New Social Security bill


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Good examples that people grow smarter as they get older.
Most people start out liberal until they learn about the real world.

WTF happened to you?
I didn't grow rich and then turn "conservative" as part of an effort to preserve wealth because I didn't have enough to warrant going against my convictions in an effort to protect it.


Well-Known Member
Looks photo shopped. The M16 didn't enter service until after he died. And when they were cleaning out his desk after he died they found an executive order that would have had all US military personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. He knew first hand what jungle warfare was all about and fighting a limited engagement in that region would be a losing proposition He was not the warrior president "conservatives" want to believe that he was.


Well-Known Member
Looks photo shopped. The M16 didn't enter service until after he died. And when they were cleaning out his desk after he died they found an executive order that would have had all US military personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. He knew first hand what jungle warfare was all about and fighting a limited engagement in that region would be a losing proposition He was not the warrior president "conservatives" want to believe that he was.

‘Conservatives’ love to reframe history, it’s practically a pastime.


Well-Known Member
And you funky assed Dimwits don’t do it just as badly?
The difference is Conservatives do it based on intelligence while you dumb Dimwits do it out of ignorance.

There are many differences between Conservatives and Liberals, but intelligence/ignorance probably isn't the best measure, plenty of both examples in either party.

Empathy vs. Fear?


Well-Known Member
Looks photo shopped. The M16 didn't enter service until after he died. And when they were cleaning out his desk after he died they found an executive order that would have had all US military personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. He knew first hand what jungle warfare was all about and fighting a limited engagement in that region would be a losing proposition He was not the warrior president "conservatives" want to believe that he was.

I think that pic is real.

Random, but real.


Dude has a crossbow, lol.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
There are many differences between Conservatives and Liberals, but intelligence/ignorance probably isn't the best measure, plenty of both examples in either party.

Empathy vs. Fear?
There is difference between empathy and the desire to help everyone regardless of whether a person deserves it or not.

The Dimwits want everyone to have the same when only a few really achieve anything.

Fear comes from seeing a glimpse of the future for the USA as a Socialist country while it has failed miserably in every instance except in small countries with abundant resources that can be sold to other countries to support Socialism.
And then in countries like Venezuela with abundant resources, human nature drags the entire country down into the cesspool of Socialism.


Well-Known Member
There is difference between empathy and the desire to help everyone regardless of whether a person deserves it or not.

The Dimwits want everyone to have the same when only a few really achieve anything.

Fear comes from seeing a glimpse of the future for the USA as a Socialist country while it has failed miserably in every instance except in small countries with abundant resources that can be sold to other countries to support Socialism.
And then in countries like Venezuela with abundant resources, human nature drags the entire country down into the cesspool of Socialism.
Glad to see that you're another true blue American will NOT be signing up for Social Security or Medicare because well it's SOCIALISM. Likewise I'm sure that when you've outlived your money and you find yourself in a nursing home you will not apply for Medicaid . Why? Because it's SOCIALISM. And I'm confident that you will remain true to your convictions...... until the nursing home takes you out and dumps you in a snow drift because they're not going to keep you for free.


Retired 23 years
Oh Boy!!--1st of the month--two SS cks, 3 pension cks and Disabled Vets ck probably being electronically deposited as I type. What a Country.


Well-Known Member
Glad to see that you're another true blue American will NOT be signing up for Social Security or Medicare because well it's SOCIALISM. Likewise I'm sure that when you've outlived your money and you find yourself in a nursing home you will not apply for Medicaid . Why? Because it's SOCIALISM. And I'm confident that you will remain true to your convictions...... until the nursing home takes you out and dumps you in a snow drift because they're not going to keep you for free.
And don't you dare go down to that huge supermarket on the corner with all those choices because it's CAPITALISM. Don't go to the mall or furniture store or Best Buy or the auto dealer because it's CAPITALISM. Don't you dare order something off of Amazon knowing good and well that they're providing labor intensive jobs for $15hr because it's CAPITALISM. You instead share your home with two other families and stand in line for your ration of bread and cheese and hope they still have some left. Europe isn't socialist, they're capitalist countries with varying degrees of socialism incorporated. And they're struggling. Nah, you want Cuba, Venezuela, or maybe China. You want control.


Well-Known Member
And don't you dare go down to that huge supermarket on the corner with all those choices because it's CAPITALISM. Don't go to the mall or furniture store or Best Buy or the auto dealer because it's CAPITALISM. Don't you dare order something off of Amazon knowing good and well that they're providing labor intensive jobs for $15hr because it's CAPITALISM. You instead share your home with two other families and stand in line for your ration of bread and cheese and hope they still have some left. Europe isn't socialist, they're capitalist countries with varying degrees of socialism incorporated. And they're struggling. Nah, you want Cuba, Venezuela, or maybe China. You want control.
Given your extraordinary success's in a capitalist economy I find it quite commendable that you will not need to file for Social Security or Medicare. You've done so well you don't want it....don't need it. And unlike the 62% of nursing home patients who are on Medicaid because they've outlived their money you won't want it.... won't need it. You'll be able to pay your entire fare right up until they close the lid of your casket.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Glad to see that you're another true blue American will NOT be signing up for Social Security or Medicare because well it's SOCIALISM. Likewise I'm sure that when you've outlived your money and you find yourself in a nursing home you will not apply for Medicaid . Why? Because it's SOCIALISM. And I'm confident that you will remain true to your convictions...... until the nursing home takes you out and dumps you in a snow drift because they're not going to keep you for free.
Broken record
And broken thought process.
Is nice that you can make up all this in your head but it degrades you because I can tell you are intelligent but these kind of posts don’t do you well.

Honestly, you come across like some nitwit from Frisco ... say like @MAKAVELI


Retired 23 years
Looks photo shopped. The M16 didn't enter service until after he died. And when they were cleaning out his desk after he died they found an executive order that would have had all US military personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. He knew first hand what jungle warfare was all about and fighting a limited engagement in that region would be a losing proposition He was not the warrior president "conservatives" want to believe that he was.
M-16's entered the service in 1964-Kennedy died Nov. 22,1963. Being the Commander and Chief I'm sure he had all kinds of opportunities to preview this weapon before they were issued