New IVIS Thingy


Box Monkey
the rumor I heard was that they would go home with us and that they could actually call you on it so it would be helping contact the drivers who are on-call like myself.


Box Monkey
I just realized that I did not tell you what those initials stood for, although @pickup did.

They count down, to let you know how much time on-duty time or drive time you have left. OD counts down from 14 hours, the max you can work, without an extension, without taking 10 hours off. DT counts down from 11 hours, the max you can drive without taking 10 hours off.

You said you wanted to be a feeder driver. Can you tell me why those two numbers in the picture are the same if one started counting down from 14 and the other started counting down from 11?

I would assume because he has more time on the clock then he does actually driving?

I always feel that if when I punch out and my OD and DT time aren't the same then I didn't screw around enough. :lol:

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Heard some feeder drivers talking about it. They were gonna file for being made to use electronic distraction devices. One guy said he was gonna keep it in a bookbag like they say to keep his phone. Hahahaha

We had a message about not being distracted by it. Seemed like an admission that it could distract a driver. I don't think it's any worse than the old system.

the rumor I heard was that they would go home with us and that they could actually call you on it so it would be helping contact the drivers who are on-call like myself.

I heard something similar. Someone said eventually we would be using it for covering weekly bids. It would suck to have to drag this around for daily coverage...this case is bulky


Light 'em up!
Need to work on that idle time

Good catch, but that is one of the glitches. I got to a TDP account and the thing still showed me on road. I figured it would eventually catch up, but by the time I swapped the trailers, it still had me on road. Rebooted the IVIS NG app and it showed the whole time that it was "locked up," 25 minutes, as idle time.

We have guys showing 200 and 300 minutes of idle time. It sees the tractor running, but not registering any mph, and recording it as idle time even though they are going 65 mph.

Yep. Can't be posting to BC on Company time, only @UpstateNYUPSer can do that.

Not gonna happen. We have been warned there is no using an old IVIS once we were issued a phone. If you can't log in you go on paper

That's what they told our sups that wanted to go back to the old IVIS.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Good catch, but that is one of the glitches. I got to a TDP account and the thing still showed me on road. I figured it would eventually catch up, but by the time I swapped the trailers, it still had me on road. Rebooted the IVIS NG app and it showed the whole time that it was "locked up," 25 minutes, as idle time.

We have guys showing 200 and 300 minutes of idle time. It sees the tractor running, but not registering any mph, and recording it as idle time even though they are going 65 mph.

Yep. Can't be posting to BC on Company time, only @UpstateNYUPSer can do that.

That's what they told our sups that wanted to go back to the old IVIS.

We haven't had any of those issues.

If they complain too much just don't connect the Bluetooth...


Light 'em up!
If they complain too much just don't connect the Bluetooth...

Does it automatically, whenever you hit leave, if it is not already connected.

BREAK takes you off the clock?

Break is my time that I can do anything I want, even though it is paid time.

We are only allowed to use MEAL we are told BREAK doesn't take you off the clock.

Break is paid time here, but it is my time to do whatever I want.

I can leave my equipment, I can sleep, I can go for a walk, I can hang out with the boys, I can post on BC.

It is also classified as off-duty time for DOT purposes.


Pineapple King
Break is my time that I can do anything I want, even though it is paid time.

Break is paid time here, but it is my time to do whatever I want.

I can leave my equipment, I can sleep, I can go for a walk, I can hang out with the boys, I can post on BC.

It is also classified as off-duty time for DOT purposes.
And how much total time do you get on BREAK? We get 1 hour MEAL that's it.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Reply to Mugarolla

I forgot about that but it only tries once per outbound, they can be used in rentals without the kit.
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Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
The thing most drivers like least is the fact you must designate your off-duty activity before starting it. Its not like before when you could go on "other work" and account for your time when finished.


Light 'em up!
The thing most drivers like least is the fact you must designate your off-duty activity before starting it. Its not like before when you could go on "other work" and account for your time when finished.

Yes, I hate that.

I used to sleep until my loads were ready. I would then end other work, key in a half hour meal and then CS for the rest of the time.

Not now. I have to end meal, and then go on CS, and try and fall back to sleep.

And I don't want to hear it. Yes, they are paying me to sleep and I am complaining.