New Social Security bill

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Given your extraordinary success's in a capitalist economy I find it quite commendable that you will not need to file for Social Security or Medicare. You've done so well you don't want it....don't need it. And unlike the 62% of nursing home patients who are on Medicaid because they've outlived their money you won't want it.... won't need it. You'll be able to pay your entire fare right up until they close the lid of your casket.
In case you are unaware, if you are in real life like you are on here, no one will miss you when they close your casket.

Good riddance to you is what they will say after a couple of weeks

Time to change your ways.


Man of Great Wisdom
Can you imagine that dumb MF Obama in that pose?
That stupid dickwad would look down the barrel.
It was such a farce when he tried to interact with the troops.
He wanted their respect so badly and 95% of the non-Black soldiers couldn’t stand him.
I'm sure they all look at Trump and think where would we be without this great man.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I'm sure they all look at Trump and think what a
Probably not much respect as a soldier but they really appreciate what Trump has done to bring the military back up to what it once was.
Clinton, Bush and Obama degraded the USA military so much that Trump had to do something about it.
If China were to attack us right now, we would lose that war unless we went nuclear and then we would all be losers.


Well-Known Member
Given your extraordinary success's in a capitalist economy I find it quite commendable that you will not need to file for Social Security or Medicare. You've done so well you don't want it....don't need it. And unlike the 62% of nursing home patients who are on Medicaid because they've outlived their money you won't want it.... won't need it. You'll be able to pay your entire fare right up until they close the lid of your casket.
Social insurance, not socialism, and if I'm required to contribute to it my entire working life I will take what's rightfully mine. And keep this in mind, Social Security is paid to those who work. You know, those folks who's taxes pay the freight for all the social programs you want that often benefit those who don't work. Show a little respect.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Social insurance, not socialism, and if I'm required to contribute to it my entire working life I will take what's rightfully mine. And keep this in mind, Social Security is paid to those who work. You know, those folks who's taxes pay the freight for all the social programs you want that often benefit those who don't work. Show a little respect.
He has a blind spot there.
Even smart people can be stupid ... it’s one of the things I learned over the years.


Well-Known Member
Probably not much respect as a soldier but they really appreciate what Trump has done to bring the military back up to what it once was.
Clinton, Bush and Obama degraded the USA military so much that Trump had to do something about it.
If China were to attack us right now, we would lose that war unless we went nuclear and then we would all be losers.
The only thing that China has on us is more men. They don't have the Air Force, Navy, or firepower we do. Wouldn't be the Korean War.


Man of Great Wisdom
Probably not much respect as a soldier but they really appreciate what Trump has done to bring the military back up to what it once was.
Clinton, Bush and Obama degraded the USA military so much that Trump had to do something about it.
If China were to attack us right now, we would lose that war unless we went nuclear and then we would all be losers.
Why would I be jealous? Trump is not solving the problems that no one before him didn't solve.


Inordinately Right
He's already improved the economy. Obama couldn't seem to get the hang of it.


Well-Known Member
In case you are unaware, if you are in real life like you are on here, no one will miss you when they close your casket.

Good riddance to you is what they will say after a couple of weeks

Time to change your ways.
You and VT don't like the fact that I call you out over the fact that you talk the conservative talk but are not willing to forsake social programs in defense of those convictions instead embracing what can only be described as selective conservatism due to the fact that your future reliance on them will have an enormous impact on the quality of your life during your final years. And don't give me this "well, I paid into them BS". Because imagine what it would be like for you if we evil socialist communist pinko liberals were not able to overcome bitter conservative opposition and get them passed into law.
This is why I find selective conservatives and pseudo conservatives so amusing. They constantly express their highly vocal anger and outrage over the very social programs that we see them signing up for in the end.
It's one of the reasons you don't hear much out of the Tea Party these days. The older members of the party were all for cutting government spending until they discovered that it also meant cutting Medicare and Medicaid.


Well-Known Member
He's already improved the economy. Obama couldn't seem to get the hang of it.
So where are they going to attack us at? When we fought them in Korea it was in their backyard. Pretty easy to keep supplied. Think about the logistics of trying to invade the U.S.. And without the equivalent navy or air force there's no way they're getting through us with their army.