President Obama!

Well, when you really think about it, a highly, almost overpaid, proffesional photographer wouldn't take a photo as it was posted here.
Simple as that.

Even a normal photographer wouldn't take a family photo with a members hand or body covering up someone elses face or body.

Never worked as a photographer huh? It's a fact that many fine photogs trash as many pics as they keep. Reason: subjects don't always co-operate.
Ask Hoak, he's a pretty damn good photographer.


Für Meno :)
I agree, it's a different ara now, with being digital.... doesn't cost nothing to make 20 shots per second, unlike the olden days.
But then this same photographer would have released this stupid pic, and probably would lose his job over it.
And that's a great job, to be highly paid and travel the world with top leaders, with 5 star hotels and meals included, too.


golden ticket member
I agree, it's a different ara now, with being digital.... doesn't cost nothing to make 20 shots per second, unlike the olden days.
But then this same photographer would have released this stupid pic, and probably would lose his job over it.
And that's a great job, to be highly paid and travel the world with top leaders, with 5 star hotels and meals included, too.
I can picture it now....Klein the Canadian papparazzi!! Look out Bieber!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
So is it ok to name call on this blog all of a sudden? I thought we were not suppose to attack others names? or does this only apply to me on this blog?


I thought you were not supposed to insult others here also but look at almost evey one of your posts. You have so much hate...maybe you need to seek professional help.



Well-Known Member
On the intelligence scale, you have dropped a peg based on the posting of this picture.


Baghdad Bob- So if the picture is fake why has no news organization of any political persuasion posted a retraction and apologized for posting a fake picture of the President? You would think MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CNBC would be all over this if it were fake trying to pin the picture on Fox, but they aren't. Its because the photo is real, and this President is a maroon. Jan. 20, 2013 can't get here soon enough.


Strength through joy
News Flash....................
Obama Continues To Tackle The Tough Issues: Invites 1985 Chicago Bears To White House…

(Politico 44) — His hometown pro football team may not have won the Super Bowl for more than a quarter century, but that won’t stop President Obama from hosting them at the White House.
The president is inviting members of the Chicago Bears 1985 Super Bowl championship team to the White House on Oct. 7, the Associated Press reported Thursday.
Super Bowl champions are traditionally honored with a visit to the White House. But plans for the 1985 Bears to come to Washington were scrapped when the space shuttle Challenger exploded just days after their victory in January 1986, according to the AP.
To his chagrin, Obama hosted the Bears’ rival, the Green Bay Packers, at the White House this year after their Super Bowl win.
This time, though, he’s gonna need a bigger fridge.



If you save the photo to your desktop, then open it with PAINT, and click on the zoom button, keep zooming in on the hand. First you willsee the pixelated edges of the hand, then you will see the the sleeve on the arm of the hand is in a BLACK SUIT, and OBAMA is in a dark grey suit.
Maybe Armani suits have a black inside cuff.:wink2:
But,... am I not the only one to notice the thumb?
Is that a human thumb?
Looks alien to me.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

If consumer spending turns out to be up and even beyond pre-recession levels, why is the economy still in the tank? Why are people in gov't still telling us the bad economy is the lack of consumer spending?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics

Lets tax the rich more so we can waste more money:

Gov't paid $600 million to dead people
Report: Waste of taxpayer money is unacceptable
WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government has doled out more than $600 million in benefit payments to dead people over the past five years, a watchdog report says.
Such payments are meant for retired or disabled federal workers, but sometimes the checks keep going out even after the former employees pass away and the deaths are not reported, according to the report this week from the Office of Personnel Management's inspector general, Patrick McFarland.
In one case, the son of a beneficiary continued receiving payments for 37 years after his father's death in 1971. The payments — totaling more than $515,000 — were only discovered when the son died in 2008.
The government has been aware of the problem since a 2005 inspector general's report revealed defects in the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund. Yet the improper payments have continued, despite more than a half dozen attempts to develop a system that can figure out which beneficiaries are still alive and which are dead, the report said.
"It is time to stop, once and for all, this waste of taxpayer money," it said.
Office of Personnel Management spokesman Edmund Byrnes said he could not immediately comment on the findings. But the report said OPM Director John Berry agrees that stopping the improper payments should be a priority.
There are about 2.5 million federal workers who receive over $60 billion in benefit payments from the program each year.
Federal officials have tried matching the fund's computer records with the Social Security Administration's death records, checking tax records and improving the timeliness of death reporting.
OPM has also sampled its records of all recipients over 90 years old to confirm whether they are still alive. In 2009, there were more than 125,000 recipients identified as over 90 and about 3,400 over 100 years old.
Both the Obama administration and Congress have made it a higher priority to crack down on improper government payments.
Last year, government investigators found that more than 89,000 stimulus payments of $250 each from the massive economic recovery package went to people who were either dead or in prison.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics


September 17-23


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

If Cain gets his way, wait until new homes are subject to a 9% National Tax.
The only "head of the country" you can talk about is Obama. There is no GOP candidate yet.....therefore, there is no economic plan yet............from Obama either!!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

There ya go :

WASHINGTON, Sept 26 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's deficit reduction plan would be positive for U.S. ratings but chances of its implementation are "extremely low," Moody's Investors Service said on Monday.

But, who cares what others say, unless it's Fox news or some other republican or Tea-Partier, right ?