
Well-Known Member
Never mind Jr hockey '80 Olympics it is 24/7 Flyers - Rangers The Winter Classic in Philly @ CB Park Gene Hart, Bernie Parent,Bobby Clark,The Legion of Doom, Claude Giroux,Yamir Jagir ,Messier,Brian Leitch, and on

I loved watching Dave Schultz of the Flyers. I think he still holds the most penalty minutes in a single season.



Oilers will kill the pengs :) like they did Chicago 9:2 the other day ! :)

As our city motto : "City of Champions" !


Yes, city of champions, the whole population were members of that team, right?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
PT Stewie:920848 said:
Watched the alumni game and practice on NHL network Philly looks great !
The town looked great Citizens Bank Park is right in the middle between the Oregon and PHL hubs almost walk to both


Well-Known Member


Für Meno :)
Edmonton was also the first ever City to host an outdoor stadium NHL classic. It was such a success that ever since then it's been hosted every year in a different NHL city each year.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Alright Klien enough with the Canadian propoganda ....... The Fly guys lost 3-2 and the Stew is in a foul mood, the defense sucked, Bob let in a couple of soft goals,the Flyers took the foot of the gas pedal after they went up 2-0 , and oh yea the best team won. And to answer US 's question is was The Oregon Ave Hub in Parking wars .Everybody in South Philly either double parks or parks in the center of the street.It's a tradition.


I guess that's what you get when you play with Canadians and you play a lot in Canada. People like him seeing the difference.

If there were a difference to be seen, apparently the other members of the Bruins(majority of which are Canadians) did not see it or act upon it, as they did not decline the invitation.

So that shoots your "being surrounded by Canadians" theory to shreds. Doesn't it?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Thomas was in a bad mood because the Flyers scored 5 goals on him yesterday including a hat trick his only consolation was the crazy Russian Bryz aka Borat let in more