President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

(CNSNews) — Under Republican tax proposals it would not be possible to have a “modern industrial economy,” President Obama said during a town hall event in Mountain View, Calif. on Monday.
A member of the audience asked whether he could pay more in taxes, adding that he had been helped by federal Pell grants and infrastructure and job training programs that allowed him to be successful.
“Right now, we’ve got the lowest tax rates we’ve had since the 1950s,” Obama said during a lengthy reply.
“And some of the Republican proposals would take it back — as a percentage of GDP — back to where we were back in the 1920s,” he added. “You can’t have a modern industrial economy like that.”
Michael Tanner, a senior fellow at the libertarian CATO Institute, said he could not see why Obama made the comparison with the situation in the 1950s, as the economy was doing well back then.
“He seems to be of the belief that economic growth comes from the government and therefore the government has to take more money to put it into economic growth and not leave it in the private sector,” he told

Now does that help you understand, klein.
The potus does not have a clue on what drives an economy.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Proves my point, the further a country goes into debt by not collecting enough revenue (taxes), the worse the country gets.
Greece has done it, and a few other Euro countries, along with the USA.

Some of you bi.tch about our high taxes, but atleast our government tries to pay as they go.
Enjoy your low taxes while they last !


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Is that on top of the 3.8% sales tax on all homes sold under Obamacare rules ?

Who knows , we pay the full GST here on new homes, or even used cars bought at a dealership.
But, don't worry. Nobody will vote for a 9% National Sales Tax - no way in hell.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

I see you still do not understand basic economics .
If you collect more taxes then you spend , thus you have a surplus ( better known as a profit ).
If you collect enough taxes to support your spending, thus you have a balanced budget.
If you spend more than you collect in taxes, then you have a deficit.
Do to the massive borrowing lately , we will always have a deficit. You can't continue to take monies out of the private sector and expect job creation at the same time. It is physically impossible. And with the idea that gov't jobs is the solution to unemployment is another myth. Too many agencies with too many employees create an overlapping effect, where the existing regulations are increased 2, 3, 4, or more times. So every person or company that needs a permit for anything becomes boggled down in applying to multiple agencies for the same thing. With all the added red tape the private sector either slows down more or comes to a complete stop.

The only solution is to decrease your spending and inject more monies back into the private sector with less red tape involved.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

I see you still do not understand basic economics .

The only solution is to decrease your spending and inject more monies back into the private sector with less red tape involved.

Yeah, US companies and banks sitting on Trillions of dollars, give them more, that will work, huh ?
Just like yourself, what would you do if you paid $200 per month less in taxes ? - Probably save more money and set it aside.

And you don't like giving the poor money, since they don't deserve it - you already complain that they get food stamps and other freebies, and soon maybe even free Obamacare - no wonder you hate Obamacare !
And even if the poor did get more money, they buy mostly everything second hand. Maybe they would eat a little better, but that's about it, nothing worth mentioning that they go on huge shopping sprees to spure the economy.

Of course you must think Canada had it all wrong , back in the early 90's when we lost our AAA credit rating, but got it back with both spending cuts and raising taxes. Same as England is doing now.
Gee, we even raised our Canada Pension, (equal to your SS), constributions this last January, to secure it from running out of funds.

I don't think Americans had to ever tighten their belts to pay back their national debt, yet. But many other countries have and are doing so as I type.
But it will come and even you will experience it pretty good.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Yeah, US companies and banks sitting on Trillions of dollars, give them more, that will work, huh ?
Just like yourself, what would you do if you paid $200 per month less in taxes ? - Probably save more money and set it aside.

And you don't like giving the poor money, since they don't deserve it - you already complain that they get food stamps and other freebies, and soon maybe even free Obamacare - no wonder you hate Obamacare !
And even if the poor did get more money, they buy mostly everything second hand. Maybe they would eat a little better, but that's about it, nothing worth mentioning that they go on huge shopping sprees to spure the economy.

Of course you must think Canada had it all wrong , back in the early 90's when we lost our AAA credit rating, but got it back with both spending cuts and raising taxes. Same as England is doing now.
Gee, we even raised our Canada Pension, (equal to your SS), constributions this last January, to secure it from running out of funds.

I don't think Americans had to ever tighten their belts to pay back their national debt, yet. But many other countries have and are doing so as I type.
But it will come and even you will experience it pretty good.
The key is.....we all want to "tighten our belt" as in the gov't stop spending. The current pres. is hooked on just spending....he won't tighten the belt. He thinks money just grows on trees......just like a teenager.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

klein, again you missed the point, where I did say that injecting more monies into the private sector hurts the poor.
In fact it help them more than any gov't program.
When people have more income than they need , the invest it or donate it to charities .
A free flowing private sector increases the amount of monies being moved around,
Having the gov't increase taxes scares people and corporations into holding on to their cash. And that hurts the poor even more.

ps. I'm glad Canada is working out better that any other country, financially speaking.
But that is not part of this conversation, please try to stay on topic.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

You have the lowest taxes since the 1950's, the lowest interest rates in history. What else do you need ? It's not working !
Re: Obamanomics

The key is.....we all want to "tighten our belt" as in the gov't stop spending. The current pres. is hooked on just spending....he won't tighten the belt. He thinks money just grows on trees......just like a teenager.
Teenagers are growing on trees now???? HOLYCRIYIMINY


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I like what Charles Krauthammer said today.........that the governing phase of the Obama administration is over and he's in full campaign mode now.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

You have the lowest taxes since the 1950's, the lowest interest rates in history. What else do you need ? It's not working !

I see that you agree that all current efforts by bhos to end this current depression have been failures.
And believing this only re-enforces the notion that less gov't spending is what is needed to correct this mess.
You have come a long way into living in the real world.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

I see that you agree that all current efforts by bhos to end this current depression have been failures.
And believing this only re-enforces the notion that less gov't spending is what is needed to correct this mess.
You have come a long way into living in the real world.

Do it like Greece has done yesterday then. They cut SS (pensions) by 20% yesterday, but they aslo added a new National Property tax, too.
You might as well look to Europe, since some of those measures might make it to America.
Re: Obamanomics

Do it like Greece has done yesterday then. They cut SS (pensions) by 20% yesterday, but they aslo added a new National Property tax, too.
You might as well look to Europe, since some of those measures might make it to America.

You seem to like using Greece as an example. Tell us, what you think is the major problem in Greece?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Their govermnet has been spending more then it ever took in, and that has been going on for decades.
That should sound familiar !

And they even went as far as falshifying their books to get into the EU, too.
Re: Obamanomics

Their govermnet has been spending more then it ever took in, and that has been going on for decades.
That should sound familiar !

And they even went as far as falshifying their books to get into the EU, too.

Hey that does sound familiar. Can't imagine how a country can get the idea that they can spend more than they take in and still try to spend more.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Well, our government is on stand-by for another round of stimulus, if another recession comes our way, again.

You can work on your cut backs during a recession, and find out how that'll work out for you.