President Obama!


Für Meno :)
If europe uses most of the oil from Libya, then how much are they paying barry to fight their war ?

I see you're getting the Donald Trumph syndrome, eh ?
It's all about money, huh ?

How much are Canada and Quatar getting paid for their Navyships and F15's , as oil exporting countries ?
Same zero amount we get helping you out in Afghanistan.

And what were actually the Iraq and Afghanistan missions ?
Get rid of Saddam (he's long gone).
Oh yeah, it was after 9/11, fight Al Quaida.....right ?
How did they ever get that mixed up with Taliban ?


Für Meno :)
didn't you hear China got all the Iraq oil contracts.

And who gives a crap ?
Canada keeps on trying to sell the US more oil, but because of it being from the oilsands, it's too "dirty" for the US.
We could supply all of your oil needs easily, but the US doesn't want it.
Good politics, I suppose, because it will always give the US an excuse to interfere in the middle-east, if needed.
Seems to me, "bloody oil" is more appreciated in America then "dirty oil" !

But, then please don't ask others to pay for your war games or even blame Opec for oil price gauging (like D Trumph did yesterday).
He should know best, that it's market speculation driving prices up, and OPEC actually increased production to bring the preis of oil down, not just this time, but also last time when it was over $100/barrel.
But, if you have market speculators, that buy up oil futures, just like they have gold futures - not much anyone can do.
That's part of the free market society.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

****Just as an aside, you'd think these political folks would know about microphones and how sometimes they can be turned on.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Mr. Prompter-Man dissed a University the other day by leaving off 3 words that were on the teleprompter......"in a town" was left out of his reading a speech at Georgetown U.

He meant to dis the town and ended up dissing the U. I couldn't find the speech, but heard it several times.


Strength through joy
(The Real Cuba) — Do you know what this is?
No, it is not a terrorist attack. And no, it is not an explosion of an oil depot.
Believe it or not, it is a fire set up by Venezuela’s Servicio Autonómico de Elaboraciones Farmacéuticas (SEFAR) to incinerate 566,590 kilos (1,227,000 pounds) of Cuban pharmaceuticals and medical products, that became obsolete due to mismanagement in its handling by the Venezuelan government.
While Cuban patients cannot find the medicines that they need and the Cuban hospitals do not have the equipment required to treat their patients, the Venezuelan government has to incinerate millions of dollars in Cuban pharmaceutical and medical products, sold by Castro & Castro Inc., because the Chávez regime is so incompetent that it cannot deliver the products in time and it cannot store them in a safe place either.
Among the products damaged were 27,000 syringes that were moldy and unfit for human use, having been stored in an unspecified warehouse that had a leaking roof.
According to Venezuela’s Comptroller General, Clodosbaldo Russián, a significant percentage of these drugs had been stored “for an average of two years and were not distributed,” while others were left in the open when they should have been refrigerated.
The information was published by Venezuela’s newspaper El Universal, which was able to obtain a copy of a report that Russian gave to the National Assembly.


Strength through joy
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]WEAPONS OF CHOICE

About those BATF guns that went to drug cartels

Congressman pushes for full disclosure by Hillary Clinton

Posted: March 31, 2011
8:29 pm Eastern
By Michael Carl

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

At least one member of Congress is getting testy over the decision by the Obama administration to refuse to respond to requests by Sen. Charles Grassley for information from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about Operation "Fast and Furious," in which the government apparently authorized the sale of hundreds of weapons to gunrunners who promptly put them into action on behalf of drug lords in Mexico.
It appears that the death toll includes at least one member of the U.S. Border Patrol, possibly more.
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is sending a letter to Clinton, demanding that her office stop stonewalling the investigation of what's become known as "Project Gunrunner."

Read more: About those BATF guns that went to drug cartels


golden ticket member


Engorged Member
She needs time to get the lawyers ready, destroy documents, to cover it up...

Issa's stated agenda when got elected was to hold numerous investigations, and bring-down the current adminsitration once he uncovered all of the "corruption". He'll spend millions. One thing that slowed Mr. Issa down was the revelation that he was a convicted car thief, and was strongly suspected of arson in a "mysterious" fire that destroyed a failing business. One day prior to the fire, Mr. Issa had instructed other employees to remove certain valuable items from the premises? His current successful business (car alarms) conducts all of it's manufacturing in China.

Ironic, isn't it? A crook investigating "corruption".