Maybe now is the right time to organize


Well-Known Member
How come you failed to mention the fact that the same legislation twice failed to get out of committee in the Republican controlled 108th and 109th congress?

Your party twice had the opportunity to pass that legislation but instead blocked it from even getting on the floor for a vote.

What is quite obvious here is that you are blaming the Democrats for their inability to protect you from your beloved GOP.

The fact that your party refused to even bring the bill out of committee and up for a vote is something that just have to accept just as you're going to have to accept the fact that Trump LOST the election.
Apparently you didn't notice I pointed out that Republicans are against unions and if it's going to happen it'll have to be Democrats. I always point out the fact when everyone makes snarky comments about Republicans that Democrats had complete control of government, had a provision specifically targeting FedEx incorporated into an FAA funding bill by a great Democrat Congressman, and yet failed to deliver after Fred bought them off. We got thrown under the bus by the party who was supposed to care about the little guy. Now the Dems are in bed with China and Wall Street while Trump has got the working class and more and more minorities voting Republican. What a funny world we live in.


Well-Known Member

Apparently you didn't notice I pointed out that Republicans are against unions and if it's going to happen it'll have to be Democrats. I always point out the fact when everyone makes snarky comments about Republicans that Democrats had complete control of government, had a provision specifically targeting FedEx incorporated into an FAA funding bill by a great Democrat Congressman, and yet failed to deliver after Fred bought them off. We got thrown under the bus by the party who was supposed to care about the little guy. Now the Dems are in bed with China and Wall Street while Trump has got the working class and more and more minorities voting Republican. What a funny world we live in.
Yet you continue to support Republicans but whenever the GOP does something that is not to your benefit you expect the Democrats to protect you from any negative consequences that might impact your life.

If you want to continue to support the Republican agenda that's fine....nobody cares. But, you take the bad right along with the good and unless you're rich, powerful and a citizen of the Mobile Republic in good standing there doesn't appear to be much good coming your way courtesy of that agenda.

Oh by the way.....TRUMP LOST!.


Well-Known Member
Yet you continue to support Republicans but whenever the GOP does something that is not to your benefit you expect the Democrats to protect you from any negative consequences that might impact your life.

If you want to continue to support the Republican agenda that's fine....nobody cares. But, you take the bad right along with the good and unless you're rich, powerful and a citizen of the Mobile Republic in good standing there doesn't appear to be much good coming your way courtesy of that agenda.

Oh by the way.....TRUMP LOST!.
I was willing to give Dems a chance but for the same reason so many minorities are switching to the Republican now...Dems talk a lot but do little. We finally had a president who got things accomplished and all you guys could do is try to get even for Hillary losing. You deserve the government you're going to get.


Well-Known Member
I was willing to give Dems a chance but for the same reason so many minorities are switching to the Republican now...Dems talk a lot but do little. We finally had a president who got things accomplished and all you guys could do is try to get even for Hillary losing. You deserve the government you're going to get.
The Republicans had control over Congress 6 of the 8 years Clinton was in office and 6 of the 8 years Obama was in office. Now just how much do you think the Dems to get done within those very narrow windows.

Same holds true now if the GOP holds onto the Senate. McConnell will block anything the House sends up or the White House sends down.


Well-Known Member
The Republicans had control over Congress 6 of the 8 years Clinton was in office and 6 of the 8 years Obama was in office. Now just how much do you think the Dems to get done within those very narrow windows.

Same holds true now if the GOP holds onto the Senate. McConnell will block anything the House sends up or the White House sends down.
We got a lot done during the Clinton years thanks to Newt Gingrich and the Republican party. And Republicans only had control of the House under Obama from 2011 until 2015 then complete control until 2019. That was enough to stop him from implementing cap-and-trade, which would have hammered the economy.


