Mueller report

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“Bill Clinton did receive $500,000 to deliver a speech at a Russian bank that was promoting Uranium One stock, according to The New York Times, and the company’s chairman donated $2.35 million to the foundation in four installments as Uranium One was being acquired by Rosatum between 2009 and 2013.

All told, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from those linked to Uranium One and UrAsia, but it went to the charity organization and not the Clinton family. Furthermore, most of those donations occurred before and during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign, according to The Post.

Assessment: Yes, the foundation received money and Bill Clinton was paid to give a speech, but there’s no evidence the Clintons were paid by Russians to push through the uranium deal.“

Ah, I see.


Staff member

At first I thought it was orange residue from the president’s member but the I saw it’s really a complimentary shade of pink lipstick.
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Well-Known Member
We both know you do not like him or any of your fellow travelers wandering off the reservation.
Many say, (to use a term your side uses to promote falsehoods) I joke entirely too much.
Beyond that I have no inclination to defend my sense of humor, it stands on it's own.
It needs no defense.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You a closet conservative?

Center-left southern guy who has only ever voted for Democrats. But with their push further left (hysterical reaction to Trump), this is the first cycle I’ve wondered if the next Democratic Presidential candidate will have moderates with no party loyalty like myself in mind. I’m far from the only one in that boat. And I’m just saying to coastal hard leftists that they are going to lose themselves the next Presidential election if they remain determined to be far more ideological than practical.