President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I wouldn't want to pay the tax rates in country's that have universal health care. Wouldn't want to be a patient there either. That's why our northern border hospitals are clogged with Canadians who don't want to wait for procedures that would easily be handled in a short period of time here in the USA......until obamacare kicks in.

Putting 19 million of the original figure of 32 million uninsured into Medicaid is no solution either. Pricey fix for 13 million uninsured Americans.


Für Meno :)
I wouldn't want to pay the tax rates in country's that have universal health care. Wouldn't want to be a patient there either. That's why our northern border hospitals are clogged with Canadians who don't want to wait for procedures that would easily be handled in a short period of time here in the USA......until obamacare kicks in.

Putting 19 million of the original figure of 32 million uninsured into Medicaid is no solution either. Pricey fix for 13 million uninsured Americans.

Where do you live ? I have never heard UPstate NY complain about the hospital parking lots being taken up by Canadians, nor his doctors office.
But he does complain about our many long weekends where the shopping malls are filled with Canadian cars.

In matter of fact, I lived here most of my life, well 36 years of it, and still haven't met anyone that has gone to the US to get any kind of health service.


Well-Known Member
Where do you live ? I have never heard UPstate NY complain about the hospital parking lots being taken up by Canadians, nor his doctors office.
But he does complain about our many long weekends where the shopping malls are filled with Canadian cars.

In matter of fact, I lived here most of my life, well 36 years of it, and still haven't met anyone that has gone to the US to get any kind of health service.

We don't get a lot of Canadians, if any, coming down specifically for health care. We do get Canadian athletes going to specialists in the US as they have the means and do not wish to wait.


golden ticket member
Obama Appoints Singer Shakira To White House Initiative On Education For Hispanic Americans . . . One Problem, She’s Not a U.S. Citizen.....


Hmmm, I wonder what his motivation could be?
Via NRO’s Jim Geraghty:
Okay, I’ll admit, I adore Shakira.
But even I have to wonder about President Obama appointing someone to a commission on “White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans” who . . .
A) is not a U.S. citizen, and thus, not, technically, a “Hispanic American” in the context as it is commonly used . . .
B) has had one short experience with college, consisting of one course at UCLA . . .
C) was described as an “absentminded” high-school student.
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama Appoints Singer Shakira To White House Initiative On Education For Hispanic Americans . . . One Problem, She’s Not a U.S. Citizen.....


Hmmm, I wonder what his motivation could be?
Via NRO’s Jim Geraghty:
Okay, I’ll admit, I adore Shakira.
But even I have to wonder about President Obama appointing someone to a commission on “White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans” who . . .
A) is not a U.S. citizen, and thus, not, technically, a “Hispanic American” in the context as it is commonly used . . .
B) has had one short experience with college, consisting of one course at UCLA . . .
C) was described as an “absentminded” high-school student.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

This bonehead move of his makes me think he's all alone with no advisors. He can pick someone Hispanic, who's sexy and talented and looked up to by the youth...apparently that was his least make sure it's a citizen!!

A good advisor should've caught this little fact.


golden ticket member
Hey, it’s not like they awarded Obama the Nobel based on a bunch of campaign speeches . . . no, wait?
(Reuters) — Barack Obama needs to make good on the promises that won him the Nobel Peace Prize, fellow laureate and former U.S. president Jimmy Carter said Thursday.

On the eve of this year’s Nobel award, which could honor the Arab Spring protesters who caught Washington off guard by toppling autocratic leaders who were U.S. allies, Carter told Reuters he hoped his fellow Democrat would keep promises on promoting human rights, Middle East peace and other issues.
“I hope he’ll fulfill the promises that were made at the time h
e got the peace prize,” Carter said in an interview when asked what Obama, who was honored in 2009 after being in office less than a year, could do to live up to the honor.

“It was given primarily because of some of the commitments he had made verbally, his speeches and so forth about taking the leadership role and dealing with global warming and dealing with the immigration problem, enhancing human rights, promoting peace in the Middle East,” said Carter, a prizewinner in 2002.


golden ticket member
If you type “Obamacare” into Google and then click on the first link that usually comes up, you’ll learn all about Obamacare from the most unbiased source imaginable — the Obama administration. The link will take you to, where you’ll learn that Obamacare is all about “bringing down health care premiums,” “improving health care quality and efficiency,” “making care more affordable,” “reducing paperwork and administrative costs,” spawning “new innovations to bring down costs” (this heading introduces the Independent Payment Advisory Board), “ensuring free choice,” “preventing disease and illness,” and, of course, “promoting individual responsibility.” Really, when it’s described like that, it’s hard to imagine why anyone would oppose the president’s signature legislation.

How is it, you might ask, that — which is neither the talk of the town nor the home page of all that many Americans — somehow comes up first when you type in a term as widely used as “Obamacare”? Because your tax dollars are financing that paid link. I reported in January that this was happening and in February that it was still happening — and it continues to happen today. As President Obama moves into full campaign mode, he and his secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, are using your tax dollars to help ensure that those who want to learn more about Obamacare will learn it from them.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Why is he called our black president ?
According to Wikipedia is he not black.
African Americans[SUP][/SUP] (also referred to as Black Americans or Afro-Americans, and formerly as American Negroes) are citizens or residents of the United States who have at least partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa and are the direct descendants of enslaved Africans within the boundaries of the present United States.
His named father was never a enslaved African nor a descendant of one, thus he could never actually be described as black.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

This is what Wikipedia says.............

Mulatto denotes a person with one white parent and one black parent.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=2]Report: Number Of Czars In Obama Regime Hits 45, Operate Under a “Veil Of Secrecy”…[/h]

Accountable to nobody except Dear Leader.
Via Judicial Watch:
Judicial Watch, the public interest organization that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released “President Obama’s Czars,” a special report on the President’s appointing of “policy advisors,” many of whom enjoy positions of power and authority in the administration and yet have not been subjected to vetting and confirmation by the U.S. Senate. Judicial Watch’s extensive investigation exhaustively documents these czar appointments and details the control these czars exercise over government operations.
From the report’s introduction:
“This Judicial Watch Special Report analyzes the proliferation of so-called ‘czars’ in the Obama administration. President Barack Obama has installed personal advisors in czar positions in the White House and has created new czar positions elsewhere in the Executive Branch. As of the date of this report, the number of czars that have been appointed by the President, or by others in his administration, appears to total 45. In addition, there are as many as 18 other unfilled or planned czar positions.
“Many of these ‘czars’ are unconfirmed by the Senate and are largely unaccountable to Congress. Further, their activities are often outside the reach of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), creating a veil of secrecy about their precise role in the administration.”

The new report is available at Judicial Watch’s website
  • Czars appointees have seized unprecedented control over major aspects of government policy and programs. In some instances, unconfirmed czars have authority, in seeming violation of the U.S. Constitution, over certain Senate-confirmed officers.
  • A number of the czars have been linked to scandals, thefts and kickbacks, flagrant and offensive statements, conflicts of interest, and radical leftist political ideologies and policies.
“Barack Obama’s unconstitutional use of czars to help run his administration is at odds with republican, limited, and accountable government. Obama has simply installed his radical leftist allies in various positions of power while thumbing his nose at Congress and the American people. As we document in this report, too many of these czars have proven to be corrupt or radicals (or sometimes both). No wonder the Obama administration fights tooth and nail to allow these czars to operate in secret. Nevertheless, Judicial Watch managed to develop this comprehensive list of czars as part of efforts to ensure government accountability.”