Well-Known Member
We got a lot done during the Clinton years thanks to Newt Gingrich and the Republican party. And Republicans only had control of the House under Obama from 2011 until 2015 then complete control until 2019. That was enough to stop him from implementing cap-and-trade, which would have hammered the economy.
You have and will always be a dyed in the wool Republican. But again, you wanted to see the Express employees bill passed because it provided a direct to you benefit. And when it died TWICE in GOP committee you want to blame the Democrats. You're party's history of opposition to any pro labor legislation is decades long and will continue to do so. It even opposed a long overdue modest increase in the federal minimum wage. And the situation got so bad that some states had to take it upon themselves to try and do something to a federal minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 12 years.

It's a known fact that people are better off on welfare than to be sent out there to work a federal minimum wage job.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
It's a known fact that people are better off on welfare than to be sent out there to work a federal minimum wage job.
That statement pretty well sums up you and the rest of the liberal people. Always want something given to them rather than have them earn it. Why not go get a JOB and be productive? You would rather have people live in Sect. 8 and depend on government assistance?
Explains alot about your lack of character and work ethic.


Well-Known Member
You have and will always be a dyed in the wool Republican. But again, you wanted to see the Express employees bill passed because it provided a direct to you benefit. And when it died TWICE in GOP committee you want to blame the Democrats. You're party's history of opposition to any pro labor legislation is decades long and will continue to do so. It even opposed a long overdue modest increase in the federal minimum wage. And the situation got so bad that some states had to take it upon themselves to try and do something to a federal minimum wage that hasn't been raised in 12 years.

It's a known fact that people are better off on welfare than to be sent out there to work a federal minimum wage job.
How many people do you know who turn down things because it would be good for them? No matter what when Dems had control of the government they got bought off of helping FedEx employees organize. The Republicans did it on principle, the Dems, as usual, for money. You must be so proud.


Well-Known Member
I am biracial but identify as black, and there is a big underground rebuke of liberal elitism from black males. There is a segment of black men rebuking the democrat monopoly over the black voting block. While the women continue to vote democrat for various, and probably understandable reasons, Black independant thinkers are recognizing one thing- TANGIBLES. another words, Its not about speeches that make me feel better but rather what are your TANGIBLE RESULTS, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TANGIBLY FOR ME, WHAT IS YOUR RECORD. Many people will find that many liberal democrats simply do not have the results or record to match thier rhetoric, For me its about voting emotionally or voting logically. You will be suprised how many ppl vote emotionally.


Well-Known Member
Apparently you didn't notice I pointed out that Republicans are against unions and if it's going to happen it'll have to be Democrats. I always point out the fact when everyone makes snarky comments about Republicans that Democrats had complete control of government, had a provision specifically targeting FedEx incorporated into an FAA funding bill by a great Democrat Congressman, and yet failed to deliver after Fred bought them off. We got thrown under the bus by the party who was supposed to care about the little guy. Now the Dems are in bed with China and Wall Street while Trump has got the working class and more and more minorities voting Republican. What a funny world we live in.
You seem to be one of the ignorant, or possibly just a liar when you continue to claim the democrats had full control. The following article is meant for dummies who believe that--

For a lie to prosper, as it were, there needs to be a shred of truth woven inside the lie. It is absolutely true that from 2009-2011, Democrats and President Obama had “total control” of the House of Representatives.

But legislation does not become law without the Senate.

The Senate operates with the 60-vote-requirement filibuster rule. There are 100 Senate seats, and it takes 60 Senate votes for “closure” on a piece of bring that piece of legislation to the floor of the Senate for amendments and a final vote....that final vote is decided by a simple majority in most cases. But it takes 60 Senate votes to even have a chance of being voted upon.

“Total control”, then, of the Senate requires 60 Democratic or Republican Senators.

On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof “total control.” Republicans held 41 seats.

The 59 number in January, 2009 included Ted Kennedy and Al Franken. Kennedy had a seizure during an Obama inaugural luncheon and never returned to vote in the Senate.....and Al Franken was not officially seated until July 7th, 2009 (hotly contested recount demanded by Norm Coleman.)

The real Democratic Senate seat number in January, 2009 was 55 Democrats plus 2 Independents equaling 57 Senate seats."

