President Obama!


golden ticket member
Still misleading. How much of that is mandated spending for the wars, Medicaid part D, tax cuts, etc.? How much is new spending brought on by Obama?
I think everything specified, like you want it, requires a budget....................ah,er, um, 3years and waiting!!

If it's "misleading". it's because you're being misled !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Today.....durable goods down 4.2%. Biggest drop in 3 years. It shows that the economy is heading in the wrong direction. And at the beginning of this week, the housing had a bad report too.

I don't know how the kool-aid drinkers think things are getting better!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Today.....durable goods down 4.2%. Biggest drop in 3 years. It shows that the economy is heading in the wrong direction. And at the beginning of this week, the housing had a bad report too.

I don't know how the kool-aid drinkers think things are getting better!!

Again with the talking points. Do you understand what durable goods are? and Why they decreased last month?

Europe and China's demand for US exports is falling because "their" economies are slowing.

""Slowdowns in Europe and China may limit exports, while business investment cools after the strongest 10-quarter performance in a decade, leading to a slowdown in manufacturing. Improving sales in the U.S., led by pent-up demand for automobiles, are supporting companies from 3M Co. (MMM) to Texas Instruments Inc.""

OBAMA has had the BEST 10 quarters of growth in the last DECADE, and things slowed for a month. To you its the end of the world, but to reality, its business.

Orders for U.S. Goods Decrease by the Most in Three Years - Bloomberg

Why not read this article that SPELLS out where it slowed, and where it INCREASED last month. Transportation equiptment worldwide leads the indicators downward ""Demand for transportation equipment dropped 12.5 percent, the most since November 2010, led by a 48 percent plunge in civilian aircraft bookings. Boeing Co., the largest U.S. aircraft maker, said it received orders for 53 planes last month, down from 237 in February.""

You seem to think the durable goods is our economy, like retail sales, but it ISNT.

Auto sales and auto production is UP and other manufacturing sectors are still going strong. Catapillar heavy industries is still improving and profits are higher than ever before as countries look to replace its old equiptment.

Dont confuse durable goods with our economy, what your seeing in these numbers is a reflection of the trouble in europe. Greece and Spains troubles weighed on our durable goods orders in the first quarter, but now that those issues have stabilized, durable goods orders will increase in the second quarter and third and fourth. China is rapidly slowing and the demand for our products there is slowing as well.

This is simple business, the economy will still grow despite a decline in one month.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
But your gonna dismiss the 11 trillion before obama?

Thats the little secret they like to keep. Lets forget BUSH put us here and left 11 trillion dollars in debt and a destroyed country. Lets focus on OBAMA and the 5.5 trillion he spent getting us out of the ginormous hole BUSH put us in.

They also want to take the total debt (15.7 trillion) and act like OBAMA spent it all by himself! They dont want to mention BUSH, think about BUSH, REMEMBER about BUSH and they definitely dont want to allow anything about BUSH enter the 2012 race.

AS if the 11 trillion BUSH left this country doesnt exist.




golden ticket member
Thats the little secret they like to keep. Lets forget BUSH put us here and left 11 trillion dollars in debt and a destroyed country. Lets focus on OBAMA and the 5.5 trillion he spent getting us out of the ginormous hole BUSH put us in.

They also want to take the total debt (15.7 trillion) and act like OBAMA spent it all by himself! They dont want to mention BUSH, think about BUSH, REMEMBER about BUSH and they definitely dont want to allow anything about BUSH enter the 2012 race.

AS if the 11 trillion BUSH left this country doesnt exist.


Every pres. makes bills. It's just that Obama's add up to all the others combined!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Again with the talking points. Do you understand what durable goods are? and Why they decreased last month?

Europe and China's demand for US exports is falling because "their" economies are slowing.

""Slowdowns in Europe and China may limit exports, while business investment cools after the strongest 10-quarter performance in a decade, leading to a slowdown in manufacturing. Improving sales in the U.S., led by pent-up demand for automobiles, are supporting companies from 3M Co. (MMM) to Texas Instruments Inc.""

OBAMA has had the BEST 10 quarters of growth in the last DECADE, and things slowed for a month. To you its the end of the world, but to reality, its business.

Orders for U.S. Goods Decrease by the Most in Three Years - Bloomberg

Why not read this article that SPELLS out where it slowed, and where it INCREASED last month. Transportation equiptment worldwide leads the indicators downward ""Demand for transportation equipment dropped 12.5 percent, the most since November 2010, led by a 48 percent plunge in civilian aircraft bookings. Boeing Co., the largest U.S. aircraft maker, said it received orders for 53 planes last month, down from 237 in February.""

