President Obama!


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

For every link that says Obamacare will help the economy there are just as many that say it will hurt it. We could start a link war if you like.:wink2:

K. I'm in. I want all the info I can get, whether I wanna live your way or not.

If I didn't respect most ppl's opinion here, I'd find something much more engaging to do.

What u r doing works well 4 u. I can truley appreciate that b/c my way has been Savin my bacon a lotta years.

We're still in it together. Agreements shouldn't be a difficult thing to reach, if we're working to the same end. If one want all the liberals off this site so y'all can all agree with each other, well his thinking is really screwed up. Most things so polarized, whether left or right, aren't very healthy. I should have referred to experience rather than intelligence earlier. IMO being extremely conservative is closed-minded and self-limiting. Ppl like that frighten me.
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Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics

So we could just admit that nobody really knows. But what fun would that be.

Exactly, it would be boring. Trying to change someones mind to agree with yours is a huge challenge. Some people on BC are hard left and hard right and some act like they are in the middle but still lean a certain way. :peaceful:


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

Exactly, it would be boring. Trying to change someones mind to agree with yours is a huge challenge. Some people on BC are hard left and hard right and some act like they are in the middle but still lean a certain way. :peaceful:

It is a futile effort. Time and conversation would be better spent finding our similarities and working out problems from there. I will Always be liberal to my core. It's how I was raised and it's how I live and no one is going to change part of my belief system. I tried the "other side" out some when I was in college. It just isn't, never will be part of me. I am not wrong if I am content, successful, happy with who I am and not hurting someone else.

It is also clear that you feel just as strongly on your beliefs. And I am sure they serve you well and you are dead set in them. Well that is the best, most mature way to be. I respect that and wouldn't waste time trying to change you. Hopefully I'll act responsibly and hear where you're coming from and speak easily, rather than throwing arrows, and wait for you to hear me. If we can figure out in this 'environment' how to get along well we'd sure know a lot more than those boys in Washington.

People that don't learn quickly that they can't change someone's political alignment, I'm sorry for them cause they seem to miss a lotta life. Now your kids are a little different even though they are free thinkers. They may test the water on the "other" side out but will most likely come back to the way they were raised. If they don't, well you've got yourself one courageous trail blazing kid there. They will be well-rounded. They will enjoy their lives and give to others
And give you huge reasons to be even more proud than you are now.

I know some ppl who won't consider opening their minds up for anything. And I'm not knocking them. I had some advantages. It is not a matter of intelligence or really even maturity. It's a level of self-authentication that IMO some people need to be taught about, at least offered the opportunity. I mean you may like your steak medium rare but there is a point at which it's a tiny bit undercooked.

Or I could just be catching whatever Charlie sheen has.

I learn something from everyone I meet, about myself, my family and friends and the world we live in. Sometime it's an effort to recall what I learned from some creepy person. Then again I generally stay away from creepy ppl.
Re: Obamanomics

If I may jump into the love fest here, please indulge me for a moment. As has been said, I too respect the opinions of others on here, and I try to treat them with respect as we discuss matters. What I do not respect is some of the hate filled words and personal insults that get thrown around. When someone starts doing that I have a tendency to throw back. I understand that doing so doesn't really help the situation,and it is a weak point in my personality. I am trying to work on that.


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

If I may jump into the love fest here, please indulge me for a moment. As has been said, I too respect the opinions of others on here, and I try to treat them with respect as we discuss matters. What I do not respect is some of the hate filled words and personal insults that get thrown around. When someone starts doing that I have a tendency to throw back. I understand that doing so doesn't really help the situation,and it is a weak point in my personality. I am trying to work on that.

It happens to the best of us. When you care a lot about what you believe in it's easy to get emotional.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

(Correio Brazilense) — A protest against the visit of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, sparked uproar and confusion in downtown Rio de Janeiro at night this Friday (6/3). A molotov cocktail bottle arremassada against the Consulate would have started the confusion. A security of the Consulate was injured.
The police responded with gunfire, rubber bullets, pepper spray and moral effect bombs against demonstrators. At least 14 people were detained on account of the protest tonight. Prisoners were taken to the fifth police precinct of Rio.
The United Socialist Workers ‘ Party (PSTU) released note this night condemning the police repression against the demonstration. Second the PSTU, the movement was organized by trade unions, social movements and political parties, as the PSTU and CSP-Conlutas, and brought together some 300 protesters. They left the rally by Candlemas on Avenida Rio Branco to the u.s. Consulate.
The party says that people were assaulted by police with batons and rubber bullets, at around 7 pm, when arrived at the u.s. Consulate. The military police have also accused the protesters of having thrown the molotov cocktail that started the confusion and provoked the reaction of PM.

But, but … I thought everyone was going to love us once Barack became president!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

In order for his energy policies to work, going green has to be cheaper than oil. Something that is not part of reality now.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

(The Daily Caller) — Today’s the big day for Amtrak’s Wilmington train station. It is being renamed in honor of Vice President and former Delaware Senator Joe Biden following major renovations made possible with stimulus funds.
One problem: the CEO of Amtrak got stuck on the train.
ABC News Deputy Political Director & Political Reporter Michael Falcone tweeted at approximately 10 a.m. that the Acela train he was riding had been “delayed” in Baltimore and that he was sitting next to Amtrak CEO Joe Boardman.
Falcone tweeted, “Acela to NY delayed for ‘unknown period’ Should I feel better that the Amtrak CEO is sitting next to me?”
It quickly became apparent that the CEO’s presence wouldn’t fix the train. A subsequent tweet from Falcone noted, “BAD sign: Amtrak CEO Joe Boardman just got OFF the train to take a car to Wilmington.”
“Amtrak CEO abandoned his own train to make ribbon cutting ceremony for Joe Biden station in Wilmington,” Falcone reported. “When I told Amtrak CEO Joe Boardman it was a bad sign he was ditching the stranded Acela, he chuckled.”


Staff member
So if we go in chronological order, the republicans should be trying to repeal the perscription drug plan championed by Gingrich and Bush? Delicious irony.