Parler Conservative site.

The big package

Well-Known Member
There is a difference between proof that Trump was working directly with the Russians and proof that the Russians endeavored to influence the 2016 election.

That you’re still in denial that they did in light of the clear facts the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee acknowledged in its own report is pretty amazing.
What's amazing is how you are hypnotized by CNN rhetoric :hypnosis: . So let's see 4 years ago Russia interfered in the election then 4 years later nothing !!! Or did they help Biden win , hmmm maybe your on to something !!!! Which is it ???

El Correcto

god is dead
And since they convinced a guy enough to shoot up a pizza joint, and a small group of people to storm the capitol, they should probably be investigated.
By all means if you find a group calling for violence or illegal activity, go after them for that.
But I haven’t seen proof that Qanon groups are calling for that, like I said I don’t keep up with any of it because it’s all silly and stupid.
The comet pizza shooter had issues and became violent when he believed comet pizza had a basement for trafficking children for some politician satanic pedophile ring, I don’t think anyone told him to commit those acts. It would be like someone believing Area 51 housed aliens and ran in there trying to kill them. You can’t blame conspiracy theorist groups for violence if they aren’t a group plotting violence.

Just like the guy that attacked border patrol believing the rhetoric of “muh concentration camps” talking point by the democrats.


Well-Known Member


nowhere special
To sum up:

  • Big Tech censored you and the president on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter
  • You left to go to other social media sites such as Parler, MeWe, Minds
  • Big Tech didn’t want you to leave for more freedom
  • Big Tech refused to let another social media platform, Parler, use their app stores
  • Big Tech then booted the social media site Parler from their servers

Double standards abound. No one on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram was tossed off those platforms for protesting, rioting, looting, and vandalizing on behalf of Black Lives Matter and antifa. Lobbing Molotov cocktails wouldn’t get a group booted off a platform.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
For everyone sticking up for people like pelosi and biden. And the rest. Do a search on for pelosi laptop and then look at the tenth article down. You truly are supporting some sick pieces of 💩. And I am truly starting to think you are not much better.
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I was excited to try Parler because it seemed to promise open, uncensored discussion, rather than YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, who think they can decide what is true and untrue.

So I got on Parler and started seeing what people were saying about face masks. I started searching hashtags like “NoMasks” and “MasksDontWork” and all I got was spam of a sexual nature. Hundreds of “meet hot young singles” and the like.
That’s when I gave up on Parler. People are working hard to silence the voices they disagree with.

So, were they hot or not