Since this article Republicans got rid of the 60 vote rule, and did have full control, and almost ruined the country, bringing to the brink of violence with republicans sending an armed mog to an election counting building. Do you still think democrats had 'full control' and are you going to keep believing it. Al Franken was sworn in in JULY- 7 months late, and Ted Kennedy died a month later, and a republican took his place in January 2010. And there is a senator from W. Va who has never tru;y been a democrat- Joe Manchin, who can't be counted on reliably. With all the fake democrats, they barely passed the ACA, so your claim of 'full control proves how ignorant you are, yet you keep posting and keep proving it. I have pointed out you lack of knowledge on other issues you have strong opinions on, and you apparently don't know what the hell you are talking about.

High deductibles stop people from using the ACA????? Wrong- the ACAhas most medical care not subject at all to the deductible, and most of the rest has maybe a 20% copay until the deductible is met. You NEVER need to meet the full deductible to receive care under the ACA. If you have some very expensive treatment, you might need to make payments on your deductible, but it will still be a small % of the total.

And now you ignorantly claim that dems had full control for 2 years. I am just really tired of ignorant people screaming the loudest when it is clear to the rest that the screamer knows nothing.

It is happening now with the idiots believing opinions are facts' "I think there might be fraud" becomes the stupid mob screaming "Socialist Marxist Democrat baby killers stole the election" without skipping a beat. People like you who scream loudly while knowing nothing disgust me no end. But maybe it isn't your fault-maybe you only have one news source available, or maybe you were dropped on your head as a child. My baby brother literally was dropped on his head when he was about 2 years old, and he is a Trumpie, but at least he isn't loudly and proudly ignorant. If you were dropped on your head, or have some other mental limitations, I am sorry. But keep quiet.


Engorged Member
Apparently you didn't notice I pointed out that Republicans are against unions and if it's going to happen it'll have to be Democrats. I always point out the fact when everyone makes snarky comments about Republicans that Democrats had complete control of government, had a provision specifically targeting FedEx incorporated into an FAA funding bill by a great Democrat Congressman, and yet failed to deliver after Fred bought them off. We got thrown under the bus by the party who was supposed to care about the little guy. Now the Dems are in bed with China and Wall Street while Trump has got the working class and more and more minorities voting Republican. What a funny world we live in.
As usual, you've warped the truth. The 2011 attempt never had a chance, and the original Express Carrier Exemption was a literal last minute insertion by Republicans to gift Fred with his RLA status.


Well-Known Member
That statement pretty well sums up you and the rest of the liberal people. Always want something given to them rather than have them earn it. Why not go get a JOB and be productive? You would rather have people live in Sect. 8 and depend on government assistance?
Explains alot about your lack of character and work ethic.
By the time you pay for child care, rent, utilities, transportation working a minimum wage job, you end up still needing SNAP to buy food and Medicaid if you have serious medical problems. Bacha says that raising the minimum wage would encourage people to work, yet you want to keep it the same and expect people to work, work, work, and never get ahead, and STILL need federal help for food and medical care. Walmart and McDonalds get cheap labor, and the taxpayer supports their employees because we don't want them starving and sick. Raising minimum wage would REDUCE dependence on federal government and make EMPLOYERS pay enough to keep their employees alive. Just in SNAP benefits alone, the government would save billions because increased earnings would lower or end eligibility. Why you want to keep wages low is beyond understanding. The only people a low minimum wage helps is employers.

falcon back

Well-Known Member
By the time you pay for child care, rent, utilities, transportation working a minimum wage job, you end up still needing SNAP to buy food and Medicaid if you have serious medical problems. Bacha says that raising the minimum wage would encourage people to work, yet you want to keep it the same and expect people to work, work, work, and never get ahead, and STILL need federal help for food and medical care. Walmart and McDonalds get cheap labor, and the taxpayer supports their employees because we don't want them starving and sick. Raising minimum wage would REDUCE dependence on federal government and make EMPLOYERS pay enough to keep their employees alive. Just in SNAP benefits alone, the government would save billions because increased earnings would lower or end eligibility. Why you want to keep wages low is beyond understanding. The only people a low minimum wage helps is employers.
If people would get a job and work to better themselves, they wouldn't earn minimum wage. If people wouldn't have kids that they cant financially support they would be better off. Sitting on the couch all day and drinking 40's and having multiple kids with multiple men or women does nobody any good. 3rd.and 4th generations of family living in section 8 housing instead of working to better themselves is a drain to all of us. You cant go thru life expecting the government to support you.


