President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Even though President Obama is against offshore drilling for our country, he signed an executive order to loan $2 Billion of our taxpayer dollars (which we can't afford to loan since we're broke) to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company (the 8th largest company in the entire world) to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil! The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and use of China and NOT THE USA ! They also will be able to drill DEEPER than the well BP was drilling.

Now here's the real clincher...the Chinese government is under contract to purchase all the oil that this field will produce, which is hundreds of millions of barrels".
. We have absolutely no gain from this transaction whatsoever!

Wait, it gets more interesting.

Guess who is the largest individual stockholder of this Brazilian Oil Company and who would benefit most from this? It is American BILLIONAIRE, George Soros, who was President Obama's most
generous financial supporter during his campaign. If you are able to connect the dots and follow the money, you are probably as upset as I am. Not a word of this transaction was broadcast on any of the other news networks! Are they doing their job? Think about it.

Forward this factual e-mail to others who care about this country and where it is headed. Also, let all your Government representatives know how you feel about this.

Below is the Wall street Journal article confirming this information. <>


" America will never be destroyed from outside.


Strength through joy
March 24, 2011

Medicare Is Mandatory

Posted by Van Helsing at March 24, 2011 10:41 AM
How nice of the government to thoughtfully confiscate our hard-earned money and use it to buy us subpar healthcare under Medicare. But what if some people would prefer to write off the loot expropriated, and pay again for superior private care? Under rule by liberals, they are out of luck:
[T]he idea of patient choice offends many in government, and in 1993 the Clinton Administration promulgated so-called POMS rules that say seniors who withdraw from Medicare Part A (which covers hospital and outpatient services) must forfeit their Social Security benefits.​
For decades we've been told that the money bureaucrats seize for Social Security is just being held for us because we're too irresponsible to plan for the future, and that we're guaranteed to get it back. The pathologically gullible even believe it.
Several senior citizens in 2008 challenged the government, suing to be allowed to opt out of Medicare without losing Social Security. The plaintiffs paid their Medicare taxes through their working lives and are not asking for that money back. They simply want to use their private savings to contract for health services they believe to be superior to a government program that imposes price controls and rations care. They also dutifully contributed to Social Security and — fair enough — prefer to keep those benefits.​
As recently as the fall of 2009, [District Court] Judge [Rosemary] Collyer provided support for the plaintiffs. She rejected the Obama Administration's argument that the plaintiffs were lucky to get Medicare and therefore had suffered no "injury" and lacked standing. She noted the Clinton POMS are simply part of a government handbook and never went through a formal rule-making. She also refused the Administration's request to dismiss the suit, noting that "neither the statute nor the regulation specifies that Plaintiffs must withdraw from Social Security and repay retirement benefits in order to withdraw from Medicare."​
Yet in a stunning reversal, Judge Collyer last week revisited her decision and dismissed the case. In direct contravention to her prior ruling, the judge said the Medicare statute does — with a little creative reading — contain a requirement that Social Security recipients take government health care. The Medicare statute provides that only individuals who are "entitled" to Social Security are "entitled" to Medicare. Therefore, argues the judge, "The only way to avoid entitlement to Medicare Part A at age 65 is to forego the source of that entitlement, i.e., Social Security Retirement benefits."​
This is convoluted enough, but Judge Collyer's truly novel finding comes with her implicit argument that to be "entitled" to a government benefit is to be obligated to accept it.​
Let that sink in for a moment. You will eat the government cheese whether you want to or not.
Let this sink in too: the popularity of the dysfunctional Ponzi scheme called Social Security rests in the word security. Supposedly you'll never have to worry in your old age, because Big Government has guaranteed your benefits. But if Big Government changes its mind, what are you going to do about it? In reality, if you are at the mercy of power-drunk bureaucrats and capricious judges, you have no more security than someone shuffling toward the ovens at Auschwitz, hoping that it's really a shower like they said.
Government isn't reason; it is force. If there is one institution that you can absolutely never trust, it is government.
The case indicates, as the plaintiffs' attorney Kent Masterson Brown points out, that as ObamaCare congeals, "Nothing will be optional."
Note that these folks already paid for Medicare. It actually saves the government money if they don't use it.
But for many liberals, the goal isn't saving money or providing choices. The goal is to force all Americans into the same programs to fulfill their egalitarian dreams.​
No matter how soft the tyranny, those dreams will be nightmares for anyone capable of grasping the concept of freedom.


