President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

once barry was sworn into the office of POTUS, all the country's problems became his and his alone.
So how is a relatively inexperienced Chicago-style corrupt political hack who was trained by communists , who read angry black revolutionary authors and proceeded through two colleges with mediocre grades at best, submerged in a haze of marijuana smoke peppered by cocaine use a better man ?



Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

Every bit of that except Chicago sounds like dubleya.
As far as I have seen Obama has not personally profited from war. He has a conscience. He appears to be pretty intelligent instead of a bumbling idiot. He has redeeming qualities, period, while that last redneck pig does not.

Everybody in the world knows what a failure Bush is except for conservative America. Keep deluding yourself and your children.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

ok let's compare college grades ; Bush supplied his records, while barry refuses to. Why?
Did Bush always use a teleprompter for all his speeches ?
If a friend of Bush was arrested by some local cops did he make it into a national story ?
Bush stopped playing golf out of respect for the military, while barry plays every chance he can, also no cameras are allowed.


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

You must have to believe everything the fat white guys dream up b/c you don't seem to think for yourself. Oh sorry are you a fat white guy? Those grades at Yale aren't anything for a commander in chief to be proud of. Now, if you had those grades when you graduated from college, well that would be exceptional.

Everybody in the world knows what a failure Bush is except for conservative America. Keep deluding yourself and your children.

Just admit to yourself that you made a horrid mistake. We forgive you and let's move on now.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Yes, I confess I don't understand why people feel they don't have to work and that the world owes them a living!!!

They don't deserve it. Let's end all Social Security right now. End of story, end of deficits, problem solved. All at the expense of those who can least afford it, but who the hell cares?


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

They don't deserve it. Let's end all Social Security right now. End of story, end of deficits, problem solved. All at the expense of those who can least afford it, but who the hell cares?

Dude pay my Pawpaw back what he paid in at the cotton mill. Anything else is stealing.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Dude pay my Pawpaw back what he paid in at the cotton mill. Anything else is stealing.

That is the great mystery for all politicians, regardless of political affiliation, isn't it? How do you stop a program, such as Social Security, that has such momentum behind it - coupled with what you intimated, which is that the program would have to pay everyone who has paid into it back, and it becomes difficult, logistically speaking, to end the program.

That is much too difficult a question (especially politically speaking - read: how do you sell that to constituencies around the country) for our political system to deal with at this time; instead, it's preferred to advocate various approaches to reform. Not to say reform is impossible, but just making a general point.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

yet you probably voted for John Kerry, who by the way got lower grades than Bush.

The differences between Bush and barry are one exactly ran businesses , which failed, and the other only had jobs.
I loved to have Bush's problems today, unemployment at 4% instead of 10%+, gasoline prices around $2/gal, Congressional budget instead of no budget.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

How about Obama encouraging teachers and state workers to violate their contracts in order to demonstrate? Teachers belong in their classrooms teaching the kids..


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

How about Obama encouraging teachers and state workers to violate their contracts in order to demonstrate? Teachers belong in their classrooms teaching the kids..
Not if the other side is voting out their negotiating power. That would be like UPS putting out a press brief that said, "In 2013 there will be no contract negotiations. They will take what we give them. End of story."

Lue C Fur

Evil member


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

Not if the other side is voting out their negotiating power. That would be like UPS putting out a press brief that said, "In 2013 there will be no contract negotiations. They will take what we give them. End of story."

"According to the just-released Bureau of Labor Statistics annual report for 2010, the overall union membership rate in America continued its slide, dropping from 12.3 percent to 11.9 percent. But perhaps most striking is the way unionization is skewed when comparing private sector workers, who are just 6.9 percent unionized, and public sector workers, 36.2 percent of whom belong to unions. The public sector, in other words, is labor’s last stronghold."



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Civil unrest, senators hiding out in another state, teachers demanding that they should be treated differently than the general public .
I thought that electing bho would bring people together like never before.:wink2:


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Civil unrest, senators hiding out in another state, teachers demanding that they should be treated differently than the general public .
I thought that electing bho would bring people together like never before.:wink2:

It all has to do with Obama?