President Obama!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Among the "attack files" cited so far are those from Republican candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Perry and others, who've suggested Obama is not a strong ally to Israel. Another rebuttal is aimed at criticisms by Republican congressional leaders like Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor, who accuse the president of creating job-killing regulations
In each instance of an "attack," the site gives news articles explaining the president's side of the story.

Thats they will combat the attacks by giving news articles that explain the Messiahs side of the story. So lets see...they will be news articles from the Daily KO,s and Huffingtion Post and any other left leaning rag. LMAO!!!!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Among the "attack files" cited so far are those from Republican candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Perry and others, who've suggested Obama is not a strong ally to Israel. Another rebuttal is aimed at criticisms by Republican congressional leaders like Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor, who accuse the president of creating job-killing regulations
In each instance of an "attack," the site gives news articles explaining the president's side of the story.

Thats they will combat the attacks by giving news articles that explain the Messiahs side of the story. So lets see...they will be news articles from the Daily KO,s and Huffingtion Post and any other left leaning rag. LMAO!!!!!
So if I say the prez. has his head up his ***..........will the site explain why?


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama: 'I'd like to work my way around Congress'

"As I mentioned when I was at La Raza a few weeks back, I wish I had a magic wand and could make this all happen on my own," Obama told a meeting of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. "There are times where -- until Nancy Pelosi is speaker again -- I'd like to work my way around Congress."
As he continued, Obama conceded that "we've got laws on the books that have to be upheld." But he quickly added there are different ways to uphold the laws on the books. "You know as well as anyone that…how we enforce those laws is also important," Obama said. Last month, the administration made a major, unilateral change in immigration law enforcement when it announced that the government will not initiate deportation proceedings against illegal immigrants unless they have committed serious crimes. To critics, Obama had indeed worked his way around Congress. To the Hispanic Caucus, Obama said his new policy will "prioritize criminals who endanger our communities, not students trying to achieve the American dream."

According to his rules someone up to the age of 35 can still be called a student.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Question ?
Why is the guy in the bottom picture referred to as a maroon ?
Is it because he has his back to future terrorists ?

Also check out the sizes of the US flags, bhos' is part of the back drop.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Congressional Black Caucus Chief: If We Didn’t Have a Black President “We’d Probably Be Marching On The White House”…

In other words: Obama is a complete and total failure but since he’s black we won’t hold him accountable.
(The Hill) — Unhappy members of the Congressional Black Caucus “probably would be marching on the White House” if Obama were not president, according to CBC Chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.).

“If [former President] Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House,” Cleaver told “The Miami Herald” in comments published Sunday. “There is a less-volatile reaction in the CBC because nobody wants to do anything that would empower the people who hate the president.”
CBC members have expressed concern in recent months as the unemployment rate has continued to rise amongst African-Americans, pushing for Obama to do more to address the needs of vulnerable communities.

“We’re supportive of the president, but we getting tired, y’all,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said in August. “We want to give [Obama] every opportunity, but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don’t know what the strategy is.”

Rather than targeting Obama’s leadership, many CBC members aimed their fire at the Tea Party movement over the summer’s congressional recess. Waters said in a public meeting in her district that the Tea Party “can go straight to hell.” Another member, Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.), called the Tea Party “the real enemy” seeking to hold Congress “hostage.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

ZIP | Monday, September 19, 2011 @ 9:30 pm
AP: “It’s Not Just Millionaires Who’d Pay More” Under Obama’s Jobs Plan, Ordinary Americans Hit With $130 Billion In New Gov’t Fees…
You think the ignorant saps who are buying into his class warfare shtick have any idea they’re about to get socked with fees up the wazoo?
WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s not just millionaires who’d pay more under President Barack Obama’s latest plan to combat the deficit.
Air travelers, federal workers, military retirees, wealthier Medicare beneficiaries and people taking out new mortgages are among those who would pay more than $130 billion in government revenues raised through new or increased fees.
Airline passengers would see their federal security fees double from $5 to $10 for a nonstop round-trip flight and triple to $15 by 2017, raising $25 billion over the coming decade. Federal workers would face an additional 1.2 percentage point deduction from their paychecks to contribute $21 billion more for their pensions over the same period. Military retirees would pay a $200 fee upon turning 65 to have the government pay their out-of-pocket Medicare expenses. They’d also pay more for non-generic prescription drugs.
And it’ll cost corporate jet owners a new $100 fee for each flight.
The fees aren’t taxes. They’re charged to people who use government services or receive benefits such as taxpayer-subsidized health care, and they typically defray the government’s cost of providing a service. The fee on corporate jets and other private passenger planes, for example, would raise about $1 billion a year to help finance the cost of air traffic control. Recreational flyers won’t have to pay.
Many of Obama’s proposals are retreads from earlier budget proposals, including those submitted by his predecessors. Most have been rejected year after year. Some ideas, like requiring wealthier veterans to pay more for their health care, stir up opposition from powerful interest groups. Others, like the bigger security fee for flyers, seem too close to a ticket tax increase.


