President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

According to Wikiki , he does not meet the qualifications to be called American black.
His named father, was a subject of the British Empire not a USA citizen also was never a enslaved African nor a descendant of one, thus he could never actually be described as black.
Thus he is claiming to have one white parent { who's blood he has spoken many time he wished he could drain out of his body }and one African parent.
Exactly what is he ?
Not white, not black, so I guess he belongs in a new class by himself.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

According to Wikiki , he does not meet the qualifications to be called American black.
His named father, was a subject of the British Empire not a USA citizen also was never a enslaved African nor a descendant of one, thus he could never actually be described as black.
Thus he is claiming to have one white parent { who's blood he has spoken many time he wished he could drain out of his body }and one African parent.
Exactly what is he ?
Not white, not black, so I guess he belongs in a new class by himself.
So, Herman Cain could possibly be the FIRST black president?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

You know, the people from other lands probably get enough of their own food....why not serve typical American fare ???

Obama Honors South Korean President With . . . Japanese Food
Next up: Bratwurst with the Israelis.
Via National Review:
Via USA Today:
The White House has released the menu for tonight’s state dinner for South Korean President Lee Myung Bak, and the main course comes from Japanese cattle bred in Texas. The Texas Wagyu Beef will be served with orange-ginger fondue, sauteed kale, and roasted kabocha squash, according to the White House. The full dinner menu: First Course Butternut Squash Bisque, Honey Poached Cranberries, Virginia Cured Ham, Pumpkin Seed Praline, Crème Fraiche Second Course Early Fall Harvest Salad on Daikon Sheets, Masago Rice Pearl Crispies, Rice Wine Vinaigrette Main Course Texas Wagyu Beef, Orange-Ginger Fondue, Sauteed Kale, Roasted Kabocha Squash Dessert Chocolate Malt Devils Food Layers With Pear and Almond Brittle An American wine will be paired with each course. . .


golden ticket member
Oh My: Obama Admin Announces It’s Dropping Major Component Of Obamacare…
Friday news dump.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration says it is unable to go forward with a major program in the president’s signature health care overhaul law — a new long-term care insurance plan.

Officials said Friday the long-term care program has critical design flaws that can’t be fixed to make it financially self-sustaining.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told Congress in a letter that she does not see a viable path forward at this time. By law, implementation of the program was contingent on Sebelius certifying it financially sound.

The program was supposed to be a voluntary insurance plan for working adults regardless of age or health. Workers would pay an affordable monthly premium during their careers, and could collect a modest daily cash benefit if they became disabled later in life.

The problem all along has been how to ensure enough healthy people would sign up.

A longstanding priority of the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program, or CLASS, was spliced into the health care law despite nagging budget worries


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The most transparent administration in the history of mankind has appealed a judge’s decision that the White House visitor logs are subject to disclosure under FOIA

As transparent as toilet water. Just as stinky too.
(POLITICO) — The Obama administration is appealing a judge’s ruling that Secret Service records of visitors to the White House complex are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Justice Department filed a formal notice of appeal Friday afternoon regarding U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell’s August ruling rejecting arguments that the so-called WAVES records belong to the White House even though they are maintained and used by the Secret Service.

The decision to appeal the ruling to the D.C. Circuit would appear to be in tension with Obama’s repeated pledges to operate the most transparent administration in history. The White House announced in Sept. 2009 that it was voluntarily releasing the names of most White House visitors from Sept. 15 forward. However, the conservative group Judicial Watch sought information on visits before that date.

The position taken by the Obama Justice Department, namely that White House visitor records are presidential records and not agency records, is essentially the same one that the department took under President George W. Bush.

Howell did not rule that every White House visit had to be disclosed. However, she concluded that all the data had to be made public unless the government asserted a specific exemption from FOIA, such as provisions protecting national security and privacy.
There was no immediate comment on the appeal from the White House or the Justice Department.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Sorry but the Justice Dept is too busy shipping more weapons to Mexico and the WH is preparing for round #84 of golf to respond to any court orders.
Try calling back after the 2016 elections.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

So what does the Messiah have to hide???? Who is on the list that he does not want anyone to see??? Hmmmmmm...


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Too Funny: White House Insists Obama’s Bus Tour Isn’t Political…
Stop insulting our intelligence.
(USA Today) — President Obama will kick off a three-day bus trip through small towns in politically competitive North Carolina and Virginia Monday, but White House officials insist the trip is about jobs, not votes.

So much so, in fact, that they convened a conference call Sunday to reiterate that point several times, pointing out that the trip is fully on the taxpayers’ dime, not the president’s re-election campaign’s.
‘The message to the American people and to Congress will be clear,” said principal deputy spokesman Josh Earnest. “Pass the bill this week to protect the job of a North Carolina teacher, or come down here, look her in the eye. . . .”

Well, you get the idea. Obama’s message for the next three days will be to challenge Congress — particularly Republicans — to support key elements of his jobs plan or explain why they won’t.

The trip coincides with a new legislative strategy for Obama and congressional Democrats. Now that Senate Republicans have blocked the full $447 billlion plan from being considered, Democrats are breaking it apart.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The president's little bus tour.......that we are paying political!! In his talk he said he was breaking up his jobs bill into bite size bits because Republicans were too stupid to take it all in. Barack must be kin to TOS!

Yeah, that's how you get along with others....just call them names when they are trying to do their job (rein in your wild spending)....yeah, that's compromising.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=2]Black Leaders Demand Black Voters Show “Racial Loyalty” To Obama…[/h]

Herman Cain could not have been more right when he said black voters have been “brainwashed” into voting Democrat.

(WaPo) — For several months, radio host Tom Joyner has pleaded with his 8 million listeners to get in line behind the first black president.
“Stick together,
black people,” says Joyner, whose R&B morning show reaches one in four African American adults.
The Rev. Al Sharpton, an ally of President Obama who has a daily radio show and hosts a nightly cable television program, recently told the president’s black critics, “I’m not telling you to shut up. I’m telling you: Don’t make some of us have to speak up.”

Even as Obama and his campaign play down the suggestion that support among African Americans is flagging, a cadre of powerful allies is snapping back at critics in the black community and making explicit appeals for racial loyalty.

“Let’s not even deal with the facts right now. Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride — and loyalty,” Joyner wrote on his blog. “We have the chance to re-elect the first African-American president, and that’s what we ought to be doing. And I’m not afraid or ashamed to say that as black people, we should do it because he’s a black man.”

That message is pointed at racial unity much more than it was in 2008, when just the prospect of electing the nation’s first black president brought out record numbers of African American voters. This time, high-profile Obama supporters are tailoring their appeal in hopes of reigniting enthusiasm among blacks, a critical part of the president’s base that has been disproportionately hurt by the lagging economy and high unemployment rates.

Recent Washington Post-ABC News polls have shown a drop in the number of blacks who have “strongly favorable” views of Obama and those who think his policies are improving the economy. This has coincided with vocal criticism of the president among some members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other African American leaders.