New Orleans..Terrorist Attack or Not ?


nowhere special
The truck he was driving was spotted on a Flock camera about 1/2 mile from my house. He lived in a gated compound about 5 miles from me. Ya never know.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
BREAKING: Former FBI Agent claims the attack last night was performed by a SLEEPER CELL.

This is scary. The guy is in our military and radicalized to the point where he follows through with terr*tistic activities.

We have a problem.

First thing I told my wife at 6:30 this morning, we are screwed.


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
Yes. And I’m glad that slavery is over and a lot of those great men were a part of ending it! But again were are so anachronistic about this issue. Slaves, indentured servants were part of all civilizations and empires etc. if you study the history of economics this was how you made money and ordered your society but I’m not going to try to reset to 0 a long complicated history of amazing things that happened in Christendom because they didn’t get everything right neither have we and I don’t want future generations to not honor me because I had no political power to change things. And by the way we have murdered more people in the last 80 years from Marxist, Communist ideology then the Catholic faith has.
History is written by the winners, but the winners weren't always the good guys. Instead of glossing over the evil that was done, no matter where in the world, we should be determined to make sure it never happens again.


Inordinately Right

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
History is written by the winners, but the winners weren't always the good guys. Instead of glossing over the evil that was done, no matter where in the world, we should be determined to make sure it never happens again.
A typical response from someone who hasn’t done the reading and shouldn’t be commenting on something they don’t understand.


Well-Known Member
A typical response from someone who hasn’t done the reading and shouldn’t be commenting on something they don’t understand.
I've been reading history most of my life. When I was twelve I could name every major Southern general in the Civil War. My family on both sides arrived in the 1790's. As well as I had native family already here.

Want a kick in the head? The Cherokees had largely assimilated into white culture. Thousands of them married whites, wore white clothing, lived in white style houses, accepted Christianity. Gold was discovered in northern Georgia and Andrew Jackson said the Cherokees had to go. None of the above mattered. They sued in court and eventually the Supreme Court ruled in their favor. Jackson ignored the Court, sent in the Army, and marched them to Oklahoma. There's a resort now on what used to be my ancestor's property near Chattanooga. My ancestor was a half white Cherokee chief who was one of six who signed a treaty with the U.S.

As I was saying, the winners aren't always the good guys.

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
I've been reading history most of my life. When I was twelve I could name every major Southern general in the Civil War. My family on both sides arrived in the 1790's. As well as I had native family already here.

Want a kick in the head? The Cherokees had largely assimilated into white culture. Thousands of them married whites, wore white clothing, lived in white style houses, accepted Christianity. Gold was discovered in northern Georgia and Andrew Jackson said the Cherokees had to go. None of the above mattered. They sued in court and eventually the Supreme Court ruled in their favor. Jackson ignored the Court, sent in the Army, and marched them to Oklahoma. There's a resort now on what used to be my ancestor's property near Chattanooga. My ancestor was a half white Cherokee chief who was one of six who signed a treaty with the U.S.

As I was saying, the winners aren't always the good guys.
What Jackson did was wrong, he broke treaties but he was an outlier to a lot of heritage American men who had good relations with the tribes but the way you post the original post about the Indians left out that they were wicked pagans who’s culture was backwards similar to the culture that Islam has produced. If you’re interested in this issue I recommend this book.

Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World​



Well-Known Member
What Jackson did was wrong, he broke treaties but he was an outlier to a lot of heritage American men who had good relations with the tribes but the way you post the original post about the Indians left out that they were wicked pagans who’s culture was backwards similar to the culture that Islam has produced. If you’re interested in this issue I recommend this book.

Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World​

You have a very whitewashed view of American history.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
What Jackson did was wrong, he broke treaties but he was an outlier to a lot of heritage American men who had good relations with the tribes but the way you post the original post about the Indians left out that they were wicked pagans who’s culture was backwards similar to the culture that Islam has produced. If you’re interested in this issue I recommend this book.

Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World​

:censored2: the Cherokee, heathens

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
You have a very whitewashed view of American history.
The educational mechanisms at work in the country have been at work for many years to try to reset a more aligned history of what really happened in the past. I know you really believe that and I somewhat feel bad for you because what many bad actors have wanted to happen has happened!


Well-Known Member
What Jackson did was wrong, he broke treaties but he was an outlier to a lot of heritage American men who had good relations with the tribes but the way you post the original post about the Indians left out that they were wicked pagans who’s culture was backwards similar to the culture that Islam has produced. If you’re interested in this issue I recommend this book.

Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World​

I'm very familiar with all of that. In no way were the Native Americans similar to Islamists in what is now the U.S.