
nowhere special
ORION is not the problem.

Forced stupidity in order to generate an arbitrary compliance metric is the problem.

ORION is a tool. Depending on the task to be performed, it could be an ideal tool or it could be a useless tool.

UPS could make ORION a better tool if it wanted to. But it doesn't. It only cares that the tool get used a certain percentage of the time.

Its sort of like being given a hammer to use on a wood working project that relies on screws as fasteners. A smart person would want to use a screwdriver so that the completed item would be properly assembled. UPS just wants us to pound all the screws in with a hammer so that it can justify the purchase of that hammer by claiming that we used it 85% of the time. The fact that the completed item looks beat to :censored2: and is probably going to fall apart doesn't matter.

Before UPS could fix ORION they first have to admit its problems instead of pretending it works.


Staff member
Orion 2.0 will update EDD throughout the day and will sync w/PAS to make sure the cars are loaded properly.

Maybe in 3 or 4 generations, but not in the next.

Way too many more problems have to be addressed before that will ever happen.

Besides, if ORION updates EDD during the delivery day, will it also move the packages around in the back to make sure they are in order?

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying they will start discipline, but they can. If everyone just shut it off, there would not be enough trees to make all the paper for all the warning letters.

They are allowing exceptions like you for the time being.

You're ODO is probably one of the FUBAR ones and they would rather you not follow it instead of trying to fix it.

Once the whole country is on it, I'm sure that will change.
And that is when they will finally realize that overtime is more costly than a couple gallons of fuel.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Any gains that are realized through an improved ORION 2.0 will be negated by the unreasonable expectations that the company will immediately place upon it, as well as the even greater level of forced stupidity that will be required in order to generate the even higher compliance metrics that will be demanded of us.


Well-Known Member
Not a problem for Dave. In the BOG, unicorns and bluebirds already load the trucks perfectly.


Well-Known Member
he doesn't even have orion yet

Perhaps but a blind man could see what the company has planned for Orion.

They will roll out Orion 2.0 once they have worked out all of the kinks with Orion 1.0

2018 will be very interesting---UPS will have their hold card (Orion) and the Union will lose what little leverage they may have left.