Strength through joy
Another Obama “I Just Didn’t Know” Moment

Obama says he didn’t inform Mexico of U.S. gun smuggling operation because he didn’t know about it

Richard Dunham,
Bureau Chief

Under fire for an operation that allowed smuggling of U.S. weapons across the nation’s border with Mexico, President Obama said in an interview that neither he nor Attorney General Eric Holder authorized the controversial “Operation Fast and Furious.”
The Mexican government has complained that it didn’t know about the U.S. operation that allowed guns to illegally cross the southwestern border so they could track the weapons.
Obama told Univision‘s Jorge Ramos that President Felipe Calderon wasn’t informed of the operation because he — the president of the United States — wasn’t informed either. When asked whether he knew of the weapon smuggling plan, Obama responded that it is “a pretty big government” with “a lot of moving parts.”


Well-Known Member
Another Obama “I Just Didn’t Know” Moment

Obama says he didn’t inform Mexico of U.S. gun smuggling operation because he didn’t know about it

Richard Dunham,
Bureau Chief

Under fire for an operation that allowed smuggling of U.S. weapons across the nation’s border with Mexico, President Obama said in an interview that neither he nor Attorney General Eric Holder authorized the controversial “Operation Fast and Furious.”
The Mexican government has complained that it didn’t know about the U.S. operation that allowed guns to illegally cross the southwestern border so they could track the weapons.
Obama told Univision‘s Jorge Ramos that President Felipe Calderon wasn’t informed of the operation because he — the president of the United States — wasn’t informed either. When asked whether he knew of the weapon smuggling plan, Obama responded that it is “a pretty big government” with “a lot of moving parts.”

Can't you even pretend to not be partisan? It's so ... unbecoming.

On the topic at hand, my opinion is thus: they both knew, but are denying it because things got crapped up. It is analogous to the Iran Contra scenario, where the line is 'deny, deny, deny'.


golden ticket member
He won the Nobel Peace Prize and what did he do to earn that?? He got voted in by lying and even the people who voted for him are disappointed.


Well-Known Member
He won the Nobel Peace Prize and what did he do to earn that?? He got voted in by lying and even the people who voted for him are disappointed.

I'm pretty sure it would benefit both of us to terminate the discussion at this point, lest one of us seriously violate the TOS; I respect your point of view (despite my disagreements) as I'm sure you respect mine (despite your disagreements).

Until next time, ma'am.


Strength through joy
Staffers with Vice President Joe Biden confined an Orlando Sentinel reporter in a closet this week to keep him from mingling with high-powered guests gathered for a Democratic fundraiser.

Reporter Scott Powers was the designated "pool reporter" for the vice president's Wednesday visit to the massive Winter Park, Fla., home of developer and philanthropist Alan Ginsburg.
A "low-level staffer" put Powers in a storage closet and then stood guard outside the door, Powers told the DRUDGE REPORT. "When I'd stick my head out, they'd say, 'Not yet. We'll let you know when you can come out.'"
Powers was closeted at about 11:30 a.m., held for about an hour and 15 minutes, came out for 35 minutes of remarks by Biden and Sen. Bill Nelson, Florida Democrat, and then returned to his jail for the remainder of the event.
Powers said, the home's owner called him. "He said he had no idea they'd put me in a closet and was very sorry. He said he was just following their lead and was extremely embarrassed by the whole thing."