Well-Known Member

Protocol? What about just good manners?

President Obama is 6' 1" in height but in this photo he sure does look much taller. Sure stands way out in relation to the rest of the crowd. What's the context of the photo, when and what was the gathering?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

USA Today/Gallup Poll: For First Time Majority Of Americans Say Obama To Blame For Horrific Economy…
WASHINGTON — Americans’ pessimism about the economy and its future is deepening, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, and they are increasingly willing to hold President Obama responsible for hard times.

Eight of 10 say the economy is in a recession, and nearly as many say it hasn’t improved over the past year. Even more ominous: Six in 10 predict the economy a year from now will be the same or worse than today, a downturn from the public’s views last year and the year before.

Former president George W. Bush deserves a great deal of blame, 36% say, a decline of 7 percentage points since mid-2009, five months after he had left office.

Twenty-four percent say Obama deserves a great deal of the blame, up 10 points since 2009. For the first time since he took office, a majority of Americans — including six in 10 independents — say he deserves a great deal or moderate amount of blame for the nation’s economic woes.

“The blame-it-on-my-predecessor line is of decreasing help to an incumbent,” says political scientist William Mayer of Northeastern University. “It was perfectly fine when he took office, and even reasonable a year or two in, but eventually, increasingly, it becomes Obama’s economy. It won’t surprise me if by the time you get to the 2012 election Obama has overtaken Bush in that regard.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
One of the best ads I have seen this campaign season!

Also, any of you Obama koolaid drinkers want to explain this? Is Obama really this stupid that he doesn't know basic group photo protocol?


The person who is drinking the koolaid are the ones who post these kinds of pictures. The picture has been altered and you can check for yourself. Even a maroon could figure this one out, give it a try Trip!

If you save the photo to your desktop, then open it with PAINT, and click on the zoom button, keep zooming in on the hand. First you willsee the pixelated edges of the hand, then you will see the the sleeve on the arm of the hand is in a BLACK SUIT, and OBAMA is in a dark grey suit.

Its obvious when you enlarge the photo. All you have to do is check it out for yourself.

Even FOXED SPEWS was duped by this phoney photo.

Its amazing the degree that the RNC will go to, in order to slam our president.

Give us a break,

The person who is drinking the koolaid are the ones who post these kinds of pictures. The picture has been altered and you can check for yourself. Even a maroon could figure this one out, give it a try Trip!

If you save the photo to your desktop, then open it with PAINT, and click on the zoom button, keep zooming in on the hand. First you willsee the pixelated edges of the hand, then you will see the the sleeve on the arm of the hand is in a BLACK SUIT, and OBAMA is in a dark grey suit.

Its obvious when you enlarge the photo. All you have to do is check it out for yourself.

Even FOXED SPEWS was duped by this phoney photo.

Its amazing the degree that the RNC will go to, in order to slam our president.

Give us a break,


HAHAHAHA, hey the only comment I made about the pic was on the hawtness of the blond and I don't care if she was added after the rest she still hawt. Hell, I don't even care if every person in the photo was photo shopped in.

Just curious, what makes you thing the RNC had anything to do with this? I'd be willing to bet they have people that can photo shop with the best of the democrats.

Oh, and just so you know, I think it would be amazing if they did, indeed, go to that length to slam Zer0. He gives them plenty ammo everyday on his own.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

"O" just smells the $$$$

Warren Buffett To Be Featured At Two Obama Campaign Fundraisers
He’s like a kinder, gentler George Soros.
(The Hill) — Billionaire investment guru Warren Buffett is will help fundraise for President Obama’s reelection campaign at two fundraising events in Chicago and New York respectively.
According to Crain’s Chicago Business, Buffett will attend the Oct. 27 Chicago fundraising event alongside a number of major Chicago donors including former Obama campaign national finance chairwoman Penny Pritzker, a longtime Obama supporter and fundraiser, and John Rogers Jr., another early Obama campaign backer.
Buffett will also be featured at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in New York in late September.
Lately, Buffett’s name has increasingly come up in relation to the Obama administration. He wrote a New York Times op-ed in which he argued that the effective tax rate for his income bracket should be higher.
The Obama administration also dubbed a proposal to raise taxes on the wealthy as part of his $447 billion jobs creation legislation the “Buffett Rule.” Buffett himself has said he was asked by the administration and approved of the provision including his name.


golden ticket member
You could tell it was a phony because of the guy in the front row, 2nd from left wearing the Woody the Woodsman costume..............he's not for real, nobody dresses like that!!