Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
Perhaps but a blind man could see what the company has planned for Orion.

They will roll out Orion 2.0 once they have worked out all of the kinks with Orion 1.0

2018 will be very interesting---UPS will have their hold card (Orion) and the Union will lose what little leverage they may have left.
Work out all the kinks? That'll never happen, this system is so messed up and you don't have a clue what it's like so just shut your trap. Orion will never replace or take leverage that the teamsters have. So since retired employees shouldn't be able to post here according to you maybe you should stay out of orion threads since you don't have the first clue about it.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yea, you really cannot speak with knowledge, until it hits you in the face in the morning, , and you have to try to follow it all day. Its like rating a song you have never heard, based on what you have heard its about.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Perhaps but a blind man could see what the company has planned for Orion.

They will roll out Orion 2.0 once they have worked out all of the kinks with Orion 1.0

2018 will be very interesting---UPS will have their hold card (Orion) and the Union will lose what little leverage they may have left.

I believe we've heard the same nonsense about PAS/EDD.



Well-Known Member
It will take a once in a lifetime mathematician to solve the Traveling Salesmen Problem, else a well trained human being is much faster than a computer and also offers customer service and a bit of charm.

Unfortunately UPS has stopped training up human beings and instead wants to dumb them down in order to pay unskilled wages. Also many drivers suck at life and it is hard to get rid of them.

The End.


Well-Known Member
How many of you drivers actually ran Orion for more than one week? If so did you see any changes/adjustments made to your route going into the second week? Did you talk to your PDS about the issues you have on route?
Once Orion is corrected by your PDS it will coincide with EDD. Meaning you will not have to retrieve stops from the 8000 section while delivering airs but it will have you pick stops somewhat out of order in section. Now the only problem I have with Orion is the mileage usage. I always go over miles by a few due to not backing up or not looking a few stops ahead to determine what streets I should turn on first.


Well-Known Member


Not sure what a PDS is, but I have spoken to multiple full-time supervisors, and full-time dispatch supervisor and my center manager.No, it does not necessarily.

I lost you after that.

Yes, with ORION you are having to look ahead to fix things and switching between ODO and RDO.


Well-Known Member
Lets say you on a all resi rt with 8 neighborhoods. Each section on your truck represent one neighborhood. Orion will coincide with EDD neighborhood to neighborhood but Orion will differ inside in the neighborhood....the pattern will be different. The preload dispatch sup will keep it consistent like this once he/she get the hang of it. This will throw out the theory of the traveling sales man

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Lets say you on a all resi rt with 8 neighborhoods. Each section on your truck represent one neighborhood. Orion will coincide with EDD neighborhood to neighborhood but Orion will differ inside in the neighborhood....the pattern will be different. The preload dispatch sup will keep it consistent like this once he/she get the hang of it. This will throw out the theory of the traveling sales man
Are you just figuring out ODO is different than RDO?


Staff member
How many of you drivers actually ran Orion for more than one week? If so did you see any changes/adjustments made to your route going into the second week? Did you talk to your PDS about the issues you have on route?
Once Orion is corrected by your PDS it will coincide with EDD. Meaning you will not have to retrieve stops from the 8000 section while delivering airs but it will have you pick stops somewhat out of order in section. Now the only problem I have with Orion is the mileage usage. I always go over miles by a few due to not backing up or not looking a few stops ahead to determine what streets I should turn on first.

Lets say you on a all resi rt with 8 neighborhoods. Each section on your truck represent one neighborhood. Orion will coincide with EDD neighborhood to neighborhood but Orion will differ inside in the neighborhood....the pattern will be different. The preload dispatch sup will keep it consistent like this once he/she get the hang of it. This will throw out the theory of the traveling sales man

Unfortunately a driver with more seniority bid on it [emoji17] and saying it to much work so he want go on the 9.5 list

Now, you have convinced me:



Well-Known Member
Yea, you really cannot speak with knowledge, until it hits you in the face in the morning, , and you have to try to follow it all day. Its like rating a song you have never heard, based on what you have heard its about.

Well, I have never delivered to the house with the chain link fence and "mean" dog, but I know that I would have safely completed the delivery.


Well-Known Member
Work out all the kinks? That'll never happen, this system is so messed up and you don't have a clue what it's like so just shut your trap. Orion will never replace or take leverage that the teamsters have. So since retired employees shouldn't be able to post here according to you maybe you should stay out of orion threads since you don't have the first clue about it.

Sure it will. Hand the DIAD, which is set up by Orion, to a much lower paid new hire and tell him/her to follow it stop for stop. "Area knowledge" will be replaced by "delivery for dummies".

There is no one here that cannot be replaced by a lower paid new hire. The Company knows this and, sadly, so does the Union.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
Sure it will. Hand the DIAD, which is set up by Orion, to a much lower paid new hire and tell him/her to follow it stop for stop. "Area knowledge" will be replaced by "delivery for dummies".

There is no one here that cannot be replaced by a lower paid new hire. The Company knows this and, sadly, so does the Union.
It actually makes our job harder....once again. More stuff you don't know. Orion is all about area knowledge, if you don't have it. You're sunk.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Yea, you really cannot speak with knowledge, until it hits you in the face in the morning, , and you have to try to follow it all day. Its like rating a song you have never heard, based on what you have heard its about.
He's a groupie. He will like it no matter what.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Sure it will. Hand the DIAD, which is set up by Orion, to a much lower paid new hire and tell him/her to follow it stop for stop. "Area knowledge" will be replaced by "delivery for dummies".

There is no one here that cannot be replaced by a lower paid new hire. The Company knows this and, sadly, so does the Union.
But will they get the production that they want?