Sleeve-meet-heart, I do agree with your comment about outgrown facilities. Ours was probably outgrown 20 years ago. However, this is also an avoidable situation. A few years back, even here in the bay area, at the bottom of the real estate market there were deals to be had on land and even empty commercial buildings. They could have had their pick. Again, its lack of planning. I believe I have heard UPS claim they want to "grow the business" This does not seem the right way to go about it. I believe I have seen somewhere on this web site, you can't grow a business by shrinking it. Who in their right mind thinks this would work? Lets here it for one big from Atlanta, again! Seriously, you people at the top need to figure this out and fast(think you would have done that last year or the year before.) As far as I know, Christmas comes at the some time every year and ciber Monday is always the one after the Thanksgiving weekend. Please fes up to your mistakes(I know this can be very hard) and fix these problems! Dump the WOR, this company's worst enemy and lets handle this!