You seem to think the durable goods is our economy, like retail sales, but it ISNT.

Auto sales and auto production is UP and other manufacturing sectors are still going strong. Catapillar heavy industries is still improving and profits are higher than ever before as countries look to replace its old equiptment.

Dont confuse durable goods with our economy, what your seeing in these numbers is a reflection of the trouble in europe. Greece and Spains troubles weighed on our durable goods orders in the first quarter, but now that those issues have stabilized, durable goods orders will increase in the second quarter and third and fourth. China is rapidly slowing and the demand for our products there is slowing as well.

This is simple business, the economy will still grow despite a decline in one month.


I do know what durable goods are. I pay attention to all the market indicators. You ignore the signs of anything that doesn't make it rainbows for Obama.

That's just being delusional. I watch all the indicators and make my own opinion. I don't just blindly repeat the Debbie dogma verbatum.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

".......Dont confuse durable goods with our economy......." (TOS)

The economy hinges on it all. If people aren't buying the durable goods, ask why. Did they lose their job? Did they not get a raise? It's all a big jig saw puzzle that has to fit together properly to work.

When it comes to durable goods, I probably use them more than you......let's see, my dryer is on right now and my dishwasher is running too. Oh yeah, I'm too stupid to know what durable goods are. You're the only one with a brain on this site.....according to you!

"Several months of increases in durable goods orders are a sign of a strong economy, and vice versa."

Here, read all about our blooming economy !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Every pres. makes bills. It's just that Obama's add up to all the others combined!!

Umm, Presidents dont make bills, thats the job of the congress and senate. That aside, you still fall for the same play on words from the right wing. Lets examine your "truth".

GW BUSH left office in January 2009 with a deficit of 10.7 trillion dollars. Lets round it to 11 trillion for easy math. Obama has spent 5.7 trillion so far, but lets round that to 6 trilion.

11 trillion Bush
-6 trillion Obama
5 trillion more spent than OBAMA. So if 11 trillion is higher than 6 trillion, how can OBAMA have spent more than all the presidents before him combined?

Obviously, that makes ZERO sense, but it works for the those who want to repeat such a thing. The reality of the debt, is that the "new" total of debt exceeds all previous presidents combined, but that includes the 11 trillion dollars BUSH contributed to it.

Reagan alone left 3.7 trillion dollars in unpaid national debt in 8 years after spending 3 dollars for every 1 dollars he took in. This fact alone disproves your statement."It's just that Obama's add up to all the others combined"

Its this kind of political misinformation is the reason arguments are started. Indeed, 16 trillion dollars is more than all the previous presidents combined, but lets keep it real and say it like that.

To exaggerate the debt claims doesnt contribute any truth to a discussion.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Well, the Dems started this dog :censored2: with the Romney dog story. that was 29 yrs. came back 10 fold to bite 'em.

If they start on the Mormon thing, you'll be seeing lots of Rev.. Wright again.....

LAME is the guy in office now!


golden ticket member
Not Obamacare...

I wonder if the program covers stupidity.
(Des Moines Register) — A Des Moines woman who publicly thanked President Barack Obama on Tuesday for helping her obtain health insurance actually is receiving her coverage through a long-standing state program.
CeCe Ibson was asked to share her story as an introduction to a Michelle Obama speech Tuesday in Windsor Heights.

She talked about losing her health insurance when she lost her job as a lawyer two years ago. She bought private coverage for her two children, she said, but could not find it for herself.
“No one would insure me because of my pre-existing conditions. No one. Until President Obama stood up for me and millions of Americans like me across Iowa and across the country,” she said.
In fact, Ibson’s current coverage is provided by HIP Iowa, a state program for people whose health problems make them ineligible for most commercial insurance. HIP Iowa was created in 1987, during Republican Terry Branstad’s first stint as governor. Most of the program’s subsidies come from fees paid by commercial insurers.
Ibson did not qualify for a similar program created last year under the president’s health reform law. That program, HIP Iowa-Fed, offers significantly cheaper premiums than HIP Iowa, but it is open only to people who have gone without insurance for at least six months. Critics say that rule has tamped down enrollment in the new federally financed program, which has signed up about 300 Iowa members.

Ibson said Wednesday that she didn’t mean to imply that her current coverage was provided by the new federal health reform program.