Well-Known Member
I am biracial but identify as black, and there is a big underground rebuke of liberal elitism from black males. There is a segment of black men rebuking the democrat monopoly over the black voting block. While the women continue to vote democrat for various, and probably understandable reasons, Black independant thinkers are recognizing one thing- TANGIBLES. another words, Its not about speeches that make me feel better but rather what are your TANGIBLE RESULTS, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TANGIBLY FOR ME, WHAT IS YOUR RECORD. Many people will find that many liberal democrats simply do not have the results or record to match thier rhetoric, For me its about voting emotionally or voting logically. You will be suprised how many ppl vote emotionally.
Were you even alive in the 60s when blacks were living in slums across the country and literally starving in rural areas of the south, and living in shanties with no water or heat or refrigeration??????? It was DEMOCRATIC leaders who spent billion and trillions of dollars on training, housing, food assistance, while republicans fought it then and continue to fight it now?????

I grew up just outside of Oakland Ca and have seen the slow steady improvement. If democrats had cooperation instead of obstruction from republicans, things would have been done faster, but blaming democrats for not doing enough fast enough is short sighted. When schools alone that serve mostly black children get half the funding as schools with a majority of white children, you want ot blame democrats. who you say talk but do nothing. Until the education is equal, there won't be job opportunities that whites take for granted. Sure, a certain % will get past the problems, but simple math says that a lower education level in general lessens the odds. Does any black person really think that republicans are going to be willing to spend ANY tax money to help majority black schools? NO. Republicans want to pull money OUT of majority black schools and spend it on private schools that might take a few of the black kids, and literally leaving less money for the others who have fixed costs, leaving the reductions coming from teachers, and textbooks and supplies. The building costs the same to heat and maintain and clean and light even if 100 out of 1000 kids leave. But the remaining budget must be cut when funds are taken away with the kids that leave, and the pace towards complete failure is hastened, which is what the right really wants when they say they want charter schools or school choice. What they want is tax dollars going to private hands, just like they want with prisons, and defense spending.


Well-Known Member
If people would get a job and work to better themselves, they wouldn't earn minimum wage. If people wouldn't have kids that they cant financially support they would be better off. Sitting on the couch all day and drinking 40's and having multiple kids with multiple men or women does nobody any good. 3rd.and 4th generations of family living in section 8 housing instead of working to better themselves is a drain to all of us. You cant go thru life expecting the government to support you.
And if everyone was a CEO, there would be no minimum wage workers to worry about. There are NOT enough good paying jobs for everyone to have one. You saw that when minimum wage workers were suddenly 'essential' and forced to work and risk their lives to keep society running. If those workers need help to live, and have limited job oportunities, and maybe a limited education because of where they grew up, or because their parents may not have cared, how are they supposed to do better???????? You have no answer except "Let them die, let them starve."

The vast vast majority of people who get help are NOT there by choice, and if you think living in section eight housing is great, you are a fool. Wanting to better yourself when you have a poor education or bad parents, or a lot of lead in your blood might not be as great as you think. Maybe you should try injecting a lot of lead into your arm, and see how much better you perform.


Well-Known Member
I am biracial but identify as black, and there is a big underground rebuke of liberal elitism from black males. There is a segment of black men rebuking the democrat monopoly over the black voting block. While the women continue to vote democrat for various, and probably understandable reasons, Black independant thinkers are recognizing one thing- TANGIBLES. another words, Its not about speeches that make me feel better but rather what are your TANGIBLE RESULTS, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TANGIBLY FOR ME, WHAT IS YOUR RECORD. Many people will find that many liberal democrats simply do not have the results or record to match thier rhetoric, For me its about voting emotionally or voting logically. You will be suprised how many ppl vote emotionally.
I took this as you supporting republicans, and replied as such. Rereading it, I see you are saying the some feel that way, so maybe you don't. I hope not, but my reply is valid, even if possibly misdirected to you.


