President Obama!


golden ticket member
His bio says his family wanted to be referred to as Lebanese just like Danny Thomas.

I'll give him a pass temporarily just to see if he can make Hillary real nervous. He's from around this area and we know of him because he handles the N. San Diego county and we are at the southernmost point of Orange County. He used to come in to hubby's different centers. If I needed an alarm system, I wouldn't deal with his business....but that's just me.


Engorged Member
His bio says his family wanted to be referred to as Lebanese just like Danny Thomas.

I'll give him a pass temporarily just to see if he can make Hillary real nervous. He's from around this area and we know of him because he handles the N. San Diego county and we are at the southernmost point of Orange County. He used to come in to hubby's different centers. If I needed an alarm system, I wouldn't deal with his business....but that's just me.

Bottom line is that he's a crook. Isn't he the replacement for Duke Cunningham, or is that another district? What bugs me is his willingness to hold all of the investigations, which will probably find nothing at tremendous cost. In the meantime, the country shifts into neutral while the Republicans do everything possible to derail anything the Democrats come up with.

Politics are politics, but when their only aim seems to be defeating Obama in 2012, it seems to me that they've failed already. He is going to get a second term, unless they invent some miracle candidate, so why not get on with the business of the country as a whole instead of waging a battle they're not going to win.?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Bottom line is that he's a crook. Isn't he the replacement for Duke Cunningham, or is that another district? What bugs me is his willingness to hold all of the investigations, which will probably find nothing at tremendous cost. In the meantime, the country shifts into neutral while the Republicans do everything possible to derail anything the Democrats come up with.

Politics are politics, but when their only aim seems to be defeating Obama in 2012, it seems to me that they've failed already. He is going to get a second term, unless they invent some miracle candidate, so why not get on with the business of the country as a whole instead of waging a battle they're not going to win.?

Kinda sucks when your Messiah is getting hammered from all sides. :laughing:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Issa's stated agenda when got elected was to hold numerous investigations, and bring-down the current adminsitration once he uncovered all of the "corruption".
Someone has to invesitgate Obama for all his shady dealings and past...the media wont do their job because they are in the Messiahs back pocket.
He'll spend millions.
Better than letting the Dimorats spend it on worthless garbage.
One thing that slowed Mr. Issa down was the revelation that he was a convicted car thief,(nice try...was never convicted and charges dropped...again nice try) and was strongly suspected of arson in a "mysterious" fire that destroyed a failing business.
Again nice try...never charged and case was dropped and bussiness was doing well before the fire.
One day prior to the fire, Mr. Issa had instructed other employees to remove certain valuable items from the premises?
Oh his Apple 2 computer...that was very expensive back then. LOL
His current successful business (car alarms) conducts all of it's manufacturing in China.
Smart bussiness man...he should just outsource all the work overseas and avoid paying any taxes...kinda like Barrys GE pal Jeff Immelt.
Ironic, isn't it? A crook investigating "corruption".
If he is a crook then he should know a crook...OBAMA!!!![/QUOTE]

I will admit that after reading about Issa he does have a shady past...but not anymore shady then all other Politicians and we can go back and forth all day on Dems and Repubs. We would have to start a whole new thread for that. :wink2:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Not worried. Your idea of "corruption" is anything that leans to the Left. And your idea of Corruption is anything that leans right so... That won't pass anyone's legal test. Care to make a wager on 2012?

If the Republican challenger had all the Media in his back pocket i would make a bet...but he wont so...

I will just wait and see and hope that Barry goes down as the worst president since Carter...which i think he has taken over.


Staff member
If the Republican challenger had all the Media in his back pocket i would make a bet...but he wont so...

I will just wait and see and hope that Barry goes down as the worst president since Carter...which i think he has taken over.

So the only problem the right has is that they get negative media? C'mon Lue. Even you aren't crazy enough to believe that. You know you have to put someone somewhat credible out there as a candidate. Seems not too many want to take a run though.


Squeaky Wheel
Obama's only aim was to defeat McCain, so what's the dif?

You really believe the only reason Obama ran for president was to defeat Senator McCain? What an extremely limited view.

This is just too hard to stay out of.

luecfer said:
Better than letting the Dimorats spend it on worthless garbage.

luecfer said:
I will just wait and see and hope that Barry goes down as the worst president since Carter...which i think he has taken over.

What you really mean to say is that you hope he's finally perceived by all as worse than Dublya.

Just as many have theorized, there are actually people out there who WANT to see the president of the US fail.

Unfreaking believable.

Your pal trplnkl is right, y'all are being demeaned. But it ain't by me! You do a fine job on your own!


Strength through joy
let's see bho ran on ending the two wars, so he starts a third war. Now that's a really intelligent move. So I guess one could finally say that he's dumber than Bush.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today


home, sweet affordable home


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanation here today

Last time I checked tenants don't acquire the title to the home that they are renting (unless they are in a rent-to-own agreement).

Sunstein has also been pushing for a new socialist-style U.S. bill of rights that, among other things, would constitutionally require the government to offer each citizen a "useful" job in the farms or industries of the nation.
According to Sunstein's new bill of rights, the U.S. government can also intercede to ensure every farmer can sell his product for a good return while the government is granted power to act against "unfair competition" and monopolies in business.
All this and more is contained in Sunstein's 2004 book, "The Second Bill of Rights: FDR'S Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More than Ever."
In the work, Sunstein advanced the radical notion that welfare rights, including some controversial inceptions, be granted by the state. His inspiration for a new bill of rights came from President Roosevelt's 1944 proposal of a different, new set of rights.
In his book, Sunstein laid out what he wants to become the new bill of rights, which he calls the Second Bill of Rights:
His mandates include the following:
The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return that will give him and his family a decent living;
The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
The right of every family to a decent home;
The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment;
The right to a good education.

Read more: George Soros assault on U.S. Constitution


Squeaky Wheel
let's see bho ran on ending the two wars, so he starts a third war. Now that's a really intelligent move. So I guess one could finally say that he's dumber than Bush.

And I'd just bet you're doing a happy dance like all of your regressive buds!

Nope. He ran on change. And like the lady said (1/2 of) this country isn't ready for change.

From my experience here lately, it's about 75% of the BC. So y'all keep defending each other. You need the help!