President Obama!


golden ticket member
He's still using phrases like "winning the future" to cover up more & more spending. Entitlement programs not even touched. This guy knows nothing about "tightening your belt".


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Remember about learning of the franking privilege when you were in Civics class. With the internet, do we still even need that?? Get rid of it. Tell me, when congress goes to lunch, do they pay for their own lunch? Do they still get haircuts on site?? Is that free for them?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

He still has that train on his brain and here's some real nonsense....In CA. it's set to go from Borden (no residents) to Corcoran where half the residents are the prison's inmates and they're not going anywhere. Explain to me how this bullet train is going to relieve any congestion and traffic woes that CA. suffers from. We're being governed by a clown.....


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

The easiest way to stop this "train wreck" { sorry} is to NOT raise the debt ceiling.
Cap it where it currently stands.
Thus all of barry's plans fail.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Seahawk Drilling: Obama's War on Energy Claims Another Victim

Posted by Van Helsing at 10:51 AM | Comments (12)
We can no longer say that B. Hussein Obama has never accomplished anything. His policy of restricting off-shore drilling is producing results:
Seahawk Drilling Inc. said it has filed for bankruptcy protection and plans to sell its fleet of offshore drilling rigs to a competitor for $105 million.​
Seahawk, which announced the deal with Hercules Offshore Inc. Friday, has been hurt by a slowdown in Gulf of Mexico drilling after the BP oil spill last April. The government halted drilling in deep waters and imposed tough new rules that have curtained all energy exploration in U.S. waters.​
Oil prices are high and will go much higher, if the spreading instability in the Middle East is any indication. Yet our government is forcing domestic oil producers into bankruptcy. Don't expect anyone in the establishment media to see a problem with this.
It's unclear what will happen to the company's 494 employees, spokesman Thomas Becker said.​
Less than 500 thrown out of work? That's peanuts by Obama standards. He was willing to knowingly kick 23,000 into the ranks of the unemployed with his Gulf drilling moratorium.
At least the Moonbat Messiah is keeping one promise. He did say before the election that he would cause energy prices to skyrocket. Yet for reasons beyond my comprehension people voted for him anyway.
If only Obama's domestic policy were as ineffectual as his foreign policy.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Are you kidding me? This guy is talking about Seahawk drilling like it was a small "mom and pop" shop swallowed up by Wal-Mart. I'm sure Shell, Exxon, and BP aren't giving a crap about Seahawk taking a nose-dive. Those companies have as much say in limiting competition as anyone.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

The easiest way to stop this "train wreck" { sorry} is to NOT raise the debt ceiling.
Cap it where it currently stands.
Thus all of barry's plans fail.

Old Harry Reid is already crowing...."You can blame the Republicans if the gov't shuts down." What a wuss he is!! No cajones to do the dirty work that needs to be done.....actually make cuts. The prez. is right there with him


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Old Harry Reid is already crowing...."You can blame the Republicans if the gov't shuts down." What a wuss he is!! No cajones to do the dirty work that needs to be done.....actually make cuts. The prez. is right there with him

Why shouldn't the Republicans go first on the ugly cuts? They are the ones who won election as the budget cutters. Time to show the courage of their convictions. Put up or shut up time. Or did the Republican Just want to point out that there "was dirty work that needs to be done" and then watch the Democrats get hammered for doing it?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I agree that the Republicans are going to do the dirty work....actually make cuts and expose the Dems. as the cowards. They have the people's blessing and are going to do it. The whole "blame the GOP " game is going to backfire on the likes of Reid & Obama.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Please don't forget that the last Congress ( with both house holding a dem majority ) failed to pass a budget for 2011.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

also quit supporting people for almost 2 years while they sit on their butts and never look for a job because all jobs are beneath them.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Yes, I confess I don't understand why people feel they don't have to work and that the world owes them a living!!!


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

"The two symbols of the republican party: an elephant and a fat white guy who's threatened by change." Peter Griffin
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Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

Conservatives are going to blame Obama for everything b/c they put Bush in office TWICE and know in their hearts what a huge mistake that was. President Obama is intelligent and rather idealistic, and he campaigned on change rather than his daddy's butt.

And you just can't stand it. YOU who voted for Bush TWICE failed. 1% is not a failure. Maybe a mistake. Don't exaggerate.

Obama didn't fund 2 wars off the books. He is a much better man than that.

We forgive you for putting that ignorant selfish spoiler in such a position. Now let's repair our home together.

Watch Wisconsin closely. We ARE running the risk of losing our collective bargaining, if not the union entirely. Or keep lying to yourselves.
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