Well-Known Member
That statement pretty well sums up you and the rest of the liberal people. Always want something given to them rather than have them earn it. Why not go get a JOB and be productive? You would rather have people live in Sect. 8 and depend on government assistance?
Explains alot about your lack of character and work ethic.
Say what you want about us so called "liberals' but in the end you'll still go sign up for every Roosevelt New Deal and Johnson Great Society social program you think you can qualify for....which by the way first and foremost among them is Social Security and Medicare which I am quite certain currently are or will soon play a major role in the quality of your retirement going forward.

Of course thanks to your wife's major lottery winnings (lol) you won't need to apply for these programs and therefore in support of your "conservative" ideals I am quite certain that you will choose NOT to apply for them....yea right.


Well-Known Member
If people would get a job and work to better themselves, they wouldn't earn minimum wage. If people wouldn't have kids that they cant financially support they would be better off. Sitting on the couch all day and drinking 40's and having multiple kids with multiple men or women does nobody any good. 3rd.and 4th generations of family living in section 8 housing instead of working to better themselves is a drain to all of us. You cant go thru life expecting the government to support you.
As Dmac pointed out a major share of the people you are talking about are the working poor of this nation. They are the people who take care of the sick, provide child care, clean homes and public facilities, staff the fast food joints, deliver food and Bezos junk.


Moreover public welfare program spending represents less than 10% of the entire U.S. budget. It's more a form of corporate welfare than public welfare given that taxpayers are subsidizing the wages of the employees of many U.S. corporations.


Well-Known Member
How many people do you know who turn down things because it would be good for them? No matter what when Dems had control of the government they got bought off of helping FedEx employees organize. The Republicans did it on principle, the Dems, as usual, for money. You must be so proud.
What you didn't disclose or chose not to disclose was the amount of money Republican congressman in the 108th and 109th congress were receiving from Fat Freddy in exchange for burying the bill in committee.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be one of the ignorant, or possibly just a liar when you continue to claim the democrats had full control. The following article is meant for dummies who believe that--

For a lie to prosper, as it were, there needs to be a shred of truth woven inside the lie. It is absolutely true that from 2009-2011, Democrats and President Obama had “total control” of the House of Representatives.

But legislation does not become law without the Senate.

The Senate operates with the 60-vote-requirement filibuster rule. There are 100 Senate seats, and it takes 60 Senate votes for “closure” on a piece of bring that piece of legislation to the floor of the Senate for amendments and a final vote....that final vote is decided by a simple majority in most cases. But it takes 60 Senate votes to even have a chance of being voted upon.

“Total control”, then, of the Senate requires 60 Democratic or Republican Senators.

On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof “total control.” Republicans held 41 seats.

The 59 number in January, 2009 included Ted Kennedy and Al Franken. Kennedy had a seizure during an Obama inaugural luncheon and never returned to vote in the Senate.....and Al Franken was not officially seated until July 7th, 2009 (hotly contested recount demanded by Norm Coleman.)

The real Democratic Senate seat number in January, 2009 was 55 Democrats plus 2 Independents equaling 57 Senate seats."

Since this article Republicans got rid of the 60 vote rule, and did have full control, and almost ruined the country, bringing to the brink of violence with republicans sending an armed mog to an election counting building. Do you still think democrats had 'full control' and are you going to keep believing it. Al Franken was sworn in in JULY- 7 months late, and Ted Kennedy died a month later, and a republican took his place in January 2010. And there is a senator from W. Va who has never tru;y been a democrat- Joe Manchin, who can't be counted on reliably. With all the fake democrats, they barely passed the ACA, so your claim of 'full control proves how ignorant you are, yet you keep posting and keep proving it. I have pointed out you lack of knowledge on other issues you have strong opinions on, and you apparently don't know what the hell you are talking about.

High deductibles stop people from using the ACA????? Wrong- the ACAhas most medical care not subject at all to the deductible, and most of the rest has maybe a 20% copay until the deductible is met. You NEVER need to meet the full deductible to receive care under the ACA. If you have some very expensive treatment, you might need to make payments on your deductible, but it will still be a small % of the total.

