You seem to be one of the ignorant, or possibly just a liar when you continue to claim the democrats had full control. The following article is meant for dummies who believe that--
For a lie to prosper, as it were, there needs to be a shred of truth woven inside the lie. It is absolutely true that from 2009-2011, Democrats and President Obama had “total control” of the House of Representatives.
But legislation does not become law without the Senate.
The Senate operates with the 60-vote-requirement filibuster rule. There are 100 Senate seats, and it takes 60 Senate votes for “closure” on a piece of bring that piece of legislation to the floor of the Senate for amendments and a final vote....that final vote is decided by a simple majority in most cases. But it takes 60 Senate votes to even have a chance of being voted upon.
“Total control”, then, of the Senate requires 60 Democratic or Republican Senators.
On January 20th, 2009, 57 Senate seats were held by Democrats with 2 Independents (Bernie Sanders and Joe Lieberman) caucusing with the Democrats...which gave Democrats 59 mostly-reliable Democratic votes in the Senate, one shy of filibuster-proof “total control.” Republicans held 41 seats.
The 59 number in January, 2009 included Ted Kennedy and Al Franken. Kennedy had a seizure
during an Obama inaugural luncheon and never returned to vote in the Senate.....and Al Franken was
not officially seated until July 7th, 2009 (hotly contested recount demanded by Norm Coleman.)
The real Democratic Senate seat number in January, 2009 was 55 Democrats plus 2 Independents equaling 57 Senate seats."
The Reverend Lies are easy to get away with if they are repeated often enough and given voice by many different people. Repeat a lie often enough and that lie often becomes conventional wisdom. Repe…
Since this article Republicans got rid of the 60 vote rule, and did have full control, and almost ruined the country, bringing to the brink of violence with republicans sending an armed mog to an election counting building. Do you still think democrats had 'full control' and are you going to keep believing it. Al Franken was sworn in in JULY- 7 months late, and Ted Kennedy died a month later, and a republican took his place in January 2010. And there is a senator from W. Va who has never tru;y been a democrat- Joe Manchin, who can't be counted on reliably. With all the fake democrats, they barely passed the ACA, so your claim of 'full control proves how ignorant you are, yet you keep posting and keep proving it. I have pointed out you lack of knowledge on other issues you have strong opinions on, and you apparently don't know what the hell you are talking about.
High deductibles stop people from using the ACA????? Wrong- the ACAhas most medical care not subject at all to the deductible, and most of the rest has maybe a 20% copay until the deductible is met. You NEVER need to meet the full deductible to receive care under the ACA. If you have some very expensive treatment, you might need to make payments on your deductible, but it will still be a small % of the total.
And now you ignorantly claim that dems had full control for 2 years. I am just really tired of ignorant people screaming the loudest when it is clear to the rest that the screamer knows nothing.
It is happening now with the idiots believing opinions are facts' "I think there might be fraud" becomes the stupid mob screaming "Socialist Marxist Democrat baby killers stole the election" without skipping a beat. People like you who scream loudly while knowing nothing disgust me no end. But maybe it isn't your fault-maybe you only have one news source available, or maybe you were dropped on your head as a child. My baby brother literally was dropped on his head when he was about 2 years old, and he is a Trumpie, but at least he isn't loudly and proudly ignorant. If you were dropped on your head, or have some other mental limitations, I am sorry. But keep quiet.