long as they got their spending. Either you're ignorant of that fact or are disingenuous. But the economy boomed in Trump's first three years not because of deficit spending but by cutting taxes and reducing regulatory burdens that weren't necessary but were put on by Obamasan to bleed businesses dry.

Maybe if the wealthy paid more than $0-$750 per year in taxers, we could afford good schools again, could afford big infrastructure programs like the interstates again, and maybe even make sure our vets always have a place they can go inside to get out of the cold, in a safe and clean place. But some ignorant people don't believe the country is wealthy enough for anything but an unlimited defense budget that benefits the wealthy at the expense of those who pay taxes. Only idiots keep supporting more tax cuts and loopholes for the wealthy while complaining that providing health care to the poor will "break the bank" which is just further evidence of ignorance. Your belief that our defense budget was too low is proff that you watch too much of the state TV channel, and actually believe all the propaganda designed to make the gullibles want to give away to wealthy corporations and individuals massive fraudulent amounts- like $700 hammers' for 'defense' from 'caravans' of women and children and a massive waste of a wall. Every mile of wall could make 20 vets into a millionaire, or could give 1000 of them health care for life.


Well-Known Member
Jesus said " the poor you have with you always." All the great schemes Democrats have come up with to alleviate poverty have failed in spite of throwing trillions at it. Strangely though a lot of Democrats have gotten rich in office over the decades. Harry Truman said that anyone who gets rich in politics is a crook. That's what you support, lip service to society's ills while your leaders line their pockets. Want to help the poor? Give them an environment where the rich are willing to invest in business to make a good return and jobs are created to make that good return possible. Let people have opportunities to improve themselves and if they want better they'll strive to achieve better. That keeps the economy strong and makes it possible to support programs like Social Security and Medicare and others. SS was started to alleviate senior poverty because there was a time when seniors would end up impoverished when they could no longer work and didn't have relatives willing to take them in. A Democrat program that makes sense. And by the way, have never gotten a job from a poor man. You can rail against the rich all you want, and yes there are some who deserve it, but they are the economic engine that keeps the country going. If they stay on the sidelines because the government wants to take a much bigger chunk of their profits then businesses don't start, don't expand, don't hire, and many more people end up on welfare, dependent on the government and voting for those who give them more and more. Right where you want them.

Jesus Christ!!!!!!!! You ARE ignorant. Did you ever see the conditions the poor and especially poor blacks lived in BEFORE social programs and before affirmative action?????? Not even worth it to point out how great the difference is since that money was spent. In terms of educational opportunity alone, amazing strides have been made, and you rarely see American children with the extended bellies of malnourishment anymore that was all too common in the 60s. Maybe you are just too young to remember, but I think it is just willful ignorance to not know what the past was. You probably think slavery was just a guaranteed job that blacks should have been grateful for, seeing as how they had no education. You have NO right to even mention Jesus because you are NOT a christian.


Well-Known Member
Fire suppression is not a right. Firefighters provide a service for which they are paid. You cannot claim to have a right to that service.
You have as much right to fire suppression as your next door neighbor. Quit your smart ass replies and you might earn a little respect from the rest of the site.


Well-Known Member
You have as much right to fire suppression as your next door neighbor. Quit your smart ass replies and you might earn a little respect from the rest of the site.
Fire companies even VFD's have formal nondiscriminatory service agreements with the state and local municipalities The reason being that their treasuries receive public dollars along with private donations. If they get into a situation that's too big for them then they call for mutual aid.

Don't be too tough on him. This is a guy who continues to pump totally unsecured money into a venture the fate of which he has absolutely no control over.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Jesus Christ!!!!!!!! You ARE ignorant. Did you ever see the conditions the poor and especially poor blacks lived in BEFORE social programs and before affirmative action??????

Awfully nice of your side to warehouse blacks in such nice places as Cabrini-Green.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ!!!!!!!! You ARE ignorant. Did you ever see the conditions the poor and especially poor blacks lived in BEFORE social programs and before affirmative action?????? Not even worth it to point out how great the difference is since that money was spent. In terms of educational opportunity alone, amazing strides have been made, and you rarely see American children with the extended bellies of malnourishment anymore that was all too common in the 60s. Maybe you are just too young to remember, but I think it is just willful ignorance to not know what the past was. You probably think slavery was just a guaranteed job that blacks should have been grateful for, seeing as how they had no education. You have NO right to even mention Jesus because you are NOT a christian.
Van T like so many people at or near to retirement is worried about how he will fare when he can no longer easily pick up a job to help keep himself going. Saw a survey a few years ago that said that 62% of boomer nearing retirement had less than $50,000 saved for retirement.

There is a crisis looming. But, the worst thing anybody could do about it would be to overturn the ACA . The so called "better and cheaper" alternative we've been promised since 2017 doesn't exist . And overturning the ACA would allow health insurers once gain to ride roughshod over the American people because they would no longer be subject to the federal regulation and oversight that the ACA provided.

BTW. He keeps telling us about how he's covered under his wife's policy. What he doesn't realize is that the overturning of ACA would be that his wife's healthcare insurer could deem him too high a risk and simply kick him off it.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if the wealthy paid more than $0-$750 per year in taxers, we could afford good schools again, could afford big infrastructure programs like the interstates again, and maybe even make sure our vets always have a place they can go inside to get out of the cold, in a safe and clean place. But some ignorant people don't believe the country is wealthy enough for anything but an unlimited defense budget that benefits the wealthy at the expense of those who pay taxes. Only idiots keep supporting more tax cuts and loopholes for the wealthy while complaining that providing health care to the poor will "break the bank" which is just further evidence of ignorance. Your belief that our defense budget was too low is proff that you watch too much of the state TV channel, and actually believe all the propaganda designed to make the gullibles want to give away to wealthy corporations and individuals massive fraudulent amounts- like $700 hammers' for 'defense' from 'caravans' of women and children and a massive waste of a wall. Every mile of wall could make 20 vets into a millionaire, or could give 1000 of them health care for life.
It sure could. But what about the millions of vets left behind? And again, in our system some do very well because they provide goods, services, jobs that we all want. And the envious can't stand that they have less than the rich who provide all of that. I could care less if they have a lot more than I have. I do care that all the striving produces opportunities for those coming out of college to have careers instead of living off Mom and Dad. That someone coming out of high school with some training can find legitimate employment. Not putting the cart before the horse with spending money we don't have.


I have a limited understanding of FedEx's business model. That being said I know they employ a large amount of private contractors making an organized large scale strike near impossible.

What cards strike would have is that fed ex is bleeding right now as it is due to its loss of it's amazon contract putting a dent in it's share of the market. Covid and the holiday season combined will create the most busy shipping season this side of the century. In that regard it would be a heavy blow if fed ex workers struck.

That said, fed ex employees make up only one piece of the equation. Companies employ people to come up with protocols for any eventuality. I gurrentee you bean counters some where have already put together a marketing campaign for new (insert group of striking workers here) for a slightly higher pay rate or one time hiring bonus. All that the strikers would accomplish is becoming unemployed in a recession- boarder line depression economy. This would result in very little loss for FedEx financially as a company that large can absorb a blow of that size, and maybe it will cause a headache for a while as the story circles the news cycle but other than that any attempt won't even warrent a footnote in FedEx's history