And now you ignorantly claim that dems had full control for 2 years. I am just really tired of ignorant people screaming the loudest when it is clear to the rest that the screamer knows nothing.

It is happening now with the idiots believing opinions are facts' "I think there might be fraud" becomes the stupid mob screaming "Socialist Marxist Democrat baby killers stole the election" without skipping a beat. People like you who scream loudly while knowing nothing disgust me no end. But maybe it isn't your fault-maybe you only have one news source available, or maybe you were dropped on your head as a child. My baby brother literally was dropped on his head when he was about 2 years old, and he is a Trumpie, but at least he isn't loudly and proudly ignorant. If you were dropped on your head, or have some other mental limitations, I am sorry. But keep quiet.
You seem to be one of the ignorant, or possibly just a liar when you continue to claim the democrats had full control. The following article is meant for dummies who believe that--

For a lie to prosper, as it were, there needs to be a shred of truth woven inside the lie. It is absolutely true that from 2009-2011, Democrats and President Obama had “total control” of the House of Representatives.

But legislation does not become law without the Senate.

The Senate operates with the 60-vote-requirement filibuster rule. There are 100 Senate seats, and it takes 60 Senate votes for “closure” on a piece of bring that piece of legislation to the floor of the Senate for amendments and a final vote....that final vote is decided by a simple majority in most cases. But it takes 60 Senate votes to even have a chance of being voted upon.

“Total control”, then, of the Senate requires 60 Democratic or Republican Senators.

On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof “total control.” Republicans held 41 seats.

The 59 number in January, 2009 included Ted Kennedy and Al Franken. Kennedy had a seizure during an Obama inaugural luncheon and never returned to vote in the Senate.....and Al Franken was not officially seated until July 7th, 2009 (hotly contested recount demanded by Norm Coleman.)

The real Democratic Senate seat number in January, 2009 was 55 Democrats plus 2 Independents equaling 57 Senate seats."

Since this article Republicans got rid of the 60 vote rule, and did have full control, and almost ruined the country, bringing to the brink of violence with republicans sending an armed mog to an election counting building. Do you still think democrats had 'full control' and are you going to keep believing it. Al Franken was sworn in in JULY- 7 months late, and Ted Kennedy died a month later, and a republican took his place in January 2010. And there is a senator from W. Va who has never tru;y been a democrat- Joe Manchin, who can't be counted on reliably. With all the fake democrats, they barely passed the ACA, so your claim of 'full control proves how ignorant you are, yet you keep posting and keep proving it. I have pointed out you lack of knowledge on other issues you have strong opinions on, and you apparently don't know what the hell you are talking about.

High deductibles stop people from using the ACA????? Wrong- the ACAhas most medical care not subject at all to the deductible, and most of the rest has maybe a 20% copay until the deductible is met. You NEVER need to meet the full deductible to receive care under the ACA. If you have some very expensive treatment, you might need to make payments on your deductible, but it will still be a small % of the total.

And now you ignorantly claim that dems had full control for 2 years. I am just really tired of ignorant people screaming the loudest when it is clear to the rest that the screamer knows nothing.

It is happening now with the idiots believing opinions are facts' "I think there might be fraud" becomes the stupid mob screaming "Socialist Marxist Democrat baby killers stole the election" without skipping a beat. People like you who scream loudly while knowing nothing disgust me no end. But maybe it isn't your fault-maybe you only have one news source available, or maybe you were dropped on your head as a child. My baby brother literally was dropped on his head when he was about 2 years old, and he is a Trumpie, but at least he isn't loudly and proudly ignorant. If you were dropped on your head, or have some other mental limitations, I am sorry. But keep quiet.

Initially, the 60 vote rule was altered by Harry Reid , a democrat, in 2013. Later it was further altered by Mitch McConnell, a republican, to include Supreme Court justices. Both sides are at fault. I don’t understand how anyone can have party loyalty, when they aren’t loyal to their constituents.