President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

To be honest.
For Canada, it would have been the best thing ever to happen, if Detroit was shut down.
Chrysler and GM Canada didn't go into bankruptcy here.
They would have just moved production north.

Too bad, in a way, it didn't happen.
We could have used those extra 50 000 + jobs.

Really not sure what you are talking about. Both GM and Chrysler filed bankruptcy and neither are shut down.


Re: Obamanation here today

Don't you think tthhat's a little bit harsh? what has he done to you to deserve that kind of criticism?

Your argument being that I should not say anything if the guy is not stealing from me?

You may be right. I'm not sure what proper terminology is for someone engaged in blatant unemployment fraud. Let me know what words I should use or whether I should run a poll.


Re: Obamanation here today

2 million jobs from stimulus - White House

By Tami Luhby, senior writerJanuary 13, 2010: 12:28 PM ET

NEW YORK ( -- The economic stimulus program has boosted employment by 1.5 million to 2 million jobs, the president's chief economic adviser said Wednesday.
The Obama administration estimate includes both jobs directly funded by stimulus money, as well as those created indirectly by companies buying supplies for stimulus projects, people spending their stimulus tax cuts and the like.

The report, by the Council of Economic Advisers, is likely to spark sharp reactions from the Obama administration's critics who argue that the $787 billion package has failed to deliver on its promises.
To be sure, the economy has continued to lose jobs despite stimulus - shedding 85,000 in December. The administration, however, maintains that things would have been much worse without the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
The stimulus act also added between 1.5 and 3 percentage points to the nation's gross domestic product in the last three months of 2009, the council said in its second quarterly stimulus report to Congress.
This is a slower pace than in the third quarter, for which the council estimates stimulus added between 3 and 4 percentage points. The economy grew at a 2.2% rate in the third quarter, according to the Commerce Department. The official fourth-quarter GDP report is set to be released later this month.
"Fiscal stimulus has the biggest impact on growth rates when it's first ramping up," said Christina Romer, chairwoman of the council.
The economy likely grew at a 3% rate in the fourth quarter, according to a National Association of Business Economists forecast. The stimulus program, however, should continue to keep the level of the economy elevated throughout the year as the federal government continues to release the funds, Romer said.
Some one-third of stimulus funds, or $263.3 billion, has been paid to states, contractors and other recipients or has been distributed in tax breaks. Taking into account the amount approved for distribution but not yet handed out to recipients, the percentage rises to one-half.

If true then batten down the hatches. Soon the economic stimulus money will run out and those two million jobs will then be lost. This again I think shows that the administration is running a smoke and mirrors act while hoping things turn around.

The "things would have been much worse if not for what I did" argument is one that is devoid of any accountability. No matter how bad things are I can always use that line and tell people I'm doing a great job. The good news is we only have a couple years left until some real change starts taking place.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

it has been a shell game this stimulus package; the states used most of the funds to boost up their own falling balance sheets. Now that $$ is gone and revenues are still way down, with no real relief coming. Also oil prices are going up, that's going to increase the hurt.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

If true then batten down the hatches. Soon the economic stimulus money will run out and those two million jobs will then be lost. This again I think shows that the administration is running a smoke and mirrors act while hoping things turn around.

The "things would have been much worse if not for what I did" argument is one that is devoid of any accountability. No matter how bad things are I can always use that line and tell people I'm doing a great job. The good news is we only have a couple years left until some real change starts taking place.

So your just like every other Republican and you would have let the cards fall where they fall. Just let the banks stop lending, let GM and Chrysler go under along with the millions of suppliers and let AIG go down and take with it who knows how many companies? This mess all due to corporate greed in the first place.
Your saying that the stimulus package was a waste of money? Your just like Palin and Rush. You always have a quick fix that is so simple even you could come up with it.
I hate to tell you but it is working and the world economy is coming out of the Bush recession. The only reason China is so much farther ahead in the recovery is because they didn't have any Republicans to stop there stimulus package.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Originally Posted by unionman
"2 million jobs from stimulus - White House"

But, during the same time frame America lost 4 million jobs !!! Numbers can be fudged and Odrama's people are good at it!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Originally Posted by unionman
"2 million jobs from stimulus - White House"

But, during the same time frame America lost 4 million jobs !!! Numbers can be fudged and Odrama's people are good at it!
Obviously, but every economist agrees that we are coming out of the recession and unless the forclosure mess doesn't swallow us back up we should see job growth by years end.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

So your just like every other Republican and you would have let the cards fall where they fall. Just let the banks stop lending, let GM and Chrysler go under along with the millions of suppliers and let AIG go down and take with it who knows how many companies? This mess all due to corporate greed in the first place.
Your saying that the stimulus package was a waste of money?

Yes, a waste of a lot of money. The fact that they are talking abut a jobs stimulus tells me that the stimulus really wasn't about jobs in the first place.

Your just like Palin and Rush. You always have a quick fix that is so simple even you could come up with it.
I hate to tell you but it is working and the world economy is coming out of the Bush recession. The only reason China is so much farther ahead in the recovery is

China stimulus worked because they put their money in much better places. China did it right. Didn't your economists tell you that?

because they didn't have any Republicans to stop there stimulus package.

