
Well-Known Member
In my center they turn orion off on all the split cars. It makes me laugh when they run up to me to say "make sure you just run EDD today. Your orion is off."


Our area is now giving warning letters for not delivering the first stop in ORION. Even if a driver had told someone before hand that they wouldn't be able to. I suggest that anyone that is also seeing this take pics of their loads and send messages through the diad whenever there is a problem with delivering their first ORION stop.
Is this for all drivers (vacation coverage & split routes), or just drivers with their own bid route every day only? We just got ODO installed in our boards this week & it's gonna need A LOTTA work on my route to be worth a hilla beans.


Well-Known Member
Today was Orion day 3 for me...

Ive been covering this route nearly as long as ive been a ft driver....I cant recall ever being much below 97 miles, yet today my projected miles was 90.

I ran 95.

The delivery area is fairly tight, so I see no possible way to justify a 5 mile difference. Or make up 5 miles.

I deld my ground with my 8 nda/ssi stops (no added miles to do seperate stops), then 3 bulk stops to clear the aisle (approx 1/2 mile total), then followed trace 100% after that, just as the Orion 'champion' told the bid driver to run it. (I sat in on their conversation last week. The bid driver didnt put up much of a fight, just said 'fine')

They have us filling out the sheet at the end of the day explaining our mileage discrepincies (ie why we suck at our jobs)...my response, on top of what I wrote in this post:

' Youre miles are way off.'

Im thinking the morning conversation should be fun


By The Book

Well-Known Member
ha just got my first raise after a year btw. 75 cents, suck on that
So when your out destroying routes I won't feel sorry for you when your on layoff. My point is you have seniority and feel the need to show off. Why? The best advice I can give you is to work the routes for what they're worth and let the chips fall where they may. Save your money because you will need it.


swollen member
Today was Orion day 3 for me...

Ive been covering this route nearly as long as ive been a ft driver....I cant recall ever being much below 97 miles, yet today my projected miles was 90.

I ran 95.

The delivery area is fairly tight, so I see no possible way to justify a 5 mile difference. Or make up 5 miles.

I deld my ground with my 8 nda/ssi stops (no added miles to do seperate stops), then 3 bulk stops to clear the aisle (approx 1/2 mile total), then followed trace 100% after that, just as the Orion 'champion' told the bid driver to run it. (I sat in on their conversation last week. The bid driver didnt put up much of a fight, just said 'fine')

They have us filling out the sheet at the end of the day explaining our mileage discrepincies (ie why we suck at our jobs)...my response, on top of what I wrote in this post:

' Youre miles are way off.'

Im thinking the morning conversation should be fun


quit thinking.... you're making a bigger mess.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
They have us filling out the sheet at the end of the day explaining our mileage discrepincies (ie why we suck at our jobs)...my response, on top of what I wrote in this post:

' Youre miles are way off.'

Im thinking the morning conversation should be fun

"Your miles are way off" should be the only thing you bother writing on that sheet. If they aren't happy with that response, then ask them to have the "ORION champion" put some browns on and actually demonstrate how to make the mileage come out according to plan. They wont do that, of course...its a lot easier to assign blame and write warning letters than it is to fix the underlying problems or refute the flawed assumptions.


20 NDA stops daily
Just hearing about all this Orion madness makes me happy that our center (Northbay in CA) doesn't have it. Which is crazy because they went through the trouble of spending 50 million and temporarily relocating an entire building of around the clock employees to other hubs and centers while they gutted the Northbay facility to install equipment to make it one of the most technologically advanced hubs. Yet they didn't implement Orion. All I have to say after reading this thread is thank God!


Well-Known Member
Just hearing about all this Orion madness makes me happy that our center (Northbay in CA) doesn't have it. Which is crazy because they went through the trouble of spending 50 million and temporarily relocating an entire building of around the clock employees to other hubs and centers while they gutted the Northbay facility to install equipment to make it one of the most technologically advanced hubs. Yet they didn't implement Orion. All I have to say after reading this thread is thank God!

Orion has nothing to do with upgrading your hub.

Tough Guy

Well-Known Member
Today was Orion day 3 for me...

Ive been covering this route nearly as long as ive been a ft driver....I cant recall ever being much below 97 miles, yet today my projected miles was 90.

I ran 95.

The delivery area is fairly tight, so I see no possible way to justify a 5 mile difference. Or make up 5 miles.

I deld my ground with my 8 nda/ssi stops (no added miles to do seperate stops), then 3 bulk stops to clear the aisle (approx 1/2 mile total), then followed trace 100% after that, just as the Orion 'champion' told the bid driver to run it. (I sat in on their conversation last week. The bid driver didnt put up much of a fight, just said 'fine')

They have us filling out the sheet at the end of the day explaining our mileage discrepincies (ie why we suck at our jobs)...my response, on top of what I wrote in this post:

' Youre miles are way off.'

Im thinking the morning conversation should be fun

If you had someone riding with you who had one of those Orion tablets, it would probably show that Orion wants you making backs and k turns in a lot of spaces. (Which most of us usually don't do, especially in resis) and those constant k turns, rather than, say, driving around a block or to a nearby court, may cumulatively add up to those 5 miles. Maybe.


All orion does for me is give me extra miles and day after day of over 9.5 . getting real close to filing a 9.5 grievance because it takes so much more time to follow orion than it did when before they heaped this crap on us.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
All orion does for me is give me extra miles and day after day of over 9.5 . getting real close to filing a 9.5 grievance because it takes so much more time to follow orion than it did when before they heaped this crap on us.
They don't care about repercussions, they have a number to obtain ,and damnit they're gonna achive it!


Light 'em up!
All orion does for me is give me extra miles and day after day of over 9.5 . getting real close to filing a 9.5 grievance because it takes so much more time to follow orion than it did when before they heaped this crap on us.

They have to try and justify their billion dollar failure. They need to meet that ORION number on a piece of paper.

They don't care what it costs. As long as they meet that number, they will keep telling themselves that ORION works.

They see that this driver met the 85% and that he got the route done.

They don't care that he ran 10 extra miles and took an extra hour to do the job.

He met the 85% so ORION must be working......

UPS math, gotta love it.

UT Vols

Active Member
All orion does for me is give me extra miles and day after day of over 9.5 . getting real close to filing a 9.5 grievance because it takes so much more time to follow orion than it did when before they heaped this crap on us.

Nooooo. That means us non-9.5 swingers have to come help you everyday.