Official Hours Slaved to UPS Thread

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
If you don't see UPS on national news, then you know I'm still employed there
Does no one here understand sarcasm besides the fake mod?

Too many carried out threats had been dismissed as sarcasm or jokes in the past. There’s nothing in the first quote or the wider conversational context that indicated you weren’t being serious.

Up your comedy game if saying that kind of sick stuff tickles your pickle so we know to play along.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, kind sir.

Believe me, I don’t like doing it. I have certain financial goals to meet, and once that’s done it’s 8 and skate as much as possible for the remainder of my career.

Just keep yourself healthy brother. It'll catch up to you in the long run even if you are working rather safely.

Good luck achieving your goals and don't croak early from this and leave your lovely lady with a full purse......

I just looked back into the end of 2019 for the hell of it. And I only finished in the mid 1,800's hours wise. And this year I stepped my game up and probably not by choice but rather need (as in them needing me).....ya they get desperate at times. And I worked a whopping 200 hours more than previous. Gonna need some time to heal and reflect this week. :)

I'm a bit surprised my gross is what it is considering my hours worked and all my dead days. When I do brown up you can be assured I wear my tool belt, and the first one out is ALWAYS the HAMMER!!
I'm not running a charity out of my buggy. You want my time and energy it'll come at a price.

Happy New Year kiddies.....and as I always say.....Drinks UP and Pants DOWN!!
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That’s with a week off for feeder training and a month of 8 hour days as a newbie shifter in feeders. If I had stayed in package I’d be closer to 2800 like some of the guys I know.