Has petitioning started in other locals or is Local 100 spearheading this campaign?
Nice job to the group that put the presentation together
I'm giving three grades on this slide presentation.

1) Appearance/Organization - (A)
2) Content
A) Reality - (D-)
B) Wishful Thinking - (A+)
I'm certainly no lawyer however there is an obvious conflict between what Local 100 is claiming (Ohio Rider Supersedes and Forward Language) and what our National Master language states throughout
several areas of the contract. For example: from the National Master
"This paragraph Section shall supersede any provisions on the same subject in any Supplement, Rider, or Addendum, including those Supplemental provisions which require part-time benefits to be equal to or the same as full-time medical benefits."
Considering our National Master has already passed, I assume this language is a "done deal". Also, in my opinion, the presentation often to eludes to "creating language for this...and this...and this". What I would like to see is the person who put this presentation together to actually draft the specific language that he or she is hoping for.
Starting out a slide presentation making claims that are not necessarily accurate does not help one have faith in the remainder of the content or it's author. Just my opinion....
With all this said....I do appreciate the efforts of Local 100 and the author or this presentation.
Section 2. Part-Time Medical Coverage Central States Southeast and Southwest Areas Health & Welfare Fund (CSH&W) (a) Part-time
and full-time employees covered by a Teamster Health and Welfare Fund will continue to be covered by those funds. (a)
(b) Notwithstanding
any provision in any Supplement, Rider or Addendum Section 1(d) above, effective January 1, 2008
14 health and welfare coverage for all
full-time and part-time employees on the payroll at that time and those hired thereafter
who would have had health and welfare coverage provided by an Employer signatory to this Agreement will instead be provided coverage through the CSH&W Fund regardless of the employee’s work location. Weekly payments for covered employees shall be in accordance with the rules set forth in the applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum. If there are none then the rules set forth in the Central States Supplement shall apply. UPS will be responsible for making the weekly payments to the CSH&W Plan to provide the medical coverage. will be provided pursuant to the terms of an Employer sponsored nationwide health care plan, namely, the UPS National Health Plan for Part-Time Employees. (A copy of the Summary Plan Description will be provided.) Features of the plan will include a prescription card.
(c) This paragraph Section shall supersede any provisions on the same subject in any Supplement, Rider, or Addendum, including those Supplemental provisions which require part-time benefits to be equal to or the same as full-time medical benefits.