Wow, look at this, higher taxes on lower income earners.

Tax rates will rise. Beginning in 2011, tax rates that were in effect before the 2001 Bush tax cuts will return. The top income tax rate will go up to 39.6 percent from the current 35 percent, and the bottom 10 percent bracket is eliminated, so even the lowest levels of taxable income will be taxed at 15 percent.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obviously, but every economist agrees that we are coming out of the recession and unless the forclosure mess doesn't swallow us back up we should see job growth by years end.

What economists are you talking to? I only hear and see things get less bad, not better. There is a difference.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Jobless Claims, Retail Sales Show Economy Still Weak

Published: Thursday, 14 Jan 2010 | 8:37 AM ET

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By: with wires

The number of newly laid-off workers requesting unemployment benefits rose last week as jobs remain scarce amid a sluggish economic recovery, while holiday retail sales were weaker than expected as well.

The Labor Department said new claims for unemployment insurance rose by 11,000 to a seasonally adjusted 444,000. Wall Street economists polled by Thomson Reuters expected an increase of only 3,000.
A Labor Department analyst said the rise was partly a result of large seasonal layoffs in the retail, manufacturing and construction industries. The second week of January usually sees the largest increase in claims, unadjusted for seasonal trends, during the year.
The number of people continuing to claim benefits dropped sharply to 4.6 million from 4.8 million the previous week.
Stock futures shaved a few points from earlier gains but still indicated a flat to slightly positive opening for Wall Street.

Things are great for wall street. Not so much on main street.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Duh. Thats called improving.

Improving? I thought you said BETTER.

If we had 100 people unemployed last week. And this week we have 103 unemployed. That better because two weeks ago we had 95 unemployed? That is not better, it is only less bad.

Come on, admit it, jobs haven't been a priority yet.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Improving? I thought you said BETTER.

If we had 100 people unemployed last week. And this week we have 103 unemployed. That better because two weeks ago we had 95 unemployed? That is not better, it is only less bad.

Come on, admit it, jobs haven't been a priority yet.
You see it the way you want to see it and I will see it the way it really is.


Re: Obamanation here today

So your just like every other Republican and you would have let the cards fall where they fall. Just let the banks stop lending, let GM and Chrysler go under along with the millions of suppliers and let AIG go down and take with it who knows how many companies? .

To me this issue is beyond typical republican or conservative rhetoric.

The process of loaning money to help the banks and automakers was fine and is being paid back. I even agree with some government regulation of those industries until the money was paid back. Those companies are motivated to pay back the loans to get government out of their shop.
The process of spending "stimulus" money with the hopes of igniting economic activity was and is flawed. The excuse that the economy would have been worse if the money was not spent is flawed. I believe we need to adopt a policy where we shy away from constantly trying to manipulate the economy. Thats concept is what caused the housing crunch and got us into this mess in the first place.

You won't get the results you need if you continue buying into the bs line that things would have been much worse if they had not jacked up the deficit pissing away three trillon dollars.

The people voted for change from Bushs spending. The change they got was someone who makes Bush look like a tightwad.



Re: Obamanation here today

Obviously, but every economist agrees that we are coming out of the recession and unless the forclosure mess doesn't swallow us back up we should see job growth by years end.

You don't watch the same financial shows I watch. I see many economists and financial experts on various shows that do not believe we are out of the woods.

The article you posted tells us that unemployment is being temporarily propped up by stimulus money. it does not take much intellect to read that article and realize that there is trouble ahead if those temporary stimulus jobs do not turn into permanent jobs.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

your party has to get its rhetoric right.

"things could have been a lot worse" is not an economy getting better.
-- Holiday season sales showed a surprise year-over-year increase, rising 1.1%, according to retailers' trade group.
We could do this all day but in the end it doesnt matter. My state is creating jobs with road projects and people are no longer in doomsday mode. Considering where we came from just 12 months ago Id say its like we are coming out of the Bush disaster.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

To me this issue is beyond typical republican or conservative rhetoric.

The process of loaning money to help the banks and automakers was fine and is being paid back. I even agree with some government regulation of those industries until the money was paid back. Those companies are motivated to pay back the loans to get government out of their shop.
The process of spending "stimulus" money with the hopes of igniting economic activity was and is flawed. The excuse that the economy would have been worse if the money was not spent is flawed. I believe we need to adopt a policy where we shy away from constantly trying to manipulate the economy. Thats concept is what caused the housing crunch and got us into this mess in the first place.

You won't get the results you need if you continue buying into the bs line that things would have been much worse if they had not jacked up the deficit pissing away three trillon dollars.

The people voted for change from Bushs spending. The change they got was someone who makes Bush look like a tightwad.
Your wrong. Just look at China.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

You don't watch the same financial shows I watch. I see many economists and financial experts on various shows that do not believe we are out of the woods.

The article you posted tells us that unemployment is being temporarily propped up by stimulus money. it does not take much intellect to read that article and realize that there is trouble ahead if those temporary stimulus jobs do not turn into permanent jobs.
No kidding we are not out of the woods. Who ever said that? The main point is that this economy is coming back and it is doing it at a pace nobody ever expected considering how bad things were.