President Obama!


golden ticket member
311,800,000 population of U.S.
240,000,000 have health ins.

Why don't we just address those that don't have it instead of 100% of the population like Obamacare does ?.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Now he's blaming Europe.............

Now He’s Blaming Europe
On Monday, during a fundraiser in California, President Obama declared that Europe’s debt problems and their inability to solve them was “scaring the world.” He went on to explain that Europeans “have not fully healed from the crisis back in 2007 and never fully dealt with the challenges that their banking system faced” and that “they’re trying to take responsible actions, but those actions haven’t been quite as quick as they need to be.”

This of course is coming from a President who has done nothing to deal with our own country’s enormous debt crisis and who is in fact eager to incur even more debt with another useless stimulus bill (now called a “jobs bill” though the last stimulus failed to produce the jobs it promised, which is perhaps why Harry Reid doesn’t seem too eager to bring this new bill to a vote despite the President’s demands to “pass this bill”). Yes, Europe has serious debt problems, but for President Obama to be lecturing our allies about not being “quite as quick” in dealing with a debt crisis is downright hypocritical.

When his all-too-common finger-pointing is directed at Republicans, President Obama’s search for a scapegoat is swallowed as merely the typical Beltway politics of our permanent political class. But pointing fingers at our allies when they are working to get their own financial house in order is counterproductive and can have a serious negative affect on our ability to lead the free world.

One German newspaper denounced the President’s comments as “overbearing, arrogant, and absurd.” Another wrote: “The gloomy state of the economy is putting a damper on Obama’s future prospects. The optimism of the past is gone, replaced by a cheap search for a scapegoat.” And still another wrote: “That’s not how friends talk to each other. That applies particularly to friends who have themselves failed to get a handle on their own, self-made crisis.”

Can we blame them for feeling this way? Keep in mind this was a President who was supposed to make the rest of the world “like” us again.
It’s about time the President showed some leadership and took responsibility rather than campaigning on blaming everyone else for the financial mess his policies have exacerbated.

Between President Obama’s hypocritical lecture poking our allies in the eye again and one Democrat governor’s call to postpone lawfully mandated elections for two years, I suppose nothing should surprise concerned Americans anymore. But that doesn’t mean we have to accept these misguided memes. 2012 can’t come soon enough.
Sarah Palin


Staff member
I love that sign that says "Welcome to Kenya, birthplace of Barrack Obama"!

I'm sure TOS will whine that it's photoshopped, fake, whatever, but I still like it!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Talk about OLD, your PEACE is really old !! We overused it in the 60's, so it's retro antique now. That makes you like a shabby chic designer!

Hey moreluck,

any chance you can sit on the computer all day and find some more cheaply edited video of the Obamas making statements that get taken out of context through the editing?



golden ticket member
Hey moreluck,

any chance you can sit on the computer all day and find some more cheaply edited video of the Obamas making statements that get taken out of context through the editing?

That Michelle clip is real....that was the 8 sec. version. There's also a 38 second version, but I didn't want to waste your time listening to that beeatch!
Oh, and it took me 4 mins. to find that clip after O95 mentioned a Kenya sign in one of the threads. If you think it takes all day, then you are computer challenged.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That Michelle clip is real....that was the 8 sec. version. There's also a 38 second version, but I didn't want to waste your time listening to that beeatch!

HAHAHA....thats called editing moreluck. I realize its a 21st century term, but if youre going to play a sound bite, play the whole thing versus a piece that changes the meaning of the statement.

You should work for FOXED SPEWS.... its their specialty, misrepresenting what people say through poor editing.



golden ticket member
HAHAHA....thats called editing moreluck. I realize its a 21st century term, but if youre going to play a sound bite, play the whole thing versus a piece that changes the meaning of the statement.

You should work for FOXED SPEWS.... its their specialty, misrepresenting what people say through poor editing.

She says the same friggin' thing in the longer version too....longer doesn't make it different..............took all day for me to find this too. NOT.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
She says the same friggin' thing in the longer version too....longer doesn't make it different..............took all day for me to find this too. NOT.

What does that prove? Is a person who was born in the usa who calls himself Irish, from Ireland? A person who calls himself german orn in the usa from germany?

My grandparents are from mexico, That is my home country, but I am an american born and raised here. My heritage originated in Mexico and that makes it my home country. Same with Obama, his father was born under the flag of the king of england in Kenya.

She didnt say he was born in Kenya.

Why is this so important to you to point out? Wouldnt it be nicer if you took up knitting vs. web searching for mis quotes?



golden ticket member
What does that prove? Is a person who was born in the usa who calls himself Irish, from Ireland? A person who calls himself german orn in the usa from germany?

My grandparents are from mexico, That is my home country, but I am an american born and raised here. My heritage originated in Mexico and that makes it my home country. Same with Obama, his father was born under the flag of the king of england in Kenya.

She didnt say he was born in Kenya.

Why is this so important to you to point out? Wouldnt it be nicer if you took up knitting vs. web searching for mis quotes?

I'm 100% home country is America. All those words of yours were B.S. pure & simple B.S.
What does that prove? Is a person who was born in the usa who calls himself Irish, from Ireland? A person who calls himself german orn in the usa from germany?

My grandparents are from mexico, That is my home country, but I am an american born and raised here. My heritage originated in Mexico and that makes it my home country. Same with Obama, his father was born under the flag of the king of england in Kenya.

She didnt say he was born in Kenya.

Why is this so important to you to point out? Wouldnt it be nicer if you took up knitting vs. web searching for mis quotes?

Moreluck's evaluation of this is correct. You were born in the USA (so you say), that makes the USA your home country, not Mexico. What a failed attempt to spin.

BTW, only one of Zer0s parents was from Kenya the other was born in the USA so how does that make Kenya 0's home country? Now MO may have meant that Zero has Kenyan ancestry, but that isn't what she said was it. That's another reason I left off my reasons to not like her.

You should work for FOXED SPEWS.... its their specialty, misrepresenting what people say through poor editing.

Speaking of misrepresenting, does that